vocal chop filter or plug-in?

doze Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Is there a filter or plugin for Maschine 2 that would give me a way to do vocal chop style effects? Like some of Fred Again's stuff? There is the side-chain way, but I wonder if there's a tool specifically for this?


Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    Answer ✓

    Buying Serum just for that would be a huge mistake.

    There are lots of ways to approach it, you can even simply slice your sample into smaller bits with the Sampler and manually play your slices... Same effect with different an approach and different (possibly more complex) possibilities.

    If you want simple shapes Maschine's modulation lane / step modulation in Maschine can suffice:

    But if you want fancy curves that are easy and practical to edit then shapers are your go-to tool. Cableguys have a ton of offerings and then there's really advanced all-in-one solutions like Infiltrator, it's quite expensive tho.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited May 2023

    Give a practical song example so we know what you're talking about.

    "vocal chops" fx are usually normal FX that Machine and all other hosts/DAW's have built-in, Filter, Reverb, Delay, Distortion, etc... The hardest common thing would probably be pitching without changing the length, since the sampler has no real-time time stretch.

  • doze
    doze Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks, D-One. I mean something like what happens in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp9wQiFLc4w&t=247s at around 3:55. Moonboy uses 'morph', where a rhythmic sound is used with a vocal or synth.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited May 2023

    You can use exactly the same plugins and techniques he uses in the video and load them inside Maschine

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited May 2023

    Yes.. Even without using fancy external 3rd party plugins.

    Simply put a Gate on your Vocal/Synth Pad#1 and send another Pad's (#2) audio into the Gate Side-Chain.

    #1 will only play when there is audio coming from #2, at the threshold you define.

    Note that some 3rd party plugins side-chain does not show up in Maschine, or if it needs midi to be triggered it might not work, test trial before buying anything.

  • doze
    doze Member Posts: 12 Member

    Yes, I was wondering if Maschine had something built-in already. Getting Serum and Zynaptiq Morph would cost me several $$$$. I've done the side-chain method and I'd hoped there would be a interface-based solution.

    A volume shaper would be good too in combination with the above. That's not in Maschine, is it? There's so much in there. I might have missed it though.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    Answer ✓

    Buying Serum just for that would be a huge mistake.

    There are lots of ways to approach it, you can even simply slice your sample into smaller bits with the Sampler and manually play your slices... Same effect with different an approach and different (possibly more complex) possibilities.

    If you want simple shapes Maschine's modulation lane / step modulation in Maschine can suffice:

    But if you want fancy curves that are easy and practical to edit then shapers are your go-to tool. Cableguys have a ton of offerings and then there's really advanced all-in-one solutions like Infiltrator, it's quite expensive tho.

  • doze
    doze Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks so much guys. This is all so useful. I'm going to have a play with it all now.

  • Facedogg
    Facedogg Member Posts: 16 Member

    another way to do this would be to load your vocal track in an audio module in gate mode, turn note repeat on and then play around with the rate and gate parameters, you could even apply swing to the channel to give the chops a little bounce

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Definitely, good point. Note repeat is a nice approach, even just pressing pads manually too.

  • doze
    doze Member Posts: 12 Member

    Nice. Thank you.

  • doze
    doze Member Posts: 12 Member

    Just got the Duck plugin from Devious Machines for £20 incl tax. Seems really intuitive and I'm already getting some nice results out of the box.

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