Cant get the screens on S4 Mk3 to work in windows.

Megabyte Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware


I am both a Windows and Mac user (I have an old 2011 Macbook pro that runs traktor just fine).

In windows I cannot get the screens to work on the unit. I have followed the guide (My TRAKTOR KONTROL S4 MK3 Displays are not Working (Windows 10) – Native Instruments ( to make sure the drivers are installed and they are.

But the screens just stay blank. Its the same traktor s4 Mk3 and USB cable that works fine on OSX so I must be missing something here. My windows laptops runs windows 11. I have tried this with two separate windows laptops (a Lenovo X1 Carbon, Intel CPU and a Lenovo X13 Ryzen CPU). Neither of them will make the screens work. I think I did get it to work once on the Carbon but cant get it to work on either of them now. The screens just stay blank. I am running Traktor "as administrator".

Any extra tips to get the displays working once you have made sure the correct driver is installed??


Best Answer

  • Megabyte
    Megabyte Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited October 2022 Answer ✓

    OK so if anyone else finds this article the key is to leave the traktor unit off/disconnected until all the software is installed then connect it - I didnt have to do this with the Mac.

    This way I didnt even have to install the ASIO driver to get the screens working.

    I find WASAPI works best with no glitching for me - normally just increase the initial buffer setting a bit and it stops all the issues. On both my windows laptops, increasing the buffer size to 512 (But I later incrased to 1024) resolved all the audio glitching issues.

    Also always run Traktor as administrator


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