Write values from Sine into Event Table?

mr.datsun Member Posts: 30 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

Hi. I'm doing another ADSR tutorial - this one about using Snap Value Arrays to store Event Table Data. There's part of the tutorial that is skimmed over. I've no doubt this is simple for experienced Reaktor users, but not for me.

The tutorial features a readymade macro that writes data from a Sine into the example Event Table but it is not explained how.

Would anyone be able to guess what is going on inside it please? Or what I need to research to work out the answer?

Best Answer

  • mr.datsun
    mr.datsun Member Posts: 30 Member
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓

    Ok, I think I've found the answer. It is to use the XY module. It wasn't until I realised that the only Module and Macro reference manual available was to be found in the old Reaktor 5 application manuals section. This reference manual is a godsend and what i have needed all along to understand what each module does, their interfaces and examples of them in use.

    So, long-story-short, the XY module allows the drawing of lines into a display area. I had assumed it was only for XY input when browsing through the modules.

    Obviously my question was completely barking up the wrong path and misleading, as I thought the Event Table was the kind of thing I was looking for. That's probably why no one could help.

    Thanks your input to my question, nonetheless..

    I'm marking this as solved.


  • mr.datsun
    mr.datsun Member Posts: 30 Member

    To attempt to answer my own question, I think the solution might be in the OSC Sync Macro. I'm goingto see if it will work for the Event Table.

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited May 2023

    Is there no view into the macro in your vid?

    Or do you own this macro as building block?

    I search my hdd's but don't found anything with keywords Sine into Event Table.

  • mr.datsun
    mr.datsun Member Posts: 30 Member

    No, the tutorial does not explain it. I have no idea where the sine macro he uses comes from but I dont have it. What I'm looking for is a method to draw values into a display/table to graph the sine wave. Maybe an Event table is the wrong thing to use. I will investigate the OSC Sync Macro today to see if the method can be deduced from there

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    Here is Microtune 1024 by Noel Burgess


    Writing microtunes in Event Table.

  • mr.datsun
    mr.datsun Member Posts: 30 Member
    edited May 2023

    Thanks. It looks fascinating, but a bit too advanced for me. As it's an implementation of the Harry Partch 43 tone octave, it's something I'll probably come back to later when I can get my head around more basic stuff.

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    Therefor I don't gave you my version to convert .tun files to microtune.

    It's more complicated for beginners. The result you can find in several of my uploads in U/L.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,021 Guru

    Maybe you should stop working through old videos that refer to long out of date versions of Reaktor, and are not supported by their creator any more?

  • mr.datsun
    mr.datsun Member Posts: 30 Member

    I dont think the problem is the age of the video tutorial. 2015 in this instance. Indeed the two previous sequencer tutorials were older than that and they worked once I had some helpful pointers from this forum. The problem is that there is a macro used that is not explained. I would have thought that the macro function I described must be possible in Reaktor 6 or 6.5. I.e. plotting a sine wave x,y values on a graphic display. I thought someone here might know simply how to do it. But perhaps it needs deeper knowledge at Core level, rather than the Primary level I'm working at.

  • mr.datsun
    mr.datsun Member Posts: 30 Member

    Ok. Basic question. Can an Event Table receive numerical input (x and y) and display it as a point? If not is there another module/macro that can?

  • mr.datsun
    mr.datsun Member Posts: 30 Member
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓

    Ok, I think I've found the answer. It is to use the XY module. It wasn't until I realised that the only Module and Macro reference manual available was to be found in the old Reaktor 5 application manuals section. This reference manual is a godsend and what i have needed all along to understand what each module does, their interfaces and examples of them in use.

    So, long-story-short, the XY module allows the drawing of lines into a display area. I had assumed it was only for XY input when browsing through the modules.

    Obviously my question was completely barking up the wrong path and misleading, as I thought the Event Table was the kind of thing I was looking for. That's probably why no one could help.

    Thanks your input to my question, nonetheless..

    I'm marking this as solved.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,021 Guru
    edited May 2023

    The problem is that there is a macro used that is not explained.

    The problem is that the vids are very old. When they were new, if you posted questions, you would have got quick answers from Don who made the vids. But it's not realistic to expect someone to keep supporting tutorial videos based on old versions of the software, 8 years after they were released.

    Probably the best thing is to ask questions directly here on the forum.

    So if you are trying to solve a problem with Reaktor, ask about that, rather than about a video ;)

    e.g. lots of members here could tell you that XY module and Multi Picture module can draw points. Multi Picture is more flexible and way more powerful, but XY is great if what you need is exactly what it does. And you get midi learn and mouse input built in with XY module...

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited May 2023

    There are commercial vids with preview by salamanderanagram (Don) and tenandtracer:


    From where you got yours?

    Here is another link list incl. R6:

  • mr.datsun
    mr.datsun Member Posts: 30 Member

    Yes, I know the videos are 8 years old and that I would have been unlikely to get an answer from the author, which is yes – exactly why I asked here. I have no expectations of the original author, as you describe them, but then if you don't ask you don't get.

    The Sine wave control with graphic display functionality was what i wanted to solve and so I posted an image of it from the video. I thought that would be enough to ask the question to help me find out how to do it. In future I will make sure I do not mention videos that I am using and try to state the problem clearly on its own terms.

    Thanks for you further information on the Multi Picture. I now have the Module Ref manual which means I wont need to ask so many naive or poorly stated questions.

  • mr.datsun
    mr.datsun Member Posts: 30 Member

    Thank-you. I have visited their site and am aware of the subscription videos.

    I think I can now work out what I need to do and learn using the Reaktor 5.5 Module and Macro reference, which also has some good written and detailed tutorials.

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