Native Instruments Inside Ableton Racks

BetoStudio Member Posts: 21 Member
edited October 2024 in Tech Talks

Hello everyone, this is my first post since becoming a proud owner of a Komplete A61 series. I've been integrating presets from applications like Komplete Kontrol or Battery into racks for a while now. This approach offers several advantages. First, I can save these presets directly within Ableton and neatly label them with color-coded tags. Second, having these presets already sorted and meticulously organized allows me to load presets directly from my Push 2 with just a few movements, complete with all mapping parameters and settings ready to go. Third, I can map rack macros according to my preferences, giving me the ability to control multiple parameters with just a single knob, all while saving snapshots. Fourth, if I need to make more in-depth adjustments, my A61 still honors the original Komplete mapping. Fifth, in Battery's case, I can route individual outputs, providing even greater initial mix control. I recommend that if you're looking to enhance your library, use emojis at the beginning of preset or folder titles. Not only will they help improve the Ableton browser's features, but if you have a Push 2 or 3, you'll be able to easily see those emojis on the screen. Is anyone else interested in this topic? Do you think it would enhance your workflow? Cheers


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Whatever works for you, I personally don’t like emojis but it’s a good suggestion.

    musing racks in Ableton is powerful especially for multi-out instruments. One thing to keep in mind tho is if you want to load multiple instruments within a rack, this can sometimes make performance a bit worse than separate tracks due to how live uses cores per track but also, Komplete Kontrol does not work with instances in a rack and can only ever control the first instance so just something to be aware of.

  • BetoStudio
    BetoStudio Member Posts: 21 Member

    I'm not a fan of emojis either, but it really helps. It's true that I won't be able to chain komplete in terms of control and mapping there are a lot of limitations, though I wasn't really looking to take advantage of that. I really just want to bring some order and logic to my presets and get the best of both worlds. For example I can use a battery inside a drum rack, which allows me to take advantage of battery features with the push workflow. Or directly save a preset created for example from Analog Dreams, conveniently mapped for push and saved in the ableton collection as a rack...

    I am new to the Native Instruments ecosystem although I have been with Ableton for many years, but happy with the quality of NI products...

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    For Battery (and Drum kits in general) I tend to use a Drum Rack instead of an Instrument rack because it integrates with Push drum mode and you can still setup multi-outs and also colour the pads. I created a video a few years ago on how to setup all of this:

    Organising the user library I tend to just use the Ableton colour tagging and add either a - or wrap folder names in [Brackets] to have them listed at the top, beyond that I use mostly Komplete Kontrol to manage all my instrument presets

  • BetoStudio
    BetoStudio Member Posts: 21 Member

    thats exactly how I use it for battery as I said before, also I use TR808, 707... Roland vsts inside komplete and then inside drum rack, works nice, can save presets on both komplete and ableton browsers, also can map keys in the pads for start, stop and A to H variations, funny!

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited August 2023

    interesting... i just booted up my lite version of ableton a couple of days ago... and was trying to figure out a method of an instrument rack to respond to set a of midi-button triggers through using the chain selector...

    i actually ran into a brickwall trying to solve this problem...

    the idea was to use my maschine Jam 8x8 matrix and assign a button press to each instrument via the chain-selector... the idea of using a encoder is workable but slow... i'd prefer to have a button select a instrument and given i have 64 buttons to choose from.. it makes sense for a quick switch approach

  • BetoStudio
    BetoStudio Member Posts: 21 Member

    I understand that what you want is to be able to change presets simply by touching a button...?

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited August 2023

    thats correct... i know that a encoder can cycle etc... but having lets says 28 buttons assigned to each of the individual 28 instruments that you would select if cycling via the chain selector and encoder... i found a little tricky to setup for some odd reason.

    this would essentially make it easy to select a instrument based upon the colour&row i have setup on my maschine jam page

  • BetoStudio
    BetoStudio Member Posts: 21 Member

    Ok, I understand that you are looking for more precision in the preset change. A possible solution would be to look for automation via clip. You can create a clip with the exact value of the preset change, regardless of whether it is a clip with notes or just a dummy. You would just have to map each clip to your control surface via midi.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    i see... what you mean.. ill revisit that brickwall.. at some time, just testing other stuff atm.

    thanks for dropping the idea for reference!!

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