Traktor keeps connecting then unconnecting to my djm900 nexus mixer

Abicanelle01 Member Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Traktor keeps freezing then connecting + unconnecting continuously with my DJM900 nexus mixer. Background- I have used traktor for years in HID mode with these exact CDJS + mixer and it works fine on my main computer and was working fine on this newer computer as well up until right now. I’m not sure if I should delete traktor and reinstall? Has this happened to anyone before? In the audio set up it was show djm900 nexus core audio connected and then a second later it will turn red and show that red volume symbol on top of the screen. The CDJS can’t even connect to traktor at all they just kept loading and traktor kept freezing. I tried to restart my computer twice. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • Markovicz
    Markovicz Customer Care Posts: 381 mod

    Hi @Abicanelle01, I am sorry to hear about the hassle!

    Traktor itself strictly relies on the computer recognising external hardware. If there is indication of a loose contact, I would first check a different USB cable and then all USB sockets on your machine (including a USB hub should you use one).

  • Michael Mashup
    Michael Mashup Member Posts: 30 Helper

    Try reinstalling your djm driver

  • Abicanelle01
    Abicanelle01 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I have already tried to uninstall then reinstall the DJM900 Nexus driver multiple times and that hasnt worked. The USB cables and sockets work perfectly fine on my other mac which is what's so weird! Traktor on my new mac worked and connected last week and for some reason yesterday it could only connect to DJM900 Nexus (Core Audio) and then would unconnect and traktor would quit unexpectedly. I also uninstalled then reinstalled traktor, reloaded my directory and the issues is still happening :(

  • Markovicz
    Markovicz Customer Care Posts: 381 mod

    Thanks for clarifying! My first recommended step of troubleshooting would be checking & possibly updating the firmware on the Pioneer devices. Please also let me know which operating system you are running on the affected system and whether you have updated the computer lately. THX!

  • Abicanelle01
    Abicanelle01 Member Posts: 8 Member

    So my newer mac that has been updated to Ventura Mac OS is running Traktor 3.8 perfectly fine now and connected to the DJM900 NXS2 mixer, but still not the DJM900 Nexus Mixer because the driver is not available for Ventura yet.

    My older Mac is running Monterey Mac OS and I recently updated Traktor to 3.8 on that computer. Now Traktor won't connect to any DJM Mixers. I tried to downgrade Traktor to the older version I was running before (3.5.2) but the backup folders in my computer were deleted somehow. Would you be able to provide me with a link or driver to download the older version of Traktor Pro 3?

    I am also a little concerned that Traktor software is no longer compatible with DJM900 Nexus mixers while running the latest updates because some of the clubs I play at have these mixers and not DJM900 NXS2 mixers.

  • DJM (Sagar)
    DJM (Sagar) Member Posts: 54 Helper

    Hi @Abicanelle01

    Sorry to hear you're having problems.

    Just a note, on new Macs ( and I read you're on a newer one now, also the pic confirms it), there is a security procedure to go through to unblock or allow pioneer usb drivers. Otherwise the computer will inexplicably disconnect your device or not recognise it.

    If you've not gone through this, all drivers are going to be blocked as you install them from that source. I don't use a Mac so can't help you with a step by step but there is plenty of similar issues all over Pioneers forums. I think Pioneer might have a guide here for installation that helps.

    If you search there, you might find the guide to install and allow through security.

    Experience says, disconnections can't be a Traktor problem. Traktor doesn't handle this part of the process on any computer. It just knows if something is connected or disconnected. The computer would have to reject/break the connection for Traktor to flag the device as missing because Traktor itself has no reason to reject or break a device's connection. It does not active checking of whether it's the right device or not for whatever reason.

  • Abicanelle01
    Abicanelle01 Member Posts: 8 Member


    Yes, I already have all of the drivers installed correctly as I have been a Traktor user for years. My main concern is that Traktor 3.8 is not compatible with Monterey software for some reason when connecting to DJM mixers + CDJS. It is only connecting to the mixer's core audio which then causes Traktor to freak out and unexpectedly quit.

    When I was trying to connect to a club's mixer and CDJS in HID mode last weekend, the CDJ 3000s started blinking and glitching out and they had to be completely shut off because of the Traktor software.

  • Markovicz
    Markovicz Customer Care Posts: 381 mod

    As stated in your thread about general compatibility, TP3 is fully supported on Monterey. Also, I cannot come up with any idea how Traktor itself could be causing this behavior.

    Have you used an older update of TP3 on this specific computer?

  • Abicanelle01
    Abicanelle01 Member Posts: 8 Member

    Hey! So yes I have been running different updates of Traktor for the past three years in this computer and for some reason this is the first update where this has happened. It seems like the issue is it’s only connecting to core audios which is strange because I’ve never seen it do that before unless I’m just playing off my MacBook speakers. Have you ever heard of anything like that happening? Thank you for all of the help!!

  • Markovicz
    Markovicz Customer Care Posts: 381 mod

    Hi @Abicanelle01,

    I am sorry for getting back to you only now - I have been out for several weeks due to a health issue and just came back in (all good again BTW : ).

    Is there any news on the topic?

  • YM_LA23
    YM_LA23 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    @Abicanelle01 @Mark_NI im going thru the same exact problem and it’s annoying. Any solutions yet??? Traktor always behind on everything literally forcing the world to switch software. Please help guys

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