[Livestream] Get together with KONTAKT team on Friday June 16



  • afrogrit
    afrogrit Member Posts: 58 Helper

    what's the best way to get the most out of Kontakt? Just use it as an instrument or pop open the boot and understand the inside?

  • mozart999uk
    mozart999uk Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited June 2023

    Fully resizeable gui for Kontakt 7 including scaling?

    Guitar rig ICM - new amps?

  • Frenchtrader101
    Frenchtrader101 Member Posts: 3 Member

    Where can I find a manual for the S61 controller? I went to the manual section and there is nothing about the keyboards.


  • Bob in SF
    Bob in SF Member Posts: 2 Member

    Also hoping for a jazz brushes and mallets set with ample depth, nuance, MPE compatibility (since I also use Embodme Erae Touch), standard and unusual time meters, etc.

  • kerrysmith
    kerrysmith Member Posts: 9 Member

    Is there disclosable progress on -

    • Migrating instances so that Session docs (or Templates!) that used an older version of Kontakt (6 or 5) will open the previously-loaded instruments with Kontakt 7 (VST, AU -and - AAX)? This is a big concern (as both Yaron and Mario are aware) to the composing community, whose writing templates may have hundred of Kontakt instances included.
    • Optimized (ie - faster) loading of Kontakt sampled-content to take advantage of modern SSD storage?
    • Scalable, or larger GUI (particularly) text elements?

    Also, is the AAX version of Kontakt just a wrapped VST? I keep hearing this said, and would like to put it to bed one way or the other.


  • Rotomot
    Rotomot Member Posts: 43 Helper

    Since Kontakt 1.0, using multisamples has been one of the key features of Kontakt. Still, after over 20 years, two basic functions related to multisamples are missing.

    The first one is to be able to easily save, load and exchange multisamples, including the zone mapping, without affecting other settings in a group. Many Kontakt instruments, like the NI Play Series ones, allow exchanging multisamples using a complex KSP scripting which is based on multiple groups and is limited only to the pre-programmed set of multisamples. It would be much more user-friendly to have this feature built-in to Kontakt's Edit Mode with a proper GUI and allow save/load/exchange any multisample on harddrive. A scripting API for this feature would be also highly appreciated. Instrument building would be much easier.

    The second missing feature is transposing of multisamples. Currently you can do this only by manually moving and resizing zones in mapping editor. Why not just add a simple transpose knob? It's not the same as Tune, because Tune will degrade sound quality when samples are pitched up/down. A proper multisample transpose doesn't need to degrade the sound quality at all. The incoming MIDI notes are just targeted to different samples, no need to pitch up/down at all. And it's not the same as transposing the incoming MIDI notes, because that would mess up the behavior of any keytracking modulators. Adding a proper multisample transpose would improve sound quality and make layering of multisamples much more enjoyable.

  • T.S.
    T.S. Member Posts: 21 Member

    Hi, I'm Tod,

    When scripting, in order to completely clear the scripting area we have to go to "Preset/Factory/Empty".

    This can get rather mundane and it would be great if we could also clear the scripting area from a little menu in the scripting header.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    I would appreciate if any questions posed here are only Kontakt related. Not Guitar Rig, nor Maschine Jam or anything else. This is after all an event that is only Kontakt focused.


  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    I can only say regarding migration: it's already been implemented for AU and VST3 on Kontakt side of things. Hosts need to implement this functionality as well, so the ball is in their court, and for any progress on this topic one should contact the host developer.

    Supposedly Logic's latest release changelog mentions something about fixing AU migration for Kontakt, but annoyingly they only mention "migration from K5 to K6", which would be extremely dumb. Can anybody here test if the migration actually works even to K7 (from any previous version)?

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    On the first thing - we hear you and something like this is in the cards for one of the following Kontakt updates.

    On the second thing - it is unlikely this is going to be added as far as I can see it. I wouldn't even say it's a basic function, it's kind of a very specific thing. Plus it can already be done via scripting (and keytrack modulator can be replaced with "from script" modulator if you want to retain the non-transposed keytracking, if you so want)...

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,938 admin

    Hi all, excited to reveal that tomorrow we'll be joined by Wolfgang Schneider! As the lead developer, he was the driving force behind Kontakt overseeing the development of key points in Kontakt's history. Safe to say, he was the one who made Kontakt into what it is today.

    He left NI in 2016, but he'll be back with us on a livestream tomorrow for all your questions.

    Hope to see as many of you here as possible tomorrow 👋

  • Rotomot
    Rotomot Member Posts: 43 Helper
  • Rotomot
    Rotomot Member Posts: 43 Helper

    The second request was about fully embracing the sound quality/possibilities of multisamples, and providing user-friendly controls for that. Without multisample transpose Kontakt is dismissing one of the unique characteristics of multisample layering. It's possible to do it by scripting, but it's far from user-friendly.

    I still consider it a basic functionality in any sampler/rompler/synth using multisamples. Just look at all the classic rompler-synths from 90s, like Roland JVs and JDs, Korg Tritons, etc. Most of those are pretty basic compared to Kontakt, but still those all include controls for transposing multisamples. Roland JD-800 even has a dedicated hardware knob for transposing multisamples. It feels strange not to have that feature built-in to Kontakt in 2023.

    Regarding the transpose affecting key-tracking modulator or not, one solution would be to have a toggle button to optionally change the behavior. The behavior where transpose changes key-tracking is kind of more basic. But using the behavior where transpose does not affect key-tracking, you would get more unique sounds that fully embrace the advantages of multisamples.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    Unfortunately due to the way the modulation system is implemented in Kontakt, such a button on the modulator itself is not possible (the modulator has no control or knowledge about if the incoming note was transposed or not).

  • kerrysmith
    kerrysmith Member Posts: 9 Member


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