Just received the MK3 keyboard - Feedback



  • xgman1
    xgman1 Member Posts: 26 Member
    edited October 2023

    I have to agree, this kind of trouble with basic midi controller functions on a $200-300 product would be annoying, but maybe, maybe not surprising. This, on a $900 product, is just nuts. NI needs to step up and work overtime to sort this out!

  • Chris W
    Chris W Member Posts: 6 Member

    So the power supply solved it. Tried 3 different ones before trying the iPad PSU which was the only one that worked. All working fine now. If you're going to sell a product that doesn't work without a power supply why wouldn't you ship one in the box??!! Nuts

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod

    Thanks for the spec / PC type, We are building up Windows test stations.

    Sorry to all for the delay in my answers, we have been deep into root cause analysis for the past days.

    Please be patient with us while we work out exactly what is going on, and how to fix it.

    As many have mentioned, the more confident way to have this updated (for now) is to have a Mac computer to run the Device Updater, only for this first initial FW update. We will have this fixed in the next weeks, but we understand how frustrating this is to get home with a new piece of gear, and cant use it.

    We apologize for this inconvenience, we are working very hard to get this sorted.

    I will go through the further questions and posts throughout the rest of the day

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod

    Hi @Torsten 2023

    Thanks for that, yes i'm in touch daily with Customer support and they are giving the details to Development also.

    You are right, its not a hardware issue, its software, and somewhere in the Windows / Driver area. We are working hard to identify the root cause and come up with a solution. for now, as mentioned above, the quickest way would be to get a Mac to do you initial FW update, while we work on the fix.

    And that makes sense about MIDI working without the software, it has an on-board computer running standalone MIDI, which will also have Play Assist features, all to be run without the software.

    Thanks again for patience.

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod

    Hi @PoorFellow

    You are on the correct lines of thought. We are investigating the root cause to be somewhere between the Windows driver and various USB interfaces that come with Windows machines, especially considering the variations on custom built PCs, although as i'm putting these specs together there are also pre-built / manufactured at scale PC's having this issue.

    We are working hard to solve it, and should have a solution soon.

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod

    Hi @Torsten 2023

    That is great news, i just responded to your previous thread, but yes, that is the best way to get over this initial FW update.

    Indeed its not a hardware issue.

    I do hope that you can now enjoy the experience with everything working 🙂

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod

    Hi @nightjar & @DunedinDragon

    I really enjoyed reading your back and forth about Betas, purpose and ideas around Native Access to deploy other versions of the SW, either new or legacy. Some good ideas there. I'll bring it up with the other Product leaders.

    @DunedinDragon i do agree, there are various purposes of a beta program, in various stages of the core products lifecycle, if new product introduction, its final stage stabilization, for in-market, its constant improvements. And i agree @nightjar our current Beta program is limited, and a path forward could be bigger in aspirations using Native Access and opening it up. There are examples out there of these wider Beta programs working, as long as you are capturing feedback and actioning appropriately. We will definitely consider all of these points.

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod
    edited October 2023

    Hi @BIF

    That is great news. Thank you for the detailed step by step. I've forward it to the QA Engineers.

    Just curious, which keyboard do you have, and S61? or S88 MK3?

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod
    edited October 2023

    Hi @Chris W

    This is very strange, i've never heard of this before. Can you explain how you managed to update the FW? ...Are you on, Mac / PC? can you give me specs / OS?

    It will tell you if it needs additional power, but it wont hurt to plug it into power also.

    One other thing to try is using a powered USB-C hub, to help with the USB-C communication, if there is a problem at the ports of your computer and the signal not coming through.

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod

    Hi @TonyB

    I'm sorry you are running into issues, and i understand your frustration.

    Are you also running into the FW Update issue, can you tell me your keyboard S49/61/88 and your computer (windows with full specs / mac) and OS?

    I will also ask support to look for your ticket.

    Please be assured, you are not beta testing this thing, we were beta testing at the beginning of 2023, the Hardware and Software is fully featured, and experience is incredible (once you get passed this initial hurdle).

    The one thing that took us by surprise is the FW updating on Windows machines, which i'm sure you understand if you are 6 pages into this thread.

    We are working very hard to resolve this issue, and we appreciate your patience. The wait will be worth it, there is nothing else quite like it on the market.

    If you are an MK1 and MK2 owner you will also appreciate the improvements to the instrument experience on the MK3, with the NKS parameter navigation and visualizations, it really makes the instruments come to life. For me personally, we were looking at this for years during initial concept, and early design phases, but it really turned out so much better than we imagined actually using it now.

    That said, this is all made on a completely new Tech stack, from the chips on device, to firmware, embedded & application software, which is the reason why we couldn't simply re-use all previous device updating tools, and how this windows issue slipped through.

    As said, we are working hard to resolve the issue, and i'll ask support to get in touch.

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 69 mod

    Hi @xgman1

    We are, believe me.

    Are you also running into issues? FW updating? which system are you on?

    As you can tell, i'm also working overtime trying to gather as much data as i can to get this issue resolved asap.

  • xgman1
    xgman1 Member Posts: 26 Member

    Just want to say thanks to NI for addressing us, and the issues at hand! Very much appreciated.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Hi, @Chris_NI ! I have the KK S61 MK3. If you need additional info such as the serial number, I can send it to you via DM (or whatever we call it on this forum software).

  • Lev
    Lev Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hello @FlipBit!

    Thanks for your post, please can you help me?

    I got stuck at this point:

    In device manager I clicked Update Driver. I selected "Browse My Computer for drivers" and selected the previous folder. In the example above C:\MyEditedDrivers\S88MK3Fixed\. I accepted the warning that the driver is not signed and is dangerous.

    When I want update driver (from custom folder, like you did ) Windows told me: The best driver for your device are already installed.

    So, you before changes, uninstall drivers or? And also windows doesn't give me any warnings.. I'm not so smart.

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