The Maschine 4 (Speculative) Thread



  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,649 Expert

    I wrote

    Fun fact everybody always forgets: You never buy software, you pay for a license to use it as long as the vendor sees fit.

    @Kubrak answered

    No, that is completely false. Licences are mostly time unlimited, or limited to certain period month, year, or so.

    Which does in fact not contradict but support my statement. You even highlighted the important part.

    However, you might want to check back on the exact wording for some of the licenses you paid for, because they might include disclaimers which allow the vendor to end the license prematurely for specific or no reasons.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,649 Expert

    You can install almost all of Expansion contents as User Content but it is a huge PITA. You have to figure out the proper paths, and for Groups you have to load them on the desktop and save the with samples to make them work.

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 214 Advisor

    Did yall see that new leak photo this morning?

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    Was it not you who raised said points about not being able to use an M+ if the firm went bust? I argued that you can, so not sure what you're referring to?

    I also said if the firm ceased to exist, that you could just sell the M+ with it's expansions on there. Why would you not want to sell a working Maschine+ with all it's expansions if you were selling it, if said company had gone bust?

    I've been a NI customer on and off since Traktor Scratch Pro (or whatever it was called with hardware box and vinyl package), which was a pretty long time ago. I was a bit salty from that experience as it kept crashing within 30 minutes of use, so I returned to and stuck with Serato, which I was using for a few years before. I've owned 4 Maschines and a S49 MK2 and all but 1 Maschine bought new from a dealer. I have been NI's biggest critic in the old days after spending £500 on Traktor and it crashing and for having no customer support when I needed it, but that's swung around 180 degrees since I took a chance on a M+ and realised it was what my life was missing from a musical perspective.

    So, from my own personal experiences, NI have gone from my least favourite to perhaps joint favourite Music Tech/software company, as I do also love Arturia and have long history with the firm.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,009 Expert


    However, you might want to check back on the exact wording for some of the licenses you paid for, because they might include disclaimers which allow the vendor to end the license prematurely for specific or no reasons.

    And do you think, those disclaimers are legal? 99.9% they are not. Licence cannot be terminated because company decides so....

    And for example NI had in its older EULA written, that if they will stop authorising SW, they will provide universal unlock key.

    Beside that, there are two things. On thing is that user has licence, the other thing is if he is able (can authorise) to use that licence.

    But in case, he has licence and cannot authorise it. He might have right to protect his investment and may decompile the source and make changes in SW to make it usable. E.g. using cracked versions could be fully legal as user has licence and developer is not able to provide authorisation.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,407 Expert

    What we were trying to say here is that we want to be able to use what we bought even if they are not there to authorize them. And…no…if they disappear and don’t provide universal unlock key, you can’t authorize it therefore use it, as soon as you have any sort of problem and need to reset it

    And about “Why would you not want to sell a working Maschine+ with all it's expansions”…well… maybe I just don’t want to sell it and still use it. Or sell the M+ but keep the expansions to use in the computer software.

    Do you think that now that Moog is in bad waters, if they will disappear, all Minimoog users would want to sell it? I think they will be quite happy to be able to keep it and still use it

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    Good points, although asking AI to build the perfect sampler, sequencer, groovebox might just be the thing that could actually destroy it, as from reading the internet, nobody seems to know what that is.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,255 mod

    Come on... Stop teasing and show the pic/link. Prove it or it didn't happen! 😅

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro


    You said too much already! Please stick to the talking points provided by your handler at the Illuminati.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro

    Go on post the link, you know you want to................................😂

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