Favourite DAW with NI

jeppesmedegaard Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Social Club

What DAW do you think works best with NI overall. Plugins, hardware, everything.

Let me know!

(I use FL Studio and works pretty good i think)



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,033 Expert

    Ableton Live, happens to be what I use and usually the replies will just be what people use really so take your pick.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,918 admin

    Another +1 for Live

  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 151 Advisor

    Ableton here as well. Coming from Maschine the session view with the clips is very similar to patterns and scenes. In general it comes down to personal preference, any DAW handles NI products equally good I guess.

  • RedwardMc
    RedwardMc Member Posts: 84 Advisor

    Studio One 6 has track presets now which will probably work well for Maschine - set up all your audio/midi routing then save it as a preset to drop in any song.

    just make sure to turn dropout protection OFF/minimum otherwise Maschine will behave poorly.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 559 Pro

    As has been said, it doesn't really matter for NI's software, BUT, if you want to use NI's hardware, like the Komplete Kontrol controllers, you have to use one of the DAW's which are officially supported, or you can't make full use of that hardware.

    This is from the Komplete Kontrol S keyboards' manual:

    "Advanced integration of KOMPLETE KONTROL is available in the following hosts:

    • MASCHINE 2

    • Ableton Live 10

    • Apple GarageBand

    • Apple Logic Pro X

    • Avid Pro Tools

    • Bitwig Studio

    • PreSonus Studio One 4.5

    • Steinberg Cubase Artist 8.5/9/9.5/10

    • Steinberg Cubase Pro 8.5/9/9.5/10

    • Steinberg Nuendo 7/8/9/10"

    Also, the amount of functions differs slightly from DAW to DAW. Gotta check the manual to see what is possible.

  • dspell9
    dspell9 Member Posts: 1 Member

    I like to start off my ideas in Maschine; using it as my scratch pad. Once I have a solid idea to build on I transfer everything over to Studio one.

  • whereisko
    whereisko Member Posts: 6 Member

    Logic Pro has been great for me over the years however these days I find myself going full on Native Instruments as I’m a Maschine user. I hardly go into other DAWs now.

  • holonology
    holonology Member Posts: 84 Helper

    As a semi-beginner, I like Ableton. It's a quick & intuitive DAW to learn, which makes implementing Komplete in it very easy. I can let NI lead (via Komplete Kontrol) or I can let Ableton lead by loading NI instruments in Instrument Racks and mapping macros etc. I don't have an NI controller, so that probably swayed me down this path, but so far I don't have any gripes with Ableton and it makes sense.

    As a Mac user I kinda want to scratch the Logic itch, partly because it's there... But I know I shouldn't now I've commited to Ableton as this takes the focus away from songwriting. FWIW I know a lot of songwriters who use Logic swear by NI gear, where Ableton users can be more mixed; which I find anecdotally quite interesting.

  • Kahtnipp
    Kahtnipp Member Posts: 10 Member

    For those unaware, MaschineWig is the way to go. It takes some time to get it set up but after that, it makes the Maschine software so much more user friendly.

  • sigmaclef@aol.com
    sigmaclef@aol.com Member Posts: 1 Member

    I have used a number of DAWS over a period of over thirty years. Many of the most popular DAWs originated in the 20th century. Legacy software tends to be buggy and sluggish from old program code. Some of them still hold up. Reaper is newer but can be difficult to use, but still a good choice. the best in my opinion is Presonus Studio One, which was started up by a number of staff who has left Steinberg and were knowledgeable of the Cubase DAW. Maschine 2.0 is almost a DAW and runs VST plugins well.

    There is no DAW that stands up well next to Stdio One.

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