chatGPT Professional DJ Set Structure

Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hello friends, I came to you this weekend with an interesting research. I don't know how you prepare your sets, what standards you meet, but it is certain that everyone has a way of working. topics such as key, bpm, type, concept of the day, stages are the most important points of the sets. I picked up chatgpt this weekend and talked about the set creation

Here I am sharing that painting with you. I examined it in detail and gave the rights to accuracy. I made good notes.

  • He said that the concept for the table is club and party oriented, that it can vary according to the concept and that this table can be considered standard and professional.
  • He said the set structure was installed in the up form.
  • He informed that warmup and cool down episodes can sometimes take place with the artist.
  • In the content section, he said that he was talking about the types of tags in the set, not the music genre. I still thought that the tags in the content section could be more diverse. these tags were the ones I had.
  • He said he prepared the duration of the set and the duration of the episodes according to people's stay in focus.
  • He says his key numbers have to do with the episode, saying their major and minor choices carry happy and depressed energy.

Here is that painting:



  • Spazoo
    Spazoo Member Posts: 41 Helper

    Interesting but some of it seems a bit odd, such as pacing and key selection.

    The Ratio % does not make sense to me. It does not sum to 100%.

  • Kayya
    Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

    Yes I didn't really pay attention to the progress situation. Sometimes I witness that it mixes data. It can be confused in complex jobs and regulatory requests. It is necessary to be in control in these versions. :)

    I was curious about your comment on Key. can you open it?

  • Spazoo
    Spazoo Member Posts: 41 Helper
    edited March 2023

    For example, the Rise section (#3) indicates 24 tracks to be played during the 60 minute block, utilizing only 2 keys (Em and Bm). I think that part of the set might sound more interesting (better) if it contained a bit more musical diversity.

  • Kayya
    Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

    I agree, diversity is good. But I think he thinks that each tone has a different mood about the key. It starts with set 1 and increases to 12 according to the section. I was surprised by this information because I am not such a musical expert. I hope he's not lying about ‘key’ :))

    VESICA Member Posts: 4 Member

    I have quite a few quibs about this map. But one of the major ones would be that hardly any dance music is in a major key! Haha!

    Pacing is way off, too: boring IMO! I'd like to see a few peaks and breaks in a set of that length.

    And you'd have 2,5 min. per track which is kind of ADD, especially if sustained over 3+ hours, and then during the peak all of sudden you extend to 5 min. each, when it's actually time to have a faster pace, unless you play long house tracks?

  • djTubbs
    djTubbs Member Posts: 3 Member

    Know your music, no AI needed...

  • Stecotech
    Stecotech Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Well, I do use graphic card calculations for effects and the funny part is windows10 pro can work also with that, so when the Media player changes speed with holding the pitch also.

    But mediaplayer has large changes so 25%, 50 % , 100%, 150 and 200% so any effect there is brute but pitch tries to stay. Except 25 % cause that is not possible.

    I work with Mixmeister Fusion to mix sounds always in perfect pitch but install fails on windows10 pro latest build to a klpd.sys error which is sure not a windows file perhaps ilok security but not known yet.

    I play on hardware, so:

    Yamaha PSR900 : 400 euro second hands

    Behringer Deepmind 12 : 680 euro new

    Roland JV2080 module: 250 euro second hands

    Arturia drum brute : 280 euro new

    I did buy a NI Kore that I still use : 95 euro second hands

    A Yamaha Electone EX-5 organ. : 500 euro second hands

    And a Roland MX1 8 channel 24bit /96kHz: 250 euro new

    I control everything with a DMC 122 double midi keyboard with organ knobs : 1200 euro new.

    Today some of this is much more expensive but I did buy all of this between 2008 and 2012 so far away from Corona and the trouble in Ukraine causing all prices go up.

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor

    Why this thread looks like every message is written by chatgpt? 😵‍💫

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I have quite a few quibs about this map. But one of the major ones would be that hardly any dance music is in a major key! Haha!

    I have decided to make set just using tracks in major, some time ago. It was rather hard task... 95% of tracks I have are in minor....

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    Things are about to get really strange with AI doing these random and not random things that each individual decides to create.

    I am keeping my eyes very open to Ai. So far I have only used it for youtube artwork for my Dj broadcasts.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I have used to play with AI 30+ years ago... This is probably the third trial to get broad use. This time with acceptable computing power and plentifull of memory and heaps of data to process (use for training).... It will do it. Most probably. Unless it will hit another unexpected "boundary".

    The problem of neural networks has always been the reliability. It works fine if the input data are close to training data, but it behaves unexpectably if input data are further away from training ones....

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor

    And how do you think today's AI will behave who was fed with reddit forums data? 😀

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    That is what I mean, when speaking about hard to quantify reliability of results.... Result may be great in many cases. And total fail in others.

    IMHO, the problem is the total fail. Partial fail would be more acceptable....

  • Kayya
    Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

    Artificial intelligence, which offers set recommendations with its mistakes and truths today, will lead the transformation of DJ art in the near future. We see this in all industries. That's why we need to talk more about the impact and future of artificial intelligence in our industry.

    artificial intelligence;

    What will it make automatic and ready?

    Which workforces will become redundant?

    Which workforces will be valued more?

    In which direction should we take shape so that the sector can remain in the focus of people?

  • AnderOtis
    AnderOtis Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Regarding the set structure, you mentioned that it follows an "up" form. This could indicate a gradual progression of energy throughout the set, building up to more intense and energetic moments. Warm-up and cool-down episodes are also common in sets, allowing for smoother transitions and providing variation in energy levels.

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