Why Maschine can't handle projects ?

Dvd Member Posts: 14 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello everyone,

i'm doing a beat on maschine software, I'm using only sounds and loop except for the bass wich is in massive X, the project has nine groups each group has only one sound. The beat lenght is 80 bars, the only vst I used with these sounds is iZotope Neutron 4 elements, for each sound.

I was doing this project on macbook pro 2016, not the best device today, but till plugins weren't added was working well, the it starts to not doing well till the point I can't ear the music anymore cause is only freezing, so I tought the iZotope Neutron was too much for this device, i switched to my pc, pretty good computer (I work with it on after effects), but even there maschine is not that good, so my question is: Is the problem Neutron? Is it heavy as software? Is there a way to make better performance with maschine? I just can't work arrived at this point and I don't think it's the computer cause I Work with after effects pretty well. Any advice?

I just bought the iZotope suite and I can't use it! It's so bad! :(

I don't want to even try to use iZotope Ozone for the master, please help! xD

I usually don't use any audio driver, but for this time I connected my traktor as audio device, thinking it would handle better but it's the same.

With the macbook I often get freezed even if the project is not big, but on pc I wasn't expecting that!

Best Answers

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited February 2023 Answer ✓

    Complex DSP plugins like iZotopes offerings and Maschine don't mix well, (no pun intended)... Even if your computer is fast enough to handle it things like Ozone add a ton of latency, plugs like that arent really designed with live composition in mind, it's for mixing after everything is already composed when latency doesn't matter.

    Not sure how efficient neutron is but Ozone is quite heavy on the computer.

    So it's "normal" that it gives hard times for cpu ?

    Depends, what MacBook you have? CPU and year info from 'about my mac' ??

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited February 2023 Answer ✓

    From my experience, Maschine is around +- 20% less efficient than modern DAW's... Maybe finishing the heaviest part of the mixing and mastering is a DAW is a good idea. Repear is pretty much free for mac too, altho not easy to learn due to how much stuff it has/does.

    Note that evn pros with high end computers have to resort to things like freezing tracks sometimes.

    No prob. Oh... A dual-core for modern OS and applications doesn't really cut it anymore. I had the exact same laptop, it was terrible the last couple of years with Maschine tbh. A bit better with Ableton.

    I Bought an M1 for 900$ and it's a night and day difference, happy with it for what I use it for, I can do 10x more.

    4 Cores, a bit better.. maybe, but it's still a CPU from 2012. Decade old HW with new SW is still a bad combo, unless you stick to very old versions.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod


    just try it out, delete all neutron instances in the project, you don't have to save it or if then with another name. Ozone just on master should be no problem, but you can do it later if you master the exported files for example, that's the way I do it at least, i just use on master a bit of eq and the solid bus comp.

  • Dvd
    Dvd Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 2023

    Do you recommend to export mixed sounds with neutron then adding ozone? Does this effect quality?

    So it's "normal" that it gives hard times for cpu ?

    Btw I tried with ozone but it goes crazy :|

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod

    I would first try to make the best mix i can without too much stuff on the master bus (even without neutron on groups or not too much instances and if you add one - does it really sound better?), so like i said just into an eq, and a bus compressor on master bus maybe. So neutron on the groups and then export and load it into another program there add ozone. But it's really a question of mixing stile too, some sound engineers mix into a master chain and it works for them, others just use eq and a bus compressor. There are tons of videos out there but in the end it's up to you. But i now also found other people complaining about heavy CPU load of neuton.

    I personally do as much as I can in maschine without too much in the groups of mixing stuff like neutron, i scoulpt stuff more or less roughly, then i export it all into cubase and there i really start to mix - mastering i do in wave lab but that also could be done in cubase or any other daw. But it's a matter of taste, i like the devided process, otherwise i could go back and forth forever.

  • Dvd
    Dvd Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 2023

    Actually it sounds better, of course mixing and mastering are something you have to do in base of your taste, but for starting I'm finding good with neutron, my problem was to understand why maschine often go out of cpu even if it's not that heavy, I'd like to do everything in it, but as much as i work with it I see is not possible, so maybe I'll start dividing the process as you said. Thank you for answering btw!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod

    I think the beauty of maschine is the fast intuitive workflow, creating beats and melodies on the fly in no time - try to also do a proper mix parallel would disturb my flow too much. You could also try to increase the buffer size of you audio interface - i totally forgot to mention this in the first post.

  • Dvd
    Dvd Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 2023

    Okay I'll try thank you

    P.s: Even at the highest buffer size value it won't work

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited February 2023 Answer ✓

    Complex DSP plugins like iZotopes offerings and Maschine don't mix well, (no pun intended)... Even if your computer is fast enough to handle it things like Ozone add a ton of latency, plugs like that arent really designed with live composition in mind, it's for mixing after everything is already composed when latency doesn't matter.

    Not sure how efficient neutron is but Ozone is quite heavy on the computer.

    So it's "normal" that it gives hard times for cpu ?

    Depends, what MacBook you have? CPU and year info from 'about my mac' ??

  • Dvd
    Dvd Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 2023

    Thanks for answering !

    Actually I am in the final stage of the project, I Made all Elements I just want to mix and master with izotope tools in maschine.

    the info of macboook pro early 2015:

    monterey 12.5.1

    2,7 ghz i5 dual core

    8gb ram 1867 mhz ddr3

    gpu Intel iris 6100 1536 mb

    Thanks for helping

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod

    Ok those specs are low, so like I said try to devide the process, maybe you like it like i doy to have dedicated steps.

  • Dvd
    Dvd Member Posts: 14 Member

    I Give you also my computer specs, to understand more.

    Intel i5 3570k 3,4 ghz

    16 Gb ram

    gpu 770 4gb

    on this specs should work I think

    Even because, doing the second part in another daw after making up the idea, means I have to buy another daw! And after I spent money on maschine it’s bad I can’t work on it. Like I would sell maschine, buy another daw with just a basic midi controller.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod
    edited February 2023

    Have a look a reaper it's an amazing DAW and you can test it inside out (long time) before you buy it for 60 bugs. If you are on mac you have garageband for free, maybe it's also working for mixing.

  • Dvd
    Dvd Member Posts: 14 Member

    okay Thanks I’ll try !

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited February 2023 Answer ✓

    From my experience, Maschine is around +- 20% less efficient than modern DAW's... Maybe finishing the heaviest part of the mixing and mastering is a DAW is a good idea. Repear is pretty much free for mac too, altho not easy to learn due to how much stuff it has/does.

    Note that evn pros with high end computers have to resort to things like freezing tracks sometimes.

    No prob. Oh... A dual-core for modern OS and applications doesn't really cut it anymore. I had the exact same laptop, it was terrible the last couple of years with Maschine tbh. A bit better with Ableton.

    I Bought an M1 for 900$ and it's a night and day difference, happy with it for what I use it for, I can do 10x more.

    4 Cores, a bit better.. maybe, but it's still a CPU from 2012. Decade old HW with new SW is still a bad combo, unless you stick to very old versions.

  • darkogav
    darkogav Member Posts: 79 Member
    edited February 2023

    It's all really dependent on how large your projects are, what VI's and plugins you are using and so on. Those specs seem fine for most reasonable projects.

    FWIW.. I use a few DAWs but lately I have been just experimenting with just doing everyone within Maschine software from start to finish. Including mixing and mastering. I usually try to stick with the effects that come with Maschine and Komplete. I will occasionally use a console emulation such as Waves NLS on ever track. I stay away from fancy 3rd party effects with fancy GUIs that consume large amounts of resources. It seems to work fine for me. Fast workflow.

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