Clipping Pattern Flipping - Feature request

Toltemic Member Posts: 45 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Simply put, when on arranger and you're in patterns, and you hit record- every pattern activated will get recorded and converted into clips.

This will only convert as many clips as there are patterns played. So if you have 4 patterns there will only be 4 additional clips made, only switching through them on arranger. And this would not work on ideas mode.

I would also recommend to add an extra option via shift- in pattern window, on your top button row above the screens to swap between 'momentary', 'on' and possibly 'off' for recording options.

'on' will record how flipping patterns is usually done currently, full length play until next pattern is pressed or is toggled off

'momentary' will record to clips as long as the pad is pressed

'off' doesn't record at all (If needed)

I would also like this idea applied to scenes however with the way scenes are changed in arranger mode to show the timeline I don't think its do able


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod

    This will only convert as many clips as there are patterns played. So if you have 4 patterns there will only be 4 additional clips made, only switching through them on arranger.

    If your 4 patterns are converted to 4 Clips then you can no longer switch between them throughout the arrangement, Clips are unique on the timeline. So, are you also suggesting for clips not to be unique?

    Unless you're talking about recording Pattern changes into one long Clip per Group, that would basically be Performance Recording to an extent.

  • Toltemic
    Toltemic Member Posts: 45 Helper
    edited May 2023

    Damn, you are correct, maybe I should've checked my previous projected were I used clips and clearly duplicated them as I misremembered implementation. Cheers for pointing that out.

    I think a way to get around this misunderstanding of clips would be a clip 'take' where it 'bounces' the patterns midi and automation to a single clip.

    Should've thoroughly read your bottom comment- yes however the ability to edit and merge pattern ideas be it beats or melodies would I believe make it a workflow component rather than a 'final' performance take. Use case would be switching through break patterns for jungle/DnB/IDM

    My issue would be, would every recording make a new clip? that might be hell for organisation or would it replace a previous clip 'take's midi and automation. I'd rather not add more minor options to how to record this pattern flip idea

    If you start with an already made clip (highlighted) it will replace the recording, if you just record on the timeline it'll generate a new clip.

    My other issue would be would quantitation be implemented? would the global quantisation (if you enable it) effect pattern select with people who don't flip as people would only expect it on group level.

    You do have the option to enable it on record only so personally I think it wouldn't cause issues.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited May 2023

    No prob, just trying to understand what you're really asking for.

    I do not want to crush your dreams but understand that Performance Recording is a major top feature request, it was actually sort of 'promised' at the time Maschine Jam was released, this was in 2016 ... quite a bitter topic.

    Another long-lasting request that would fulfill your desires would be the ability to record Mute's and possibly edit later; similar to Perf Rec but much simpler.

    Use case would be switching through break patterns for jungle/DnB/IDM

    There are a couple of ways to achieve such with regular old Patterns:

    • Audio Plug-In - This means using Break loops with Gate Mode to basically use the Pads to turn any break loop on/off and record it as a normal Pattern.
    • If you need to actually play slices of several drum breaks manually, then you can slice them to a Pad instead of a Group, use keyboard mode in each Pad to record - The disadvantage is the only way to mix and match the Pads/breaks is thru manual editing; if you only need a couple of breaks it's doable but if you're looking for 16 breaks in one track than it's probably a nightmare. This is also more of a programming approach rather than a live-triggering one.

    My other issue would be would quantitation be implemented? would the global quantisation (if you enable it) effect pattern select with people who don't flip as people would only expect it on group level.

    There's no such thing as pattern sync in Maschine, this would be a smaller step required for what you're overall asking - BTW this is another feature that has been requested a million times before... (noticing a pattern here? lol)

    If you start with an already made clip (highlighted) it will replace the recording, if you just record on the timeline it'll generate a new clip.

    Interesting Ideia, I'd like that. Note that if you just use a few breaks, then you can basically use Clips on top of Sections to achieve the switching breaks around behavior you're looking for, depending on your requirement details.

    Clips have not been the focus of development for NI since it was released, they tend to work on things, release then move on to something else, sorry if this sounds negative it's not my intention to dismiss your desires but it's reality, many, many users asked for the same stuff...

    So my advice is to look for workarounds and not sit around hoping they decide to do what you want as it is very unlikely.

  • Toltemic
    Toltemic Member Posts: 45 Helper

    yeah thank you for the break down, upon further, uhh, research? I think my idea might implicate other workflows relating to clips so I'm not too satisfied with my request. Because of implementing more changes instead of just sending pattern midi to clips whilst armed.

    The issue now is when you're on arranger and you select a pattern it'll insert it within a scene, if a blank scene has been placed. If no scene is place it'll go to clips window and create a clip. So in my eyes, creating this feature either diminishes a previous workflow or has to create more steps to allow recording of pattern flipping. Adding complexity to what I thought would be just pointing A to B using pre existing features and pressing one button to enable (record) all whilst just on hardware.

    I'll leave up though as personally whilst its a step closer to performance record, it still isn't recording every interaction across the device- as you said, mutes, further automation, note repeats and lock recording would be the goal of performance record. This would have to create new channels and visuals to accommodate, adding a variety of complexity which is understandable.

    I understand pattern sync and in retrospect quantisation would really not be needed as your patterns most likely are already quantised- from personal experience its kind of difficult to make a pattern flip sound wrong or out of time.

    Again thank you for the discussion it helped me think this idea through

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