NEWBIE QUESTION -- Going back and forth between Stand Alone and Controller Mode

Lance Young
Lance Young Member Posts: 14 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

When I purchased Maschine Plus I was under the impression that I could move seemlessly from Stand Alone to Controller mode and the Maschine 2 would perfectly mirror what was on the Maschine Plus.

Am I correct in assuming that if I want to work with a Maschine Plus file on the computer I have to go into "Storage" mode in the Maschine Plus settings and then find the file and load it into Maschine 2? If so, feels like a pretty clunky process.

My next question is after I have modified the project in Maschine 2, does it automatically show the changes when I next launch the project in Standalone project? In other words, in controller mode am I still modifying the same file on the SD Card?

Finally, I assume I need the same programs loaded on the computer that are on Maschine Plus in order to hear anything. Is there an easy way to make sure the computer has all these programs?

Sorry about the questions. NONE of this is covered in the Maschine Plus Manual.

Your help is appreciated.

Best Answer

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,971 Expert
    Answer ✓
    1. yes, you have to load the project into the Maschine software
    2. no, you have to save the project in the software and then move the saved file into the sd
    3. ‘correct. The internal Maschine fxs and “synths” will already be in the Maschine software. Massive, FM8, Reaktor, Monark and Kontakt must be installed from Native Access. They are not too many

    I would add to this the info that if you add some other plugin in the project on the computer, those are not on Maschine+ so they won’t work


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,971 Expert
    Answer ✓
    1. yes, you have to load the project into the Maschine software
    2. no, you have to save the project in the software and then move the saved file into the sd
    3. ‘correct. The internal Maschine fxs and “synths” will already be in the Maschine software. Massive, FM8, Reaktor, Monark and Kontakt must be installed from Native Access. They are not too many

    I would add to this the info that if you add some other plugin in the project on the computer, those are not on Maschine+ so they won’t work

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,311 Expert

    I was talking about this just the other day. It would be great if the desktop and standalone could be kept in sync via the wi-fi connection. Ableton have done this with their standalone Push 3.

  • Lance Young
    Lance Young Member Posts: 14 Member

    The truth is there is no real integration between Controller Mode and Standalone mode. It's all marketing. From what I can see in this very short period of time, the Maschine Plus has some awesome capabilities. But unfortunately it is not fully baked. The idea that you have to LITERALLY load and unload files from and SD Card to play the file on the computer or back to the Maschine Plus is ABSURD.

  • Lance Young
    Lance Young Member Posts: 14 Member

    But many thanks for the help. Much appreciated.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited August 2023

    i actually find it funny, that people are slowly realising the shortcomings of the maschine+...

    there is a much better way to implement a fully fledged beast of a maschine/Daw/portable station & all you need is the hardware+software

    Maschinemk2+Mashinejam+m1macmini+ipad+battery source, then you would have a maschine+++++ LOL, people need to think out of the box!!

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 137 Advisor

    what would ‘controller mode’ mean other than what it already does? you’re either loading an internal project running standalone or using it as a controller for maschine software.. i don’t get what the ‘seamless’ in between would be..

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,930 Expert

    Well, in the end it’s quite effortless to copy a project file forth and back. With the bonus of having a backup on your computer (which is also backed up to whatever you’re using)

    The difficulty is that the Maschine SW version must exactly match between computer and M+. Which is currently not the case if you do a fresh install of both.

  • Lance Young
    Lance Young Member Posts: 14 Member

    I am personally shocked by anybody who thinks the CONNECTION between the MASCHINE PLUS and the COMPUTER is as good as it could be ... READ the original review of the MASCHINE PLUS from SOUND ON SOUND ... It says it all and clearly nothing has changed. It would be very easy for the two experiences: Controller Mode and Standalone Mode to mirror each other. Transferring files is just not acceptable for what they portend when they sell this machine ...


    To take an idea from standalone to Maschine to your computer, you need to copy across the Project (either via Storage mode or popping the SD card), and make sure any referenced assets are available. Anything you sampled will be in your Projects folder or the global Recordings folder, but anything else you use from your library or user files won’t, and there’s no equivalent to the software version’s ‘Save Project with Samples’ command. I got pretty used to seeing the 'Missing Samples' dialogue pop up.

    Having moved your files, you need to switch to controller mode to continue using the hardware with Maschine desktop/plug‑in. Maschine’s on‑board audio interface becomes available to your computer, as do the traditional MIDI ports, but USB connections do not. So if you had any synths or interfaces connected via USB that you want to continue to access, you’ll need to reconnect them to your computer.

    The MPCs show how this can be handled much better. When you switch an MPC to controller mode its storage mounts on your computer, so you can simply load your project directly without moving it or collecting assets. What’s more, the MPC acts like a MIDI hub so the devices you had connected can be used without reconnecting.


    • Sharing projects and content with desktop is clunky.

  • Rico010
    Rico010 Member Posts: 140 Advisor

    Sorry if I’m late to the discussion, but…

    I just use it independently. Use M+ as a separate box. Don’t try to sync it with PC. Ableton Link can help to sync between PC and M+. Play, compose, arrange. Export to DAW when ready for mixing/mastering.

    I don’t even use M+ for arranging. I use it as a box solution for creating grooves and some simple melodies/basses. A sandbox if you will.

    And it works this way, it does a miracle keeping me focused when needed.

    If you want a sync solution…which means you have PC always on, why you need a standalone box at all? :)

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro

    Agree. Why get the plus if you don't need to work away from PC?

  • Lance Young
    Lance Young Member Posts: 14 Member

    Because you want to do both. And because there are some situations where the visuals, for example, of a drum pattern is both more stimulating and has more information. Editing is easier. Why is this so difficult to understand? Who said anyone didn't want or need to work away from a PC at times?

    The functionality I am asking for is BASIC. 10-20 year old technology. And it is what they advertise the box as ... It just doesn't deliver.

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 230 Pro
    edited August 2023

    I see. So you wanted an integrated solution. Was this advertised. I am with you in the sense that NI probably under delivered on some accounts. Plus has its own firmware to maintain, resulting in discrepancies in terms of instruments compatibility so it isn't as seamless as hoped. For example a project you did on PC may not translate well to standalone mode.

    Even Ableton Push 3 does not guarantee compatibility for M4L devices nor does it currently have arrangement view.

    Say, since NI not doing much for the plus can it start a Max-esque kind of development environment for those who can do more for the community.

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