How can I solve "Status: Cancelled" in Native Access with products I've bought individually?

daniel_zbn95 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

In June 2023, I subscribed to Komplete NOW. A month later, I cancelled it, and I bought Komplete 14 Standard as well as a bunch of individual products (like "Duets" and "Alicia's Keys"). Everything was working fine.

Two days ago (about 8 months after Komplete NOW's cancellation and the purchase of those individual plugins), all of a sudden, while I'm finalizing a mix, I stop hearing the "Duets" instrument. I go into the plugin and it is asking me to Activate it (see attached image).

I go into Native Access, and I see that the Status of "Duets", "Alicia's Keys", and a bunch of other items are "Cancelled", and no matter what I do, I can't get them to activate again. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling them, updated Native Access, added their serial numbers again... Nothing is working.

The weirdest part is that it's not affecting all the products that are included in Komplete NOW (that I now own either individually or as part of Komplete 14 Standard); it's just random. (See screenshots).

The products that have a "Cancelled" status are: Alicia's Keys, Battery Now Library, Duets, Feel It, Guitar Rig 7 LE, Homage, Now, Replika, and Rudiments.

Everything else I own in common with Komplete NOW is not Cancelled.

Any help would be immensely appreciated. I tried contacting their support and they replied with "Duets is not included in Komplete 14 Standard", even though I clearly said that I purchased Duets on its own...



Best Answer

  • Hayo_NI
    Hayo_NI Product Team Posts: 316 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey all,

    I believe our recent 3.10.3 update should address this issue. If you're still experiencing issues in that version, please reply to this post and I'll carry it over to the team. We're monitoring this issue closely.

    Apologies for the inconvenience!

    Kind regards,




  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,329 mod


    if you go online into your account, there is a "my products" page, do you see those products there as activated. And you could maybe try to delete the XML files of those instruments/libraries/FX like here:

  • daniel_zbn95
    daniel_zbn95 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Hello Uwe303,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Unfortunately, none of it worked... Neither deleting the Native Instruments folder nor the XML files.

    I do have those serials in "My Products and Serials" page online. I see their names and serials under a list titled "Registered Products".

    The problem is not that they are showing as demos, but that the cancelled Kontakt NOW subscription is "overpowering" my purchased licenses in Native Access, which results in having a "Cancelled" status on Native Access.

    I'm going to also retry contacting their support. It has been 48 hours since I replied to their "Duets is not part of Kontakt 14 Standard", and still nothing.

    Thanks again

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited March 2024

    Lately then more users appear to have been struck with missing products issues after cancelling the Komplete Now , e.g. products that were given by N.I. to user to keep while having the subscription. So far the only fix appear to have to contact customer support, though I have not received sufficient feedback yet to be able to say for sure !

  • Diego Arango
    Diego Arango Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have the same problem and it generates a conflict and support does not answer. I have been with this problem for a long time, more than 15 days and they do not respond. I did everything and it does not work. It is because I have the old subscription inactive. It is logical that the support service and platform are bad.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited March 2024

    @Jeremy_NI , Sounds as another one that needs your attention : quote Diego Arango : "more than 15 days and they do not respond"

    @Diego Arango , when/if support does not respond within a week then politely update your ticket !

  • daniel_zbn95
    daniel_zbn95 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I just contacted support again with an angrier (but still polite 😅) ticket, telling them to look at the first ticket that they're not responding to, and explaining my problem to them for the 3rd time... If I reach something like 15 days with no solution I'm definitely looking for alternatives to Native Instruments from now on. We buy thousands of dollars worth of products from them and they can't properly respond to fix a bug happening on their end...

    I'm curious @Diego Arango , have you by any chance tried reactivating and deactivating the subscription to see if it works? I haven't reached the point of throwing $12 CAD to try to solve it yet, but I think I'll reach that point if they don't respond for a week or two. 😒

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod
    edited March 2024

    Nobody is suggesting that 15 days response time is reasonable , but fact is that mishaps happens and tickets can be buried. Also another thing that often have happened in case like this is that the ticket never got made in the first place for whatever reason and people didn't actually get a ticket confirmation when trying to open the ticket. But opening a second ticket if having already received confirmation on the first one is not the way to go and only serves to cause confusion and maybe further delays since if tickets are served in the order made/received then that might still just put the additional tickets at the back of the queue. The 'right' way going about doing things is by updating the existing ticket !

  • Hikaru
    Hikaru Member Posts: 3 Member

    I have the same problem. In my case, Native Access 1 is a work around.


  • songwriterinc
    songwriterinc Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hi, I have the same issue. Support got back to me within 24hrs with a canned response. I'm sure they are valid solutions: 1- delete Macintosh HD > Users > Shared > Native Instruments folder. If that doesn't work, go to Mac HD > Library > Application Support > Native Instruments > Service Center and delete the xml file(s) for any one that shows as cancelled.

    Neither had any impact.

    Maybe it's just coincidence, but Duets was one of the ones that randomly cancelled on me, months after I bought it. As was Guitar Rig 7. Feels like there is a bug with anything bought separate from Kontact. I did try Komplete Now a long time ago, but did not purchase or use either of those until after getting Kontact.

    Also the timing seems weird. Things have been fine for me for months and suddenly I have an issue and someone else as the same thing, same products, same time.

    The frustrating thing for me is that I got a canned response right away, followed immediately with a notice that my case was marked resolved and closed. It wasn't. I wrote back right away, added to the ticket via the online portal, sent another message when Guitar Rig went down. Now 3 days later nothing. A tad frustrating when I have projects hanging.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,329 mod

    You all have followed the steps from native help center and nothing has helped so we really need help from some native guys here. If the canceled subscription overrides the buy then it really could be an issue on natives servers but that's just a guess of course. You maybe could try to downgrade to native access 1 in the meantime, it could work if my guess is wrong.

  • Hikaru
    Hikaru Member Posts: 3 Member

    I tried the latest native access 3.9.1, but that did not solve the problem.

    So I downgraded again to 1.14.1 and got around it.

  • daniel_zbn95
    daniel_zbn95 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Yeah, I understand what you mean, @PoorFellow . I got impatient especially after not getting a response for more than 48 hours (now 74 hours...)

    But I would expect better than for them to misunderstand my clear message and just throw me a "Duets is not included with Komplete 14 Standard" (as if the issue in my situation is that I can't read😂) and then disappear for 3 days... What sucks that it's not me who isn't knowing how to solve something; it seems a bug on their side (judging by the replies in this thread).

    I'm going to give it until Monday before I look into downgrading to Native Access 1 (which seems to have worked for @Hikaru ) Hopefully they answer by then.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    People's frustration here is very easy to understand but alas then to me it appears as it is one of those situations where only N.I. support can help undo the mess that has been created.

    However since "N.A. 2" (the 2 is just part of a name, version is now 3.9.1) is a prerequisite for correct functionality then installing N.A. 1 ought not be an option unless if people are using a legacy OS or are trying to install something legacy that can not be activated using "N.A. 2"

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Thanks for flagging this everyone and I want to echo what @PoorFellow shared. This should not happen with NA2 and I can totally understand the frustration. I passed this on to our team urgently and it seems the information was already picked up from your support tickets.

    For anyone else facing the same problem, please reach out to our support team so they can keep you updated as promptly as possible :

  • songwriterinc
    songwriterinc Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hey All, just want to follow up that I sent another message to Support yesterday and they got back to me very quickly AND they resolved the issue with nothing on my end. I don't know what the fix was exactly but of the ones that showed "Cancelled" are working fine now. Also got an apology for the delay. It was frustrating when nothing worked and I heard noting from NI, but they resolved it quickly and obviously it was something at their end anyway. And now I can stop ****** and get back to creating. :)

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