Problem with absolute Razor.rkplr path reference in some .nrkt presets

Krematorio7 Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

Hi! I have a problem opening some 3rd party razor presets (.nrkt)

I get following error message:

"Error while reading file C:\Users\Public\Documents\Razor\Razor.rkplr:

Cannot open file C:\Users\Public\Documents\Razor\Razor.rkplr for reading."

"Locate ensemble" does not help; it will open Razor, but with the default present in it, not the preset which failed to open. 

When I look this failing .nrkt with HEX editor, I see absolute path like follows within the file: "file://localhost/C:/Users/Public/Documents/Razor/Razor.rkplr".

As a workaround, if I edit the file with HEX editor and modify the path to where I have Razor, then preset opens normally with Razor.

(I have Razor in "F:\Native Instruments\Razor\Razor.rkplr")

When I look a correctly functioning .nrkt files with HEX editor, I see path set as "ContentDir file://razor.rkplr".

This seems to look the entry from registry and open the Razor from where it has been installed.

But editing this to the path is not enough to launch the correct behavior, something else is also different in the .nrkt file at same time.

So, here are the questions:

- is there a way to tell Reaktor to skip absolute paths in presets / tell it to look the installation paths from registry?

- if I open preset with absolute path reference, is there a way to tell Reaktor to save it in the registry/ContentDir way instead?

- is there a way to edit the preset files (.nrkt) so that they use this registry/ContentDir method instead? (hints to what I would need to change in HEX editor)


Best Answer

  • arachnaut
    arachnaut Member Posts: 81 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    You could make a symbolic link pointing C:/Users/Public/Documents/Razor to F:\Native Instruments\Razor. That is how I usually fix problems like this.


  • arachnaut
    arachnaut Member Posts: 81 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    You could make a symbolic link pointing C:/Users/Public/Documents/Razor to F:\Native Instruments\Razor. That is how I usually fix problems like this.

  • Krematorio7
    Krematorio7 Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thanks! This works: start cmd as administrator

    mklink /D "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Razor" "F:\Native Instruments\Razor"

    symbolic link created for C:\Users\Public\Documents\Razor <<===>> F:\Native Instruments\Razor

    Then presets load without error.

    Note: direct symlink to Razor.rkplr does not work. i.e. for those interested: do NOT do this: mklink "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Razor\Razor.rkplr" "F:\Native Instruments\Razor\Razor.rkplr"

    Also note that mklink / symbolink link is not the same thing as a shortcut. So making shortcut towards the Razor directory does not help.

    But. This though leaves me the original questions with Reaktor and can it handle/modify the full paths in presets...

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited April 2022

    If you drive the full version of Reaktor save your presets as snapshots. There is no path in and will save with the ensemble. It don't works with Reaktor Player. Therefor NI creates presets with full path savings.

This discussion has been closed.
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