Questions RE: Sampling in Maschine Mk3! How do I fill out the pads with slices from multiple sources

DanielJM Member Posts: 37 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

In other words how do I fill out the pads in one group with slices from more than one region of a song I'm sampling hence from multiple files?

And how do I make a sample play like an instrument? What I mean is make the tail end of the sample just loops like I was playing a piano on a vst?


Best Answer

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    If they are subsequent (aka you want to chop a long sample), it’s quite easy. You sample the whole length, then you go in sampling-slice and you have many options.

    Detect- for slicing at transients

    Split - for slicing an X amount of same length slices

    Grid - for slicing depending on the grid settings

    Manual (aka lazy chopping) - for slicing with the pads (every time you want a new slice, you press next pad)

    Once you’ve done this, press apply and chose where you want them (a new group, same group where you are, on a single pad (and then playable in keyboard mode))


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    For the first question: it depends where are the parts you are interested to.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    If they are subsequent (aka you want to chop a long sample), it’s quite easy. You sample the whole length, then you go in sampling-slice and you have many options.

    Detect- for slicing at transients

    Split - for slicing an X amount of same length slices

    Grid - for slicing depending on the grid settings

    Manual (aka lazy chopping) - for slicing with the pads (every time you want a new slice, you press next pad)

    Once you’ve done this, press apply and chose where you want them (a new group, same group where you are, on a single pad (and then playable in keyboard mode))

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited April 2023

    If you want to sample from different places in a song, 2 ways:

    You can load the whole song in a pad, then go to sampling-edit, chose the start/end points for your first chop. Then you copy/paste the first pad to the second, go to sample-edit, move the start/end points for the new chop,…and so on and so forty…

    Second method: you select a pad and record first sample. Then you press second pad and you record second sample. And so on and so forth…

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited April 2023

    For second question: in sampling go to edit and you have the loop options there

    Or in the hardware is page 3:

  • DanielJM
    DanielJM Member Posts: 37 Member

    For the looping question no matter how I follow those instructions the sound sounds the same, please elaborate and cover all crevices.

  • DanielJM
    DanielJM Member Posts: 37 Member

    Ohh nevermind figured it out! Had to change the sampler type to ADSR in sampler settings

  • Warren Postma
    Warren Postma Member Posts: 43 Member
    edited April 2023

    It sounds to me like you are stuck in early learning stages like me.

    Have you applied your sample slice operation (takes the sample from looking like its sliced, to actually being slices) and then selected a destination to write the slices to?

    Jeff Gibbons videos on the sampler on youtube are clear on this (Sampling masterclass).

    He points out that you can write your slices to a slot or to a group.

    If you write it to a SLOT inside a group it is sliced but the slices are hidden until you select the slot and go to Keyboard mode which is how you play slices living in a sampler device that lives in a single slot.

    If you write the slices to a GROUP then it creates sampler devices on all the pads in a group.

    This slots and groups thing has absolutely NO ANALOGUE (similar features) in any other DAW that I know of and it’s one of the huge learning curve areas for sampling and working with Maschine.

    I started out thinking that groups and slots are simply that you put drums on pads in groups and you play pitched samples or synths on keyboard mode, which is true, but not sufficiently detailed to cover all the capabilities of maschine.

    Maschine slicing has multiple steps and stages and until you’ve done them all and tried all the destinations, you may have started slicing up your samples but may not have discovered all the button presses (look at the top row) and stages in slicing and writing slices to a destination group.

    You can even overwrite your initial group with your newly sliced sample group if you want.

    From your screenshots it sounds like you might also want to spend some time setting polyphony to mono and then various poly options just so you know what each one does.

    THe default behaviour of sampler device in Maschine is not quite like any other sampler vst I have ever used ever. Perhaps people can point out what it’s designed to work like, but some hardware sampler of the 1990s like an MPC would be my guess.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited April 2023

    @Warren Postma It’s not clear if you are talking to him or to me (since the snapshots have been posted by me. But they refer only to the op second question about looping the tail of a sample, no mono/polyphony involved). I did those snapshots just to answer his question.

    Of course I didn’t touch all the aspects of sampling in Maschine. I just answered the op question the fastest way possible. Giving too much details would only have confused him. Then, if he has more questions, I’m here to answer them 😉

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