Error occurred while processing your serial

Brrrruno Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello to the community,

This morning I received the "Maschine Mk3" I’ve ordered and when I try to add serial via Native Access it fails telling me "an error occurred while processing your serial" with only a link to refer at all checking you automatically do before looking for help

I created a ticket, I suppose in the right way, but I worry about the kind of customer’s service because this is my 1st experience as NI’s customer and I notice that there is no possibility to have somebody by telephone as soon as the problem occurred

I worry about how much time it will be left to me to retract from the moment I will receive a first answer if it’s not satisfaying

So, can somedody please tell me what is the best way to proceed to to have my problem known and treated by customer’s service or first, if this way to do from Native Instruments, only with help pages and tickets, is not a problem about the quality of their services?

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓

    There seems to be an issue at the moment, if you encounter this error message, please get in touch with our support here:

    @Brrrruno My colleagues should get back to you soon.

    @HAHN My colleagues got back to you earlier today.

    And please, the forum is in English, merci beaucoup ;)


  • HAHN
    HAHN Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    J ai exactement le même problème et la les boules le système chat ticket est vraiment Boring

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,880 Expert

    Man, this is sad to hear. It seems like a lot of people have that problem right now.

    And support queue seems also long :/

    No way around but to wait.

  • Brrrruno
    Brrrruno Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    @lord-carlos Right, this is what I noticed too reading some topics before asking my question

    I was far to imagin how many there are and how many different things can go wrong, for hardwares or softwares, now I even ask myself about the probability of another problem later

    I don’t understand why there is no real customer’s service when lot of them needs a real assistance, how it is it seems they don’t care about them

    24h hours after ticket creation and still get no response from customer’s service, now it’s the week end…

    If you say they are serious and we just have to wait because they are full of requests so, I will wait, I don’t know yet how many time but not so much, because of time to retract

    I didn’t know it was like this before this first purchase, I was waiting for it to complete my new installation and I planned completing it by many softwares from NI, but for the moment I can tell I’m satisfiyed and if I knew how it is before I didn’t buy anything from them because I consideer it’s not the kind of "service" you want when you are a customer, now I better understand people who, friendly, laughed at me when I told them "I don’t want to use illegal copies and I prefer pay because everything is OK"…..

  • Brrrruno
    Brrrruno Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    @HAHN le même probleme de numéro de série correctement rentré avec le même message d’erreur?

    T’as fait quoi et t’as eu quoi comme réponse?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓

    There seems to be an issue at the moment, if you encounter this error message, please get in touch with our support here:

    @Brrrruno My colleagues should get back to you soon.

    @HAHN My colleagues got back to you earlier today.

    And please, the forum is in English, merci beaucoup ;)

  • Brrrruno
    Brrrruno Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    @Jeremy_NI OK for english,

    Ticket is already done so OK, I’m waiting for your colleagues


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