Maschine Mikro Mk3 I dont' want the same notes lighting up

Otof Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine


I've just got Maschine Mikro Mk3 for finger drumming. However, I have some issues about MIDI mode.

  1. I set two same note for two pads, but they always light at the same time. I want to avoid this phenomenon. Is there any idea to avoid this situation ? (for example, I assign C2 for pad 1 and 2. However, the No.2 pad lights when I just tap the No.1 pad. I don't want the No.2 Pad lights when it is not tapped.)
  2. Is there no velocity fixed or note repeat function for Maschine MIDI mode ? I used those modes with AKAI mpd218, and miss them.
  3. MIDI Numbers are lower compared to AKAI's MIDI pads. Is that unique for Maschine ? For example, C2 note was Kick in AKAI mpd218, but now it's C1 in Maschine. ( or mpd218 is unique? ) I use same drum sound source when I compared it.

I'm looking forward to your replies. Thanks

Best Answer

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited October 2023 Answer ✓
    1. It is probably designed like that, but there are “mapping with Controller Edit” gurus more expert than me, so maybe someone will come in to help you on this
    2. once in midi mode, it is just sending midi. The thing that makes fixed velocity and note repeat work is the software, so if the softwares you are using have these functions, you can always map them to be “triggered” by one midi note sent by one Maschine button
    3. yes, midi notes naming is not universal. As you said, for some devices/softwares C2 is what for others is C1

    Oh…and hello and welcome 😉


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited October 2023 Answer ✓
    1. It is probably designed like that, but there are “mapping with Controller Edit” gurus more expert than me, so maybe someone will come in to help you on this
    2. once in midi mode, it is just sending midi. The thing that makes fixed velocity and note repeat work is the software, so if the softwares you are using have these functions, you can always map them to be “triggered” by one midi note sent by one Maschine button
    3. yes, midi notes naming is not universal. As you said, for some devices/softwares C2 is what for others is C1

    Oh…and hello and welcome 😉

  • Otof
    Otof Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thank you for your information. I really appreciate it. I got clear answers for those questions for the first time. Especially about 2 and 3, now I understand the difference between other MIDI pads like MPD 218.

    About 1, I'm not familiar with "Controller Edit (by Native Instrument)". Of course I use that software to map MIDI on MASCHINE, however it seems there's no solution or function to solve the same note trigger and light problem....

    Anyway, almost all my questions are solved. Thanks a lot !

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    You’re welcome

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