The Usual Suspects NKS

Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,408 mod
edited August 2024 in NKS User Library

This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.

This folder contains full NKS for Vavra and Osirus, and templates for OSTirus and Xenia

Mostly by Kymeia and Diam



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,324 mod
    edited April 2024


    (Waldorf MicroQ Emulation)

    This is a NKS template and example patches for Vavra, which is complete 1:1 emulation of the Waldorf MicroQ. It's very much a work in progress using an early beta so there are quite a few bugs - especially load times from the NKS seem to vary a lot - it seems to take a while to find the right patch loaded from NKS - loading from the built in preset browser is instant though so it may not be worth it saving NKS until this is improved so I didn't save them all - also some sounds are very hard on the speakers so use a limiter.

    To install first you need to download the Micro Q firmware and patches from here:

    then the emulation VST3 (there are other formats too) from here:

    Then create a subfolder in your VST3 plugin folder named 'Vavra' and put the VST3 and Firmware in the same folder (this is essential). You can put the patches anywhere but when you first open Vavra you will need to browse to them, after that it should remember the location (don't put them in the same folder as the VST3 as if you do Vavra insists on scanning all presets on startup which slows down patch loading).

    On Mac you also need to make sure it isn't blocked by security by running this in terminal:

    sudo xattr -cr /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3/Vavra/Vavra.vst3 (modify as required)

    NKS template and the first 112 patches from the factory bank are here for testing and play - not sorted or tagged yet but this includes thumbnails and database integration files:

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    A nice surprise. You were quick off the mark with that one dude. I just installed today.

    Would love to get a working template for the Osirus too. I may have a look at that one, though probably need to get my head around the parameters and what they all do in the context for that one.


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,324 mod
    edited April 2023

    Here is a draft for Osirus with a few example patches (just saved a few of my favourites from various banks) - the sound quality is really astonishing and I am able to run this comfortably at 9600 kHz and even higher at 32 samples latency with almost nothing showing on the CPU (admittedly a M1 Max) - it really is identical to the hardware (of course it won't load all Ti patches as some use the wavetables and graintables and extra fx) - VST3 only - some of the graphics are thanks to Diam - the thumbnails I created are made using the Galaxspel skin which is my favourite of the three it comes with

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Thank you. Realised my graphics were still named DSP36500 as opposed to Osirus. In case not fixed here it is. Waiting for a more refined skin/logo and I will make a new set.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,324 mod
    edited April 2024

    The original Virus C also has 2 RAM banks that are not in the plugin - you have to download those from the Access site and those are the ones I'm converting. This is the full list:

    and I've attached the actual banks - just ignore the first one which contains A, B and the Multis (which don't seem to load) - take your pick from the rest - thanks - no rush this is still in beta and there may be some changes yet

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,324 mod

    Thanks - I did include the artwork thumbnails but the rest I made as I wanted to use a different skin (don't like the default one) and I'd already made the correct folders and database files anyway

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 208 Advisor
    edited April 2024

    Those of you working on Osirus/DSP56300, you may want to check here:

    EDIT by Mod, 13/04/2024: @jggorman the Zippyshare website is now defunct, so those presets are not available any more. If you want, please upload them directly here, or on a cloud service that they do not expire. Thank you. :-)

    I didn't do much and it looks like you've gotten further, but you might give it a check anyway.

    Also, I've tested it and the Virus Classic v61 rom works best. It doesn't have the supersaw that the newer hardware synth has, but it runs very well.

    Also, the DSP56300 Discord channel has links to skins. The one I am using is linked below. I modded it a bit for the dark red and greenish lcd. Unzipped files go in a "Skins" folder next to the plugin.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,324 mod
    edited April 2023

    Thankyou - very sorry I missed that - I only got interested in it after trying the Waldorf and realising it actually worked very well then thought I'd try the Virus and was blown away by how great it is (and I have a Virus Ti but wasn't using it as much as the software side of it is unsupported on M1 Macs so was missing it). Yes Mercury and I are a lot further on now anyway - all presets are converted for banks A-H (with the first 2 being the RAM banks from the Virus site NOT the duplicated banks AB that come with the Osiris) and I am 2/3 through hand tagging by ear (which is taking the longest because I can't really go by the categories given in the patch as too many are inconsistent or don't have them) - all also have previews. Should be finished later today or tomorrow.

    After that I'll come back to the Waldorf - they just released a new beta and preset loading seems a bit faster and it's less glitchy. Also I have a major update coming for the Noise Engineering Suite.

    btw thanks for the skin - at the moment I'm using Galaxspel as it was the less bad of the 3 that come with it but your's has more of the original Virus B look - cheers (also found so more on the Discord now that look more Virus C like)

    Do you know why none of the skins have the 2 soft knobs? Is that just not supported yet? You can see where they are assigned but the knobs should be under the main LCD (in the Virus C, B didn't have them)

  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 109 Advisor

    Thanks for the skin, I missed that one too. I have started to make a similar one based on Virus B look, it will save me a lot of time.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,324 mod
    edited April 2024


    (Access Virus Emulation)

    Here is the NKS conversion for Osirus, the Virus B/C plugin from The Other Guys, that myself and Mercury have been working on the last few days:

    This is not an emulation of the synth, they actually emulated the chip the synth runs on, so you can then load the original software, which means this is basically identical to the Virus (except when you run it on your computer you can do things like increase the sample rate). This emulation runs the Virus B and C but they are working on one for the Ti too and also other synths (including Vavra which I posted earlier which is the Waldorf MicroQ)

    To make this work first you need to download the plugin from the above site. For KK/Mas you need the VST3 - the NKS was made with the VST3.

    Then you need to download the Virus software - it is available on the Access site but that is only open to Virus owners, however there is a repository of synth EPROM here:

    We used the final version of the Access Virus C Access Virus C (am29f040b_6v6).zip

    Make a subfolder in your VST3 plugin folder called Osirus - Unzip this and place the ROM in this folder alongside the VST3 plugin.

    It already comes with banks built in (Banks A-H) but you will notice that the first 2 banks A and B are duplicated in the 3rd and 4th banks. This is because banks C and D are backups of the RAM banks A and B that are the banks Access intend people to overwrite with their own patches in the hardware. However the final version on the Access site also includes 2 new RAM banks that came with the later model so I converted those for banks A and B so you get 2 extra banks with this NKS conversion and no dupe banks and Mercury converted C-H (the ROM banks). This is line with the final Virus C patch list If you want the original Virus patches I uploaded them here:

    The NKS includes all patches from banks A-H fully tagged in detail by hand with previews and artwork (a couple of thumbnails originally provided thanks to Diam, which I slightly tweaked to adjust colour) - the rest made based on this skin which you can find in the Discord channel for skins:

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,324 mod

    If you downloaded this already I have made a few corrections to some missing params (caused by changing skins and adding the Vocoder params) - should be fixed now - had to remove the Vocoder as it uses most of the same params as the filters and filter envs

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,408 mod

    Thumbs up to you and Mercury for the task. I never used this software before but you all seems to be "obsessed" with it! Is it because it is THAT good, or it is because it's free? I think the best way is to see for myself, well... downloading! 😉

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,324 mod
    edited May 2023

    Mainly because I have a Virus Ti and have always loved it (although never for trance stuff - it's actually capable of much more interesting sounds) - however it currently isn't supported on M1 Macs - I still use the hardware but managing presets is a faff and DAW integration isn't working so having this software version is like having most of it back (apart from the wavetables/graintables)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,408 mod

    Having a hardware synth is always a good reason, yes (although, what's possibly can be more interesting than trance stuff? --just kidding--).

    Ok, so, downloaded and fixed properly, with jggorman's red skin and its .bin renamed to Access Virus C (without the annoying "am29f040b_6v6" at the end), and so far Osirus managed to impress me enough. Not so much with its presets but with its possibilities. 10 minutes of messing around with its knobs were enough reason to keep it! So, thanks for the tip @Kymeia probably i wouldn't pay any attention to this synth without your post. 🙏

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 208 Advisor
    edited May 2023

    Has anyone tested the Osirus NKS files on a Mac? I am unable to get the presets to change the parameters or sound. They launch the plugin, but don't change the sounds for me. I can save out presets from the VST3 and the presets I save work fine.

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