NimBank Tool Release - Custom User Library

LordJ Member Posts: 9 Member

NimBank is an open source tool to custom the Maschine user library (modify name, add bank, sub-bank, ... )

You can find the v4 release here :

And a tutorial here :




  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    Super cool! Checking it out later today. Thanks for this!

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    FIY Requires knowing how to use a terminal and having python3 installed.

    I had a guide in the old forum which is now gone, maybe I'll re-do it here altho people never showed much interest in it.

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    I for one would certainly appreciate that. Your contributions are always super useful!

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 87 Member

    Hi, I have problems using NimBank under Windows...

    I successfully installed Python from the Windows store and in general it seems to be working with the Windows Terminal.

    However the spelling seems to be different then on what is written on the tutorial site:

    For example I do not have to enter python3, instead I need to enter python only without the $

    The problem that I have focuses on the structure I enter the paths to the files though...

    As far as I understand from the tutorial / are meant for a folder and \ is used when there is a space in the name of the folder or file.

    This does not work for me. I can enter the file names as I would enter them in Windows... E. g. instead of writing /Users/me/Desktop/ProjectSAM\ -\ TFO\ 6\ -\ Bombastic\ Basses/* I need to write:

    "C:\Users\me\Desktop\ProjectSAM - TFO 6 - Bombastic Basses\*"

    Now neither the space is working nor the * at the end so I can only apply changes when I specifically write a file name at the end like: bass.nki

    Can someone help me how I need to enter correct directory naming in the Windows Terminal so that I can rename all the files that would be in the most upper folder?

    How can I apply this for all the files inside a folder if * is not working?

    Thank you!


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited March 2023

    The $ is used to represent that you are in the terminal/command-line, it's never supposed to actually be written in there.

    The Author is a MacOS user, so you need to figure out how things translate to Windows... For example:

    • On MacOS simply installing python3 is not enough for the terminal to actually use python3, so we have to actually write "python3", maybe this is not the case in windows, try both and see which works.
    • The \ represents spaces in path names on a MacOS terminal, maybe windows does not need it, to check drag-and-drop a folder or file into the terminal and observe the text, it should show you how it's supposed to be formatted.
    • If you want to affect sub folders (recursive) I think you have to add an -r  in there before the paths and the \* at the end.
  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 87 Member
    edited March 2023

    Thanks. The trick was to not write a \ at the end of a path. Now the core functions are working.

    When I want to get rid of an attribute, e. g. the author or bank name (-a or -b), writing "" at the end, does not work though (even if mentioned in the help so)... What is working is when I do it with a space in between (like: -a " "). When I do this for bank (-b " ") I cannot delete the whole bank though. The space is still kept in the bank name and the bank thus isn't deleted.

    Does anyone have an idea how I could delete authors, banks, etc. with the help of NimBank?

    Also I figured that some files cannot be processed when I want to rename their header information through NimBank. Some errors occur then. Is there a way to still use NimBank for these kind of files (see sample error message below).

    One last question: I've figured out that NimBank is bringing all of the files into an "other" category. For most of the files this is good (for me) but in case I wanted to change the category to - let's say - "Sampled Instruments" or maybe even to a new category like "Battery", how would I achieve this?

    I neither can change the Vendor information. It's always Native Instruments. Are these limitations to NimBank or Komplete Kontrol or do I do something wrong or do I oversee configurations inside NimBank?

    Thanks for your help!

    python "C:\Users\Udo\Documents\Computer\Programme\Native Instruments\NimBank\" -p "blabla" -r "C:\Users\Udo\Desktop\1"
    .......Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "C:\Users\Udo\Documents\Computer\Programme\Native Instruments\NimBank\", line 1221, in <module>
     File "C:\Users\Udo\Documents\Computer\Programme\Native Instruments\NimBank\", line 1215, in main
      if change_file(filename,name,vendor,author,comment,product,bank,subbank,readinfo,delete_macro,forceBankID,massiveDataCorrection,DataNICorrection,listtag) < 0 :
     File "C:\Users\Udo\Documents\Computer\Programme\Native Instruments\NimBank\", line 637, in change_file
      dataNI_length = struct.unpack('I', VDATA[curs:curs+4])[0]

    struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 4 bytes

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod

    You can change Vendor using Edit in Maschine or Komplete Kontrol

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 87 Member

    Yes, but the entered vendor information is different than what is shown in the main window of KK:

    Wished it was the same 😉

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod

    It should be but you might need to also update the categories.json

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 87 Member

    It didn't make any change what I entered in the categories.json

    Do you know what path I need to put the categories.json file into? What information do I need to enter in that file in order to change the vendor information in KK?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod

    It goes in the dist_database folder in User/Shared/NI Resources - the syntax should be like below - place this in a subfolder under vendor name/instrument/plugin name


      "Vendor": "Arturia",

      "Product": "Prophet-5 V",

      "CategoryDB": [


          "FileType": "Instruments",

          "Categories": [






  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 87 Member

    Ok, what is the vendor and plugin name?

    Komplete Kontrol shows me 3 different names: Native Instruments and and the vendor name that I have included via the NimBank tool (in the instrument properities - see images above).

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod

    The plugin name has to be exactly as it appears in Maschine/KK - the vendor name is up to you but it must be consistent and also used for resource folders (graphics etc)

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 87 Member

    I don't know. It's not really working. I can create a folder with the vendor name "Native Instruments" (as it is shown in KK) or I can name it "The alpine project" for example - both isn't working...

    It neither seems to matter what I write in the categories.json file.

    The only thing working is the color.json file. However to use this I don't have to create any subfolder inside the C:\Users\Public\Documents\NI Resources\ path. I only need to create a folder containing the product name that I had set under NimBank before...

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod

    OK I mainly do this with plugins so it may be a bit different for Kontakt instruments but the principles should be the same

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