MIDI Pitch Bend issue when using together with CC automation

borisdivjak Member Posts: 20 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

In Maschine software (2.14.7) – when using pitch bend automation at the same time as the mod wheel or any other MIDI CC automation, the pitch bend output seems corrupt. Upon analysing the stream of MIDI messages with MidiPipe, it seems there are random pitch bend "0" values inserted.

When I remove the automation of the mod wheel and only leave the pitch bend automation, everything is working fine.

This happens regardless of the instrument being used (internal or external). I've also been able to replicate the issue on my second computer with the same version of Maschine installed.

Any ideas what's going on here?



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod


    what keyboard do you use? If you analysed the midi stream it is the stream of the controller, so if the controller/keyboard does not send data maschine can't of course record it, so maybe there is the issue but i will check with my A49 and report back.


  • borisdivjak
    borisdivjak Member Posts: 20 Helper

    Hi Uwe, I initially came across the issue using MIDI from my Minilogue XD. But when analysing the MIDI streams, the one from the Minilogue was fine, while the output from the Maschine software was corrupt.

    I was also able to recreate the issue by simply drawing the automation (with the pencil tool) directly in the Maschine software, so the controller is definitely not an issue in this case.

  • Guitoune
    Guitoune Member Posts: 15 Member


    I had the same issue yesterday, after using the pitch wheel, keyboard was sending Pitch modification, so each time I changed the focused sound, it was changing the pitch...

    I had to add to my pattern an automation key of the pitch value to 0 for each sound and press play to get the initial pitch.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod

    That is maybe another issue, the PB wheel sending continuous data without being used?


  • borisdivjak
    borisdivjak Member Posts: 20 Helper

    Seems like Guitoune is experiencing a different issue. In my case the pitch wheel data only comes in when actually used - it’s just that the data stream includes the wrong numbers somehow.

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    @Jeremy_NI Have you seen this happening before?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    Hey @borisdivjak I'm trying to reproduce the issue here. No success so far, what instrument are you using in the Maschine software ? Are you able to reproduce the issue without MIDIPipe ? With your synth disconnected ? Is the automation engaged on the MK3 ?

  • borisdivjak
    borisdivjak Member Posts: 20 Helper

    @Jeremy_NI It's happening with or without MIDI Pipe or with/without any controller connected to the computer. The instrument selected doesn't seem to matter. I'm linking a video that I've made to show the issue in action. You can hear how the sound of the pitch-bent voice changes once I add an additional automation (at 00:55 in the video). The CC of the second automation doesn't matter – the example shows CC1 (modwheel), but the effect is the same if I use any other CC for the second automation.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod

    So the problem in the video is that the mod wheel is set to pitch, you can set this on the second view of monark (manual page 45)


  • borisdivjak
    borisdivjak Member Posts: 20 Helper
    edited April 2022

    @Uwe303 That doesn't resolve the issue. As mentioned previously, the pitch bend problem is present regardless of the instrument used and it's also present regardless of which CC is used in addition to the pitch bend.

    I've made a second video where I turn the pitch modulation off in Monark and you can see the pitch bend still behaving weirdly (watch the motion of the pitch bend wheel in Monark and note how it drops to 0 even though the drawn automation doesn't go below the centre point).

    You can also see how the issue remains when I change the CC assignment as well as when I change the instrument to Kontakt.

    There's something weird going on with the MIDI data for pitch bend being sent from Maschine to these instruments (or external synths).

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod
    edited April 2022

    You are absolutely correct, i don't know how I could have missed that with my last try, maybe i just automated the second parameter from maschine hardware, it only happens if you use it like you've shown in the video. It's exactly how you described, any automation sets PB to 0 or near 0. That's definitely a bug.


  • borisdivjak
    borisdivjak Member Posts: 20 Helper

    Thanks Uwe, it’s good to hear it’s not just my system where this is happening.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,479 mod

    Hey @borisdivjak @Uwe303 I could also reproduce the bug using Massive or any other instrument. I'll check if this is a known bug or if it needs a new report. Can I use your video for that ?

  • borisdivjak
    borisdivjak Member Posts: 20 Helper

    Hi @Jeremy_NI for sure, feel free to use the videos! Fyi, I've raised a support request (#2865644) about this at the same time as I posted it here last week, but haven't gotten a reply from support yet. Also I didn't add the videos in there, so it's probably worth uploading those and explaining in a bit more detail.

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