Session Guitar Electric Vintage Crashing Logic



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    "things that were correctly suddenly have problems" Well, tbh I've been seeing this kind of reports ever since I started working is support at NI. It's not only NI updates that can cause issues but also OS updates, DAW's updates. It can be permission issues, bugs that arise with a new feature that was not used before, etc....the descriptions in this whole thread are not specific enough to determine a bug yet.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert

    Yes. Many variables. This is why when I ask to users “did you change anything in your computer” and they say no I suppose none of these variables changed

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    To people experiencing issues with Logic not being able to open a plug-in, please check this article: Logic Pro Crashes When Loading NI Plug-ins

    @Christoph R. @christomurr If you want your cases to be looked into, please get in touch with our Kontakt specilaists here, they should be able to help and determine the cause of the crashes:

  • DeepSpaceSeven
    DeepSpaceSeven Member Posts: 9 Member

    No, I did not changed anything. Beside the update to Komplete 14. And I did a full clean install (and I only install Komplete 14 and Pro Logic) on by mac and the electric vintage keeps crashing even when using it in the standalone Komplete Kontrol software. So, it should be easily reproducible.

  • DeepSpaceSeven
    DeepSpaceSeven Member Posts: 9 Member

    It's keeps crashing in stand-alone Komplete Kontrol as well.

  • Christoph R.
    Christoph R. Member Posts: 19 Member

    Hi Jeremy, I gave very specific descriptions about how and when the error first occurred and all the things I tried to solve it. I was interrupting a mixing session to update my Kontakt 7 player, and when I returned to the session my DAW (Logic Pro) crashed every time I touched a channel strip where either Session Guitar vintage electric or picked acoustic was being used. All the session that contain these two guitars in combination with Kontakt 7 player crash immediately once you touch the channel or hit the play button, while they all play correctly with Kontakt 6. If you open Kontakt player 7 on its own, the program crashes as soon as you load Vintage electric or picked acoustic guitar. Neither deinstalling the Kontakt 7 player, nor deinstalling the Instruments, and then reinstall them again could solve the problem.



  • christomurr
    christomurr Member Posts: 19 Member

    Hi Jeremy. I agree, we may not have been specific enough in our descriptions, but we're also not engineers. We're customers who all seem to be having a significant and similar problem with your software. I would think that would be enough for NI to assign a couple engineers to do that work for us. We pay a premium for your excellent products; it seems to me when the product does not work it's on you to take the next step. I also believe there is a lot of detail in this thread; enough for you to begin investigating and trying to replicate. I'm actually really disappointed with your answer.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert
    edited June 2023

    Well…now that you guys mention all those updates and installing…it’s not exactly the definition of “nothing changed in my computer” 😂

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited June 2023

    Hey @christomurr I'm not an engineer either, I'm genuinely just trying to help here. Also keep in mind that it's Monday, I'm catching up on all that has happened in the weekend and trying to connect the dots. In the meantime I found about this issue, and I think it's the same that you are reporting: 7.4.0 - Selecting Sound Preset in Electric Vintage instantly crashes Kontakt

    I've updated the thread. Would that fit your case too? In this case, know that it has been reported, reproduced and a fix is coming with the next version of Kontakt. In the meantime you can find an installer for the previous version of Kontakt here: KONTAKT 7.3.2

    If I forwarded you to our support it's that my colleagues can check your system files and crashlogs, things I can't do from here but it seems to be a more general issue anyway, so that might not be necessary.

  • christomurr
    christomurr Member Posts: 19 Member

    Good morning, Jeremy. I do appreciate the help. Your last message just came off a little dismissive to me. We're all doing our best to best diagnose (and spending a lot of time on it) but getting frustrated by the lack of attention from NI. I see the other thread you link to. The rollback did not work for me, and also, it broke projects that I had create since upgrading to Kontakt 7. So, for me, like many others, there is no solution yet. I do think there is ample evidence to indicate there is an issue and that NI should have a serious look. I did submit a direct case as you suggested and I'll post any new results here for all. Thanks again and I hope your morning goes well.

  • Christoph R.
    Christoph R. Member Posts: 19 Member

    @Jeremy_NI @christomurr

    Hi Jeremy, I totally assent to what Christopher said - both, he and I, tried everything back and forth and spent the whole weekend to come up with a solution to this problem. Also we reported every of our findings here in this thread. All our music production projects came to an abrupt halt after upgrading Kontakt 7 and nothing’s changed since Friday - I hope you understand how frustrated we are.

    thanks for the link, but I made the same experience as Christopher when installing the older version of Kontakt 7. the sounds of the Kontakt library can’t be loaded and errors occur, so I went back to upgrading to Kontakt 7.4.0. to work on the very few projects that don’t feature these two guitar libraries.

    thank you for connecting the dots, Jeremy, and trying to help us - so very appreciated! Let’s hope we won’t t have to wait too long for a solution so we’re able to continue our work.



  • Barry Lew
    Barry Lew Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited July 2023

    Big crash on Picked acoustic while choosing pattern, Latest Kontakt 7, macOS with Personus Studio One here.

  • Christoph R.
    Christoph R. Member Posts: 19 Member

    Hi Barry, yeah same here. I posted it already a week ago - Picked Acoustic and Electric Vintage (+deluxe version) keep crashing since the Kontakt 7.4.0 update.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    Answer ✓

    @Barry Lew It's a known issue, bug is filed. Please check this thread:

    7.4.0 - Selecting Sound Preset in Electric Vintage instantly crashes Kontakt

    a fix is coming with the next version of Kontakt. In the meantime you can find an installer for the previous version of Kontakt here: KONTAKT 7.3.2

  • Baptistmann
    Baptistmann Member Posts: 13 Member

    @Jeremy_NI I saw just an update for Kontakt 7.4.1 ( Crash when changing patterns or Snapshot with Session Guitarist) is this for all Session Guitarist or are we still waiting for 7.5.0. are there any other bugs that you are aware of that they are still ironing out for K7.


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