Pattern recordings not working on Maschine MK3

K7_ Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi all any help greatly appreciated.

Im having all sorts of issues when recording Patterns, for instance if i record say 3 Patterns in Group A ( eg: pad 1-kick, pad 2-bass, pad 3-synth) i only hear the recording of the synth from pad 3. Even if just create 2 patterns i only hear the recording of pattern 2 from pad2. It seems like the last pattern i create and record onto overwrites the any previous patterns. Have searched for answers but no luck!

Help Please!

Cheers K7

Best Answer

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro
    edited August 2023 Answer ✓
    • No practical limit to no. of patterns. I tried and it went up at least Bank 100 or X 16 = 1,600 patterns.
    • Pattern is tied to Group. Solo or overdubbed (no matter) is not an ideal way to devise about one's workflow. Better to think of it as a collection of patterns (formed using sounds from the Group).
    • Example of Expansion named [Backyard Jams], it contained different parts, such as loops, one-shots, patterns, even projects so the context of what type of file(s) you are browsing becomes key.
    • As mentioned, you can mix and match at sound level. Group is a just a collection of sound slots. Try press [Pad Mode], select a [Sound], press [Browse], navigate to [Sounds Category], pick a [Sound], press [Load]. Press [Pad Mode] again to see the overview. Can you identify how to mix and match from these steps.
    • The limitation earlier imagined may not be valid. There would be workarounds (mostly), you may want to explore SCENES which allows you to play patterns from different groups together. If that was not enough, you can use CLIPS which are effectively unique instances not bound by an interval under the project's timeline.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Hey @K7_ It's a bit hard to understand the issue exactly. Maybe screenshots, or even better, a video could help to see what's going on. Also more details would help, like what's your operating system, what instruments exactly are loaded on these pads.

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro

    As said, screens or more info would be helpful. I venture to ask if you had used [Pattern] + [Duplicate] your patterns each time you try to add an instrument "overdubbing" style. If you don't [Duplicate], each time you press a new pad to create a pattern, it would be a new blank canvas without the midi notes of your previous play.

  • K7_
    K7_ Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thank's for the reply,

    So basically what i'm doing is pressing the pads to create new patterns (not duplicating).

    eg: in pattern mode i press pad 1 to create a new pattern, set it to 4 bars, browse and load some drums, go to events mode then shift/record 4 bars of a drum beat. When i listen back to this first recording it sounds fine. The issue is when i record another 2 patterns like a Bass on pad 2 and a Synth on pad 3 i can no longer hear the Drums i recorded on pad 1, instead pad 1 now has the recording of the synth i recorded on pad 3 and pad 2 which i record Bass onto is a mixture of synth and Bass. Pad 3 which i recorded the synth onto is the only pad the sounds normal! the other 2 pads sound like thier overwritten by the synth recording on pad 3.

    I know it sounds confusing, but basically i should have 3 seperate recordings on 3 seperate pads that playback separately when i press the individual pads. At the moment the recordings are overlapping and over writing each other and i'm definitely not duplicating pads. I have attached a screenshot of my process, hope it helps.

    Btw i.m using Mac OS Catalina - 10.15.7

    Cheer's K7

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro
    edited August 2023

    Hmm. I think I get the drift. How can sounds used for Pattern 2 come into Pattern 1 and so forth. It does sound like something had gone wrong. Let's fall back to basics shall we.

    How about you try step by step:

    1. Update to all latest drivers and firmware
    2. Start [New Project]
    3. Under [Plug-in], Under [Group Tab] browse to load 1 x Group of sounds (16 random sounds no matter) - it should populate Group A.
    4. Press [Pattern] and [Pad 1] - it should create [Pattern 1]
    5. Press [Events] and Record your Drums
    6. Press [Pattern] and Press [Duplicate (see top right screen 1)]
    7. [Pad 2] should light up and be highlighted and be named [Pattern 1 (1)]
    8. Press [Events] and Record your Other Instrument(s) - this should follow the same pattern length
    9. After recording toggle between the two [Pattern] and [Patter 1 (1)]
    10. What were the results if you can share?

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 467 Guru

    This looks to be a basic misunderstanding of how maschine is organized.

    You don't play patterns.

    You play scenes or sections or (I guess) clips. Scenes are a combination of patterns in 1 or more groups. A group can only have a single active pattern at a time. Sections are a container to hold scenes in the song mode. Clips are their own little weirdo thing that don't belong in maschine (fight me dirty clip lovers). Again; you're never playing a pattern. You're playing the scene that holds the pattern and a group can only have a single active pattern.

    If you want to have drums, synth and bass in a single group and expect them all to play at the same time, then you need to have all of them in a single pattern. This works fine and lots of people use it this way. It would allow you to use groups to hold an entire song and that would be useful in a performance situation, but it's limiting how you can use scenes, patterns, etc.

    Put your drums in group A, synth in group B and bass in group C and you're now able to create patterns for each and combine them in scenes. You can flip between patterns, reuse patterns, quickly duplicate and modify patterns, etc; all at an instrument level. IMO, this makes more sense, but you may end up with a lot of groups for a single song.

    I wouldn't say either is right or wrong, but you're trying to use the first workflow I described while expecting it to work like the second workflow.

  • K7_
    K7_ Member Posts: 11 Member

    (Put your drums in group A, synth in group B and bass in group C and you're now able to create patterns for each and combine them in scenes), This is the method i use most and it works great. What's happening though is that the patterns i make in each group are a mixed up recordings eg:

    Group A DRUMS, load Drum Lab (instruments),create Pattern 1, load a Kick and record (sounds good), create Pattern 2, Load a Snare and record and now the Kick in Pattern 1 sounds like a snare, if a create another Pattern (3) and load and record a Hi Hat now the snare and kick sound like Hi hats. I'm not getting seperate instruments on each pattern.

    So i tried what you suggested Percivale, here is what i found:

    If i go to Groups and load a Kit eg: GROUPS- BACKYARD JAMS- COSMIC KIT and record 4 Patterns of seperate instruments in that group it works great, even if i duplicate and overdub the previous patterns that also works. As long as i stay in that group and use only the 16 instruments in that group it all works fine.

    If i scroll down to the next kit which is Day Tripper and and load that group and record a pattern that's where the issue is, Maschine doesn't like me loading new groups/instruments and making patterns from them. Could this be some type of Loading issue? because i can create lots of Patterns with just the 16 different sounds from one group but not a mix of Groups/Instruments or Sounds.

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro
    edited August 2023
    • I assume [Pattern] management is no longer an issue here.
    • [Day Tripper] should be loaded into a new Group.
    • Ref images below - when you load a (2) Group, it will be at Group level. It you load (3), (4), (6) & (7), it will be at Sound level (it replaces the focused sound slot). (5) is a bit different as it would add into the FX chain (at all levels) but this was not the query here. To quote the manual "The file is loaded in the focused Group, the focused Sound, or the selected Plug-in slot (if it’s an Instrument Plug-in, it will be loaded in the first Plug-in slot of the focused Sound)".
    • A set of 16 sounds used per Group. Not supposed to have Group(s) within a Group (illogical yeah).
    • You can (and should) mix different sounds within a Group.
    • Lastly, make sure you did not happen to load [+Pattern] when you pick a new Group of sounds (see below).

    Things looked alright.

  • K7_
    K7_ Member Posts: 11 Member

    Ok, so to clarify:

    - You can record 16 patterns within a group ( not that any would, just saying )

    - Each Pattern could be either solo or overdubbed (duplicated)

    - You can only load and record from a single plugin like Cosmic Kit from Backyard Jams. If you want to load from another plugin you must create another Group.

    - If you want to create a few Patterns from instruments within a group then it would be the same as above where you can only use the instruments loaded from one particular plugin.

    Most tracks i make i use the same method as darkwaves and put my instruments in seperate groups and go from there. Just wasn't sure what the deal was with how multiple patterns work in a single group. Still would be good though if you could make patterns form various plugins in one group.

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro
    edited August 2023 Answer ✓
    • No practical limit to no. of patterns. I tried and it went up at least Bank 100 or X 16 = 1,600 patterns.
    • Pattern is tied to Group. Solo or overdubbed (no matter) is not an ideal way to devise about one's workflow. Better to think of it as a collection of patterns (formed using sounds from the Group).
    • Example of Expansion named [Backyard Jams], it contained different parts, such as loops, one-shots, patterns, even projects so the context of what type of file(s) you are browsing becomes key.
    • As mentioned, you can mix and match at sound level. Group is a just a collection of sound slots. Try press [Pad Mode], select a [Sound], press [Browse], navigate to [Sounds Category], pick a [Sound], press [Load]. Press [Pad Mode] again to see the overview. Can you identify how to mix and match from these steps.
    • The limitation earlier imagined may not be valid. There would be workarounds (mostly), you may want to explore SCENES which allows you to play patterns from different groups together. If that was not enough, you can use CLIPS which are effectively unique instances not bound by an interval under the project's timeline.
  • K7_
    K7_ Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thank's guys for helping me clear this up, great help!

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