Maschine Mk3 midi mode in Pro Tools - HELP Please!

JoeMama Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello, Community,

I am desperately hoping someone out there can help me. I am trying to record midi into pro tools. I have watched every video possible. I am setting it up properly as far as I can tell, per multiple videos. I go to group and switch input to manual, source is host. I’ve tried C1 and C3 as a start note. The problem is when I go to midi mode, I get nothing on the pads? No sound and no midi.

I’m on Mac OS Ventura and the latest version of pro tools and maschine.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

PS I also have a Komplete kontrol connected



  • Maxray
    Maxray Member Posts: 124 Advisor
    edited March 2024

    Open up Controller Editor, Then click on the Template you have for ProTools, if you don't have one add a new Template from the drop down called "Edit", and select "New". You can rename it to "ProTools" by double clicking on it. Click the tab at the top that says Pages, then click the 2 "power" icon buttons so that knob pages and pad pages are on.

    Now the eight pads A-H on the left will be your page buttons and the 16 pads on the right will be your keys. I do mine like this A = C0 - D#1, B = C1 - D#2, C = C2 - D#3, D = C3 - D#4, etc.... You can do these however you want!

    The way to do it, is click the tab at the top now that says "Assign", this will allow you to assign each button to perform a certain function. In your case, you want them to be used as notes. So make sure, in the middle box, you're on the "Hits" tab and that the Type: says "Note". Now press the A through H buttons, you will see that the pages will change in the Assign tab as you hit them. So, one by one, Click A on the left bank pads, Then click Pad 1 on the right Note pads. Under Type:, you will see 4 selections: Channel, Note, Mode, Velocity. Make sure they're all on Channel "1", Note will be the "C0", Mode will be "Gate", and Velocity will always be "0" in the first box and "127" in the second. Make sure you type the notes (C0) in that Note box, not the one above that says "Pad#", If you type the notes in the "Note" box, it will automatically change the name in the "Pad#" box. Next, hit pad 2, Do everything the same, but now in the "Note" box, put C#0, Hit Pad 3 and again in the "Note" box D0.... Go all the way up each octave for the 16 pads, going up one octave per each page till your done. You can then click on the "Page" tab again and rename each page, A through H, to "C0-D#1", "C1-D#2", C2-D#3, etc.

    "As you become familiar with programming your pages and assignments for each Template that you build, you'll see that you can put them on any midi channel you choose and have them perform a bunch of different operations. You can even change the colors of the pads how you desire in the bottom box of the "Assign" tab. For right now though, let's focus on getting your Hardware working on ProTools."

    Now make sure your Maschine is active in the Midi Controller Settings in ProTools, and that your Maschine has this template loaded. Also, make sure that whatever channel you're on in the DAW has "All Midi Inputs" selected as it's input selection.

    Load an synth instrument onto a channel, hit the left pad D on the Page Bank buttons and hit pad 1 on the 16 pad/notes on the right, you should hear middle C, or C3, play on that synth. If you do, you know it's working?! So add a drum sampler, with a kit preset, onto another channel, Hit left pad A on the Page Bank pads, then hit Pad "1" on the 16 Pads on the right. This should be playing your Kick Drum, or C0, pad "3" should trigger your Snare, or D0.

    Different DAWs have different Drum Maps, or Drum samplers have different starting notes for their kit presets. Most, start the kick drum at C0, but some may start at C1, or C3, be aware of that! So, if you load up a new instrument, use the page banks on the left to figure out if your not in range of the notes.

    Try it! If you're still having issues, it may be that you're not connecting to your DAW correctly?!

  • JoeMama
    JoeMama Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hey Maxray,

    thank you for the quick, detailed reply. My editor seems to be set up like that already. Except the “type” dropdown has 12 different options and is missing some that you mentioned. I’ll include a pic. Everything seems to work right until I go into midi mode. Then no sound? I have sound and levels before I switch to that mode?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,688 mod

    @JoeMama First of all make sure to load a default template in Controller Editor. The easiest way to set it to default is to choose Edit -> New:

    Then in Pro Tools, go in Setup -> MIDI -> MIDI input Devices

    Make sure that both Maschine MK3 and Maschine MK3 virtual input is selected:

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