BUG - I can't relocate samples in Battery 4 - (BT4-2680)



  • catch-22
    catch-22 Member Posts: 101 Helper


    I discovered this bug just one or two weeks ago. I'm sad this is an old known bug still not fixed. There are multiple new threads here and at Steinberg forums by other users with the same problem.


    When is the fix going to be available? This should be escalated and fixed ASAP.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @mi-os We don't have a date for a fix and I'm still awaiting more official information to share about it. This issue is being escalated and I will forward all your links and comments.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod
    Answer ✓

    We created a Knowledge Base article with a workaround for this bug: I Can't Relocate Missing Samples in BATTERY 4.2.0

    We are aware it's only a workaround. The bug is still present in the latest version of Battery (4.3.0). We reached out to the responsible teams for further information on the topic and we'll update when we get new information to share.

  • portthames
    portthames Member Posts: 49 Member
  • catch-22
    catch-22 Member Posts: 101 Helper

    Yep, thanks @Jeremy_NI

    I'm just hoping it doesn't take too long for the fix.

  • catch-22
    catch-22 Member Posts: 101 Helper
    edited February 2023

    Please provide a fix for this ASAP. It's totally PIA to use when handling many project files.

    Please also fix the cell selection issue described here: https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/708/dont-reset-cell-to-its-default

    When are we going to see a fix? Please communicate with your users!

    I also want to know when you finally address all the other problems with B4 in relation to B3. B4 was a clear step back from B3. (have a look at this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jxcf5oMhNlA) So when do you start working on B5 and make it usable again?

  • catch-22
    catch-22 Member Posts: 101 Helper
    edited February 2023


    It's one month since i reported this much older bug. When do we get a fix? If you aren't going to fix this tell me please so i can look for more reliable software elsewhere.

  • portthames
    portthames Member Posts: 49 Member
    edited February 2023


    TBH, whilst I can understand some of your frustration, (this is partly why I left Mac), I don't think it's worth pressing @Jeremy_NI this way. He has made it clear the bug is reported and it's quite literally out of his hands.

    Maybe look at other software? As no one here at least has any firm idea when this will be worked on and then finally resolved.

  • catch-22
    catch-22 Member Posts: 101 Helper
    edited February 2023

    I know very well that he isn't making decisions but should openly communicate what is going to happen. He should pressure the people in power to make a binding plan. I need a road map what is happening with NI software. I can't wait weeks or months. I've to work on projects right now. Or is this just a kids toy?

    Also since B4 is a step back from B3 i need to know if they already abandoned it or going to rework all the weak points.

  • wrbones
    wrbones Member Posts: 9 Member

    I've been having similar problems in Studio One since I bought a new PC laptop 5 or 6 months ago, so it's not a PC to Mac thing or a Cubase thing, it is definitely an NI thing. Lately, though, it has got even worse. Now it loses all the samples if I close the instrument window and then re-open it. I opened a support ticket but they weren't much help at all.

    My "workaround" has been to locate the files, then save a preset in case it happens again. Once I've got it running, I load up another drum VSTi, move everything to that, then delete Battery from the project. Problem solved! We used Battery on every song on our last album but it won't appear on any of the songs on the one we'll release this year.

  • wrbones
    wrbones Member Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2023

    Double Post, sorry.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @mi-os As I've said, I will come back to this thread when I have more news or information to share. I don't have anything to communicate at the moment, I'm sorry.

  • catch-22
    catch-22 Member Posts: 101 Helper

    6 weeks later and still no bug fix available. That's almost a year since first reported.

  • EddyKante
    EddyKante Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I never posted anything in any forum but in this case I feel it's necessary. I just updated my system from Intel Mac to M1 and I am not able to work with battery anymore? B4 didn't find the factory library on the old ext hard drives so I reinstalled everything. Now it finds factory libs when I rescan and all for sudden all libraries are gone again.

    I built a lot of B4 presets over the years and I used to use them on a daily basis but apparently it's not possible anymore.

    There's no other industry on this planet having 'industry standards' that are so buggy like the music production industry with Kontakt and now even Battery.

This discussion has been closed.
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