help with linking presets and gui's / image resources - Kentaro Suzuki

Dikkiedik Member Posts: 9 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Dear Sirs.

I have been happily routing and creating my own presets and custom GUI's to be used when scrolling for plugins/presets in Maschine MK3 on mac OS.

There is one small indie developer whose presets won't find the GUI's I made in the NI Resources folders: Kentaro Suzuki

I am trying to link Helisert, Granular Verb, Swirl and Stranular.

The problem might be there are special characters used in the plugin names (i.e. Helisert_5.0).

Is anyone able to make these? I am willing to pay :). Thanks for your consideration or any advice on how to fix them myself.

Stay creative!




Best Answer

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,308 mod
    Answer ✓

    yep, send your presets and i can patch them for you!

    btw, 'gulp rewrite-metadata # rewrite metadata' is not the correct command.

    If you followed my example, then as you can see i have simplified it. I see no reason for huge commands so on my script the command is just gulp rewrite. Without brackets etc. But this is the Windows way, i don't know Mac syntax.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,308 mod

    Vendor name is: kentaro <--all letters small

    Check if you wrote it correct.

    Plugin name is as you wrote it (Helisert_5.0), however those underscores and dots are usually cause problems (thus we change them to something simpler).

    If you wrote vendor name correctly, then the problem is there (underscores and dots).

  • Dikkiedik
    Dikkiedik Member Posts: 9 Member

    thanks for your reply!

    letters are all small, correct, I have vendor name as 'kentaro' indeed.

    i read that NI does a strange hash to get rid of special characters, which i tried to do as well but i couldn't get that to work. i might have done it wrong though.

    if anyone knows what to do with a plugin that uses underscores and dots in the plugin name to get it to point to the image resources i would be really grateful :))))

    or could one go into the plugin vst or audiocomponent to change its name from 'helisert_5.0' to 'helisert' instead? that would simplify things too 😊

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,308 mod
    edited July 2023

    Unfortunately even if you rename the plugin it will still appear as helisert_5.0, because the name is hard-coded internally.

    What you can do, is to learn the scripts we use to make NKS, specifically the gulp rewrite command. It is the only way to change the product name.

    Here are the instructions and all the tools you will need:

    It is for MAC. Windows use a slightly different syntax

    So, with this tool you can rename the product from Helisert_5.0 to Heliser. But first you have to create all the presets you need. After that, you can use the script.

    Note: You will not need all the commands mentioned on the above link, only the "rewrite" function.

    Here is my script (is for Windows, but it might help you re-configure the Mac script):

    gulp     = require 'gulp'
    { src, dest } = require 'gulp'
    rewrite  = require 'gulp-nks-rewrite-meta'
    beautify = require 'js-beautify'
    gulp.task 'rewrite', ->
      gulp.src ["src/**/*.nksf", "src/**/*.nksfx"]
        .pipe rewrite
          author: 'AUTHOR NAME HERE'
        .pipe gulp.dest 'dest'

    In the above example, i included option for FX presets too (.nksfx).

    If you don't want to use Author name or Sub-banks, just leave them empty, but always keep the '' symbols. Like that:

    gulp     = require 'gulp'
    { src, dest } = require 'gulp'
    rewrite  = require 'gulp-nks-rewrite-meta'
    beautify = require 'js-beautify'
    gulp.task 'rewrite', ->
      gulp.src ["src/**/*.nksf", "src/**/*.nksfx"]
        .pipe rewrite
          author: ''
          bankchain: ['PRODUCT NAME HERE', 'BANK NAME HERE', '']
        .pipe gulp.dest 'dest'

    Good luck :-) 

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,219 mod

    I guess you could try asking the dev not to do that, it's not a good idea to add strange characters to plugin names and should really be discouraged at the source otherwise devs will not realise it causes problems for users

  • Dikkiedik
    Dikkiedik Member Posts: 9 Member

    awesome post here, really appreciate it. i am a bit of a noob myself when it comes to these things but i will do my best to figure it out based on the information you have kindly provided here!

    great community :)

  • Dikkiedik
    Dikkiedik Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks again for your contribution. I seem to not be able to get it to work though. I have installed node.js and npm succesfully I think, but when I want to run the 'gulp rewrite-metadata # rewrite metadata' command in my NKSEdit folder it tells me 'local gulp not found'.

    TBH the only way for me to make this work is follow instructions to the letter, so the whole concept of this gulp things is one I am unable to troubleshoot 🤭

    Thanks again though.

    If anyone is willing to patch three different nksfx for me changing their plugin names I would be really grateful. 🎈

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,308 mod
    Answer ✓

    yep, send your presets and i can patch them for you!

    btw, 'gulp rewrite-metadata # rewrite metadata' is not the correct command.

    If you followed my example, then as you can see i have simplified it. I see no reason for huge commands so on my script the command is just gulp rewrite. Without brackets etc. But this is the Windows way, i don't know Mac syntax.

  • Dikkiedik
    Dikkiedik Member Posts: 9 Member
  • Dikkiedik
    Dikkiedik Member Posts: 9 Member

    Just leaving a comment here that Sunborn was super helpful patching my three plugins because I couldn't get it to work. 😊

    Thanks a million!

    Nice to see such a lively community :))))

    Stay creative everyone!

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