Komplete Kontrol S-Series MK2 Custom Script For Cubase 12

mchantzi Member Posts: 24 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi there, I'm happy to share my personal script for the Komplete Kontrol S MK2 inside Cubase 12, using Steinberg's new Midi Remote API.

It currently covers Mixer, Focused Quick Controls, Instrument Quick Controls, Inserts, Sends, Channel Strip, and some commands sets.

I've uploaded details and the script's file in Steinberg's subForum for midiRemote, here:

Hope it may be useful to some of us :)




  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,911 Expert

    Very generous by your side. Once again, NI is lucky to have users so generous to make the job they should do

  • mchantzi
    mchantzi Member Posts: 24 Member

    Hi there, thank you for your kind words!

    Now, the way I see it, and since tools as the midi remote API by Steinberg and other ones for other DAWs as well, are designed to help users to customise the controller's behaviour based on their personal workflow, I'm not 100% sure whether NI should really get into this, since they do have an integration which pretty much covers the basic (and generic) needs.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,911 Expert

    I can in some way agree. But when you build products, giving some instruments to allow less experienced users to use them at least with the main DAWs should be something companies have a look at, in my opinion. Even because in this way they could suggest what, in their opinion is the best way to use X with Y. An user templates follow this user needs, not the general needs.

    But I see your point 👍🏼

  • mchantzi
    mchantzi Member Posts: 24 Member

    It's true that the way a company visualises its own products' functionalities should be exposed by their implementation, 100% agree!

  • Griswold3
    Griswold3 Member Posts: 32 Member

    Hey guys I’m curious. Does something like this exist for Studio One? If so maybe you could point me in the right direction.


  • mchantzi
    mchantzi Member Posts: 24 Member

    Hi mate, I know almost nothing about Studio1 on this aspect (though I have a licence for it, but just didn't have the time yet to really dive into it), but I do know it has its own scripting language (most probably javascript). Other than that, I'm totally clueless, perhaps a google-search might be of help :(

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,911 Expert

    S series has already a quite good integration with Studio One. You can find Presonus original script in the list of controllers in Midi setup, under Native Instruments

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod

    wow, cool!!

    I'm confused about what's happening here tho... The "DAW Integration" (the one that shows the meters instead of regular MIDI MODE) is not supposed to be editable in any way, how did you achieve that?

    Renaming the .DLL (so it's not loaded) causes it to not load and somehow be freely editable?

  • mchantzi
    mchantzi Member Posts: 24 Member

    Hi, once we remove/rename the original dll, it's just not getting activated, thus not controlling the daw port. So, this port is now free and we can use scripting to talk with NIHIA by using it. Now, NIHIA is responsible for updating the controller's UI after it receives by us the appropriate sysexes/ccs for the UI's elements of the controller :)

  • komododragonmusic
    komododragonmusic Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    It's really impressive how the Mixer control opens up so many options and works well with Cubase 12 but it's a shame that it seems to override the Komplete Kontrol plugin when you want to use it on a track. The Plug-in button no longer switches to the plugin.

    As great as it is for non-Native instruments plugins, I still like using the Komplete Kontrol software for Native Instruments sounds within Cubase 12.

    Unless I'm missing something.

  • mchantzi
    mchantzi Member Posts: 24 Member

    Hi and sorry for my late reply.

    I face no issue here using the Plugin button to turn my keyboard to Komplete Kontrol mode, when the total number of Komplete Kontrol instances is below 100. Note that if you tend to have more than one project open, the number of instances is the sum of all instances per project.

    Other than that, please make sure that you have disabled by renaming or moving to another folder, the file C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\Shared Components\KOMPLETE KONTROL SSeries.dll which includes the original Native Instrument’s Cubase implementation, upon testing my script. Otherwise, there will be crashes, conflicts, and erratic controller’s behaviour.

    Note that this component is getting installed again, every time we update the Komplete Kontrol app, so we have to remove it again.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,327 mod

    This, is a great script which deserves a lot more attention by users, and why not, NI should buy it and use it in their controllers! I assume it is also compatible with Cubase 13, since NI drivers for MK2 are still the same.

    Ευχαριστώ πολύ! 🙏

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod
    edited February 2024


    absolutely great work, could it be the case that you use the MCU integration stuff, it's the only method I know cubase and other daws use to bring labels on screens and channel pressure for example for meters. Really that's a thing native should have done, or at least let us use this screen with midi editable knobs and buttons so we can easily make our own MCU scripts for other daws too. But luckily I'm a cubase user so maybe your script works with the komplete kontrol mk3 keyboard too, I would just have to change the device I'd I guess?

  • mchantzi
    mchantzi Member Posts: 24 Member

    @Sunborn and @Uwe303 thank you both for supporting the script :)

    @Sunborn, I don't wish to sell this script, it was actually designed based on my workflow so I decided to share it for free. What NI could do is to suggest it, but this thing would need testing by their side and I'm not sure if they really have the time for something like this.

    @Uwe303, I'm not using the original NI's implementation, I'm using the MIDI Remote API of Steinberg. Now, if you alter the script to use its FULL version, I do have some MCU stuff there (for example the functionality to browse VST Instruments and Insert Effects).

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod

    I just think it would be better/easier to have that screen in midi mode, so you could create 2 or more knob/button pages (then the 4d encoder also free for midi use, transparent buttons too, that woukd be perfect), so anyone with almost all daws could make a good implementation, cause not all daws have that great api implementation like cubase.

    So please native - let us use the screen also in midi mode, like on maschine and let us use all buttons and knobs in midi mode.

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