Pioneer flx 10 vs Modular setup

Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hello friends, there have been great innovations this week and brought new comparisons to the agenda. I have been interested in these innovations for a short time.

 Here's what I want to discuss with you:

 Hybrid = Traktor pro + djm 750 mk2 + 2x X1 + 2x F1


Digital = Recordbox + pioneer flx 10


 -I have the first setup now. This setup is hybrid and modular. I would update with xone 96 as target in the future.

 -flx 10 made a lot of noise and made me eager to switch to the controls setup.


 1- Is it possible to take a professional stage with the Flx 10 controller? I was doing this with my current setup.

 2- How long will Flx 10 stay up to date before a new one is released?

 3- Do they want a recordbox subscription to use stems features with Flx 10? Do they give a lifetime subscription?

 4- Will Flx 10 be compatible with tractor pro in the future?

 5- Should Flx 10 be used with serato instead of recordbox?

 6- What will we experience if this transition happens in terms of sound quality?

7- Is this change and transformation worth it?

 I leave the word to you dear friends. I care about the question about Traktor pro.



  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,859 Expert

    The predecessor DDJ-1000 has been around for 4'ish years. But it's still a really good controller. You could also try to buy that one used. Both will be usable for years to come.

    Yes, they have booth and balanced out. Totally fine to use in a professional setting.

    But don't most clubs around where you are have their gear ready to go? Or does every DJ bring their own gear every time?

    You don't need a rekordbox sub for stems.

    Someone made a 3rd party mapping for the DDJ-1000, I bet with a few adjustment it can be used for the flx-10. But it's not easy to install. I don't think there will be a mapping from native instrument. Maybe, just maybe Pioneer will release a traktor mapping? I think they did that for flx6?

    The nice thing about rekordbox is that you can just export your playlist to USB, rock into any club and play with no setup time.

  • Kayya
    Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

    Thanks so much for your support.

     I care about how long it takes to launch a new product, I don't want to be left behind every year. NI is a good company in this regard, for example. This device is almost identical to the “DDJ1000” model, except for new features.


     I was a little distant from the controllers, seeing them as hobby devices. Somehow today I took them out of the hobby idea :) I trust the word that it can be used professionally.

     Where I am, installations are ready in large venues and Pioneer is predominantly used throughout the country. Smaller venues often have no setup at all, the artist comes with his own setup like an organizer. Since I have my own setup, I take my modular devices with me and set them up.

     I think I bought this device. I'll go with this to small places. I will only go to big places with usb or laptop. My setup and hand habits will always be the same. Just like everyone else. My setup was complicated until now, it was for people like me, it was the hybrid head. And I loved this head, it was very logical. Traktor was very good at this job.

     And above all, they say there is a mobile application, you can synchronize your playlists as sampler, hotcue, whatever you want from here. Backed up in Recordbox. (I won't use it too expensive :))


     Devices unlock some features even if you don't buy a subscription. But there is no mention of whether the stems feature is unlocked or not. It was ubiquitous as a given feature in the Stems subscription system.


     It will upset me that there is no mapping on the Traktor side. By the way, I think my x1 and f1s will be wasted if I switch.

     Do you think I should pass?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,859 Expert

    I think stems is part of the free / or device unlock package. So even if you have something simple as a DDJ-400 you can map the stems feature.

    I can't tell you if rekordbox is best for you. Try it out, mess around. If you never use unique Traktor features such as (prepared) stems playback, remix decks, elaborate mapppings .. rekordbox is real fine. I personally like it.

    Keep in mind that current stem separation in rekordbox sounds rather bad compared to VDJ, serato or Traktor + NuoStem.

    If you sometimes use Rekordbox USB is real nice to just work with a single library, no more transferring collections between software.

    You can still use the F1 with rekordbox. And then sell the X1.

  • Kayya
    Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

    Rocordbox establishes the subscription system with such details; you can't do most things for free, you have to buy a subscription. However, if you bought a device that has been approved to unlock with recordbox, it unlocks for you and you can use it as if you bought a lifetime subscription with this unlocked lock, which varies according to the device. I think it's the same on the serato side. For example, I read that the FLX 10 has serato support but no unlocking. In general, this unlocking support is determined by the features of the device. If we know that the Stems feature is on these devices and even older ones (set on pads), this should definitely be on. but I couldn't find anywhere that he opened it. We still think the same, we should open that lock, not stay in the middle :)


     This information will be useful to those doing research. Remixdeck is a seriously different feature. I was offended by the fact that remixdeck sets were difficult to produce and were insufficient to produce live rhythms with seauencer, and I turned to playing only ready-made music.

     Stems original files are very difficult to produce and as we have seen in the forum, the quality is very poor. One day, when this format is ready to be offered, it will already be supported by competitors.

     I've always been against the mapping part. I have been in favor of using ready-made devices.

     I was fascinated by a market-accepted style that doesn't require computer mastery, I guess that's the whole point in me.


     I'm going to be frank about Recordbox, I'm undecided whether to trust it or not. At least the serato alternative will be waiting. I don't want to write false accolades here. Only the initiatives that I saw as innovative impressed me, I said that if they are doing them, they must be of high quality.

     Features that interest me;

     Archive management with tags

     One-stop archive management and USB convenience

     Ability to analyze parts of music

     Managing same archive from mobile app

     Stems analysis feature

     Apply special effects to stems layers

     Ability to synchronize music to half/double master bpm

     Industry standard user design

     Thanks again for your interest. I am eagerly awaiting comments from others.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    Stems or "ISO Parts" as they are called in RB are free with my DDJ-400 and DDJ-200 they sure will be with FLX10. I just made a midifighter spectra mapping without any subscription required.

    They are not the best in business but no issues with ISO on the effects that sounds great.

  • Kayya
    Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

    I think there is no table where you don't sit, you are at every table. You came with a definite answer. :) I think you mentioned the sound quality with the iso part subject you mentioned. I care a lot about sound quality. so i keep all my archive in wav format. so obviously I was using an analog mixer.

    Any chance to comment on it?

    I thought that the stems feature would reach the same quality in every brand over time.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    RB stems are designed with older computers in mind. That is compensation for the quality.

    Ideally, Traktor (and all other software) should have a multiple "stems engines" that you can turn on and off manualy or let the app select the best one based on the computer system.

    RB mapping interface offers EQ Bends and ISO Parts dedicated commands available so theoretically one can add both commands in the list. But the problem is that it is not possible to assign more than one command to a single CC/knob/fader which is a big flaw in the mapping design. Serato upgraded this functionality and it is possible to map multiple commands to a single knob but they don't have the "Stems Volume" feature at all. Traktor has the best stems decks implementation and now we are waiting for a final piece.

    If realtime separation is really important to you then check out VDJ and go the external mixer route.

    You can also bet that VDJ is going to release a full mapping for the FXL10.

  • Kayya
    Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

    You are right about the stems engine. I never think of VDJ because I don't want to leave the big three brands. I will consider the analog mixer suggestion, but when I continue like this, it is difficult to find a "controller player". The most suitable again is the tractor X1 and F1. Or it is necessary to increase the budget and use the Denon LC series. There is no such problem with all-in-one devices.

  • tcviper
    tcviper Member Posts: 5 Member

    We should hopefully get FLX 10 working with Traktor Pro, that would rock! 😀

  • Brandon_U-ATX
    Brandon_U-ATX Member Posts: 15 Member

    I think this is still an outstanding question for the community but as soon as this is mapped correctly, I'm 100% buying a FLEX 10. I use the DDJ-SX2 with different maps and it's been fantastic with Traktor Pro 3. This FLEX 10 will be the best TP3 controller of all time when somebody comes up with a working mapping; which will take a tremendous amount of time to originate.

  • Kayya
    Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

    In some places I see that flx 10 is very praised. In some places, I see that it is ignored at all because it is a controller. Very interesting. I was impressed by this device and that's why I opened the title.

    Also a device that is not currently in stock. This is the biggest problem.

  • rider
    rider Member Posts: 39 Member

    I haven‘t bought the device (also out of stock here) and before I want to clarify if everything is working with Traktor.

    Why can nobody answer this question?

  • vished
    vished Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hi all,

    Do you have an update for connecting Pioneer FLX10 with Traktor Pro?

    Many users are already asking here. Otherwise they need to move to Serato or Recordbox.

    Any suggestion?

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