Maschine 2 VST, MaschineMK3 using both in Ableton/Cubase

maxd Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi, sorry if this has been asked before, I did look ;-) but keep getting info on using the mk3 as a controller for cubase etc

Ive just upgraded my computer, done a complete reinstall of all my software but I'm having a problem.

Before the upgrade, if i used maschine VST in cubase, I could use the MK3 as usual in the maschine VST software inside of ableton and cubase.

but after the upgrade I cant, the MK3 works fine in the maschine 2 standalone but now not via the VST, the screens dont even register any connection or light up, and I cant even use in controller mode.

I can see the mk3VSTmidi in my connections/synchronisation page in the software but not the usualMK3 driver.

Am I doing anything wrong, missing something or just plain forgot to do something, its been a long while since I tried this.

thanking you for ant help, much appreciated


Best Answer

  • maxd
    maxd Member Posts: 11 Member
    Answer ✓

    all seems to be fine now, ccleaner it was then..


  • maxd
    maxd Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited June 2023

    managed to get it working occasionally, works ok with maschine 2 software, if i load another DAW, it works for a bit (especially in bitwig v4.4) but after a few minutes its like win 11 loses the driver when i switch to another DAW using maschine 2 as a VST in cubase/nuendo 12 and teh controller go dark, no lights, nothing.

    the VST works properly in Cubase/Nuendo/Bitwig just not the controllers. im also using the maschine jam, this has the same problem.

    Ive used the korg driver uninstall trick to get the driver in the top 8 list.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert

    So did you already try reinstalling the MK3 driver manually?

  • maxd
    maxd Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hi LostnFoundation,

    yes ive reinstalled, must be there as they work perfectly with maschine 2 software.

    pulling my hair out.. whats left of it anyways ;-)

  • maxd
    maxd Member Posts: 11 Member

    Finally getting somewhere.

    I found that the NIHardwareService and NIHostintegration service were being bumped and stopped. Having to manually start them.

    Also there may be a conflict with the Arturia Batstep Pro driver because if this is switched on, problems with the Maschine MK3 and Jam appear, if switched of, all seems ok.

    I have a roland TR-8S and Korg SQ-64 connected and no problem with these.

    will monitor over the next few days, but hopefully sorted, shame i cant use the beatstep pro with Maschine, I like that one.

    Anyone else had this conflict?


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,813 mod
    edited July 2023

    I can see the mk3VSTmidi in my connections/synchronisation page in the software but not the usualMK3 driver.

    @maxd Could you post a screenshot of that section?

    About the Korg sequencer and Beatstep pro, how is everything cnnected? If you try with Maschine standalone software, do you also get the same issues?

  • maxd
    maxd Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hi jeremy, everything is running ok now,I just have to go into 'services' and enable to NiHardware Service and NIHostIntegrationAgent, I keep setting to auto but always come on diabled. no big deal.

    Everything is connected via USB, tried direct to PC and via HUB, no difference.

    All worked fine with Maschine standalone.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,813 mod

    @maxd Ok, thanks for the update. Are you using an antivirus or a registry cleaner like Ccleaner? They could be the ones stopping the NiHardware Service and NIHostIntegrationAgent. Whitelisting them in your antivirus or stop using registry cleaners could be the fix here.

  • maxd
    maxd Member Posts: 11 Member

    Hi jeremy,

    thanks for the input.

    i do use ccleaner and bitdefender, i cant however see any way of whitelisting the service so it runs..

    just have to manually start them..

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,813 mod

    @maxd I think you can find how to whitelist/make an exception like this with CCleaner, this is taken from another thread

    CCleaner has a feature called Smart Cleaning. This can evidently disable services. They sent me the following:

    CCleaner's Smart Cleaning feature runs as a background process (if it's enabled). It checks the junk levels on your PC and alerts you when there is a certain amount you can clean in gigabytes.

    Smart Cleaning gives you cleaning alerts when CCleaner isn't open:

    This feature runs as a background process to ensure you receive these alerts without the need to keep the CCleaner app open on your PC screen.

    How to turn off the Smart Cleaning feature:

    Switch off Smart Cleaning by unticking the checkboxes in the Smart Cleaning menu.

    To do this, go to Options > Smart Cleaning > Settings for Smart Cleaning.

    If you disable Smart Cleaning, the background process closes and doesn't run the next time you start Windows.

    I don't know how to make exceptions/whitelist a program with Bitdefender but they probably have resource, maunual, customer service, etc...

  • maxd
    maxd Member Posts: 11 Member

    thanks jeremey, thats interesting, I will disable this feature.

    I still get a conflict if using the beatstep pro, so cant use the BSpro, not a big deal but strange, the SQ64 is all ok.

    thanks for the help


  • maxd
    maxd Member Posts: 11 Member
    Answer ✓

    all seems to be fine now, ccleaner it was then..

This discussion has been closed.
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