Komplete Kontrol loads wrong version?

PulseCode Member Posts: 132 Helper
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol


  1. I open a blank project
  2. I load one instance of Komplete Kontrol (v2.8) in cubase (within that instance I load my full version of Kontakt 6)
  3. I save the project
  4. Open it again, it replaced my Kontact 6 full version with Kontact 7 (player)
  5. Some of my plugins require K7 to run but most run on K6, KK automatically loads the right version but when I save it opens with the latest version.
  6. Load latest version is unchecked.

why is KK doing that?



  • PulseCode
    PulseCode Member Posts: 132 Helper

    Some more info,..... while "load latest version" is unchecked, if I open a lib that does not require kontakt 7, it will open using kontakt 6, I save the project and next time it is using kontakt 7?????

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    They are aware of this issue and I guess a fix is needed.

  • PulseCode
    PulseCode Member Posts: 132 Helper
    edited December 2022

    Glad to hear that JesterMgee, btw I just updated my Omni NKS lib to the new vst3 version great work!


  • PulseCode
    PulseCode Member Posts: 132 Helper

    I hope they fix this soon.

  • PulseCode
    PulseCode Member Posts: 132 Helper

    @Native any update on KK? as to load the correct version of kontakt, the one it was saved with?

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited January 2023

    From my experience, if you select 'Edit View' in KK - because you only have the 7 Player - it will load K6.

    Better than nothing.

  • PulseCode
    PulseCode Member Posts: 132 Helper

    it loads the correct version when you 1st load a library, you save it in cubase, open the project again, and it's demo version with Kontakt 7.

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    Try uninstalling 7 and see what happens when you open KK again. Something ain't right.

    Wish I never downloaded it.

  • PulseCode
    PulseCode Member Posts: 132 Helper
    edited January 2023

    If I uninstall K7, and rescan the plugin in KK, it picks up K6 just fine. and works, but I should be able to use K6 and K7 side by side. I know it's not a licencing issue, as I can load K6 and K7 directly into a track, save and recall, just not with KK 2.8.1, where, when, I save, it load K7 instead of K6. Even though it originally loaded K6 when a library that uses it was invoked. it's the recall mechanism, that is not working correctly. 

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    To be honest I don't use KK that much, and I have an old version so maybe that's why, but when I uninstalled 7, the KFL still shows as Kontakt 7 and my iinstruments open as player instruments only.

    No need to respond. I'll bow out at this point. 🏃‍♀️

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert
    edited January 2023

    The issue is likely Kontakt 7 has the same plugin ID as Kontakt 6 which in some cases is a good thing because it means projects saved with an old plugin will open with the new plugin.

    In this case tho, it's not good because K7 is not a simple free update and like you, I personally have no interest to purchase K7 myself and I also find if I have the Kontakt player installed it loads that instead of K6 rendering any advanced stuff I want to do useless because I cannot open a project and have it load the original K6 I used.

    Solution in my case is just to uninstall K7 which also means I will never be purchasing anything that is K7 only unless I purchase the full K7 so if it's needed to have K6 load, for now you have to either uninstall K7 or just remove the VST3 plugin from the plugin folders

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert
    edited January 2023

    Well, seems this damn Kontakt 7 issue is more problematic than just having it open the wrong version of Kontakt!

    I have been troubleshooting projects crashing in Ableton Live on a new PC build when trying to open them and it seems this Kontakt 7 issue is the cause!

    In my testing, I loaded a project that I created using Kontakt 6 (VST2) but when I open projects it instead loads the VST3 version of Kontakt 7 within Komplete Kontrol VST2 (since I created the project years ago using VST2).

    If I now save this project it has now replaced the VST2 Kontakt 6 with VST3 Kontakt 7 Player and if I try remove Kontakt 7 player plugin from my system I get plugin missing, even tho I used Kontakt 6 originally it has replaced it with K7 Player without me knowing and now saved trhis in the next project save... That is a major issue IMO.

    This is not the only issue I have had. I have been getting a LOT of projects crashing when opening them and it appears to be this issue that is causing it, likely the loading of the VST3 Kontakt 7 into the VST2 Komplete kontrol instance since removing the Kontakt 7 plugin now allows old projects to load without causing a crash.

    So for me, Kontakt 7 is unreliable and unwanted and now gone from my system and things are back to working reliably thank god. It is lucky I discovered this issue now and not after getting stuck into making more projects. A simple fix from NI would be to offer Kontakt 7 as a free upgrade but as it stands, if you do not have Kontakt 7 full version you do NOT want to install the player without messing up previously saved projects.

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru

    Yeah... 6.8. But it wasn't about a nothing upgrade with a browser. It was about getting all the instruments locked up into a play series format.

    If I can't make a killer track with K6, then I shouldn't be making music. It'll last me until Klaus Schwab makes us all beg for bugs to eat. Next Tuesday I think, hahaha 😃

  • PulseCode
    PulseCode Member Posts: 132 Helper
    edited January 2023

    I wonder how Cubase 12 Pro is able to save and recall a plugin(s) having the same IDs, I can have K6 and K7 side by side, on Cubase tracks without an issue... only in KK 2.8.1 this switch happens, VST3 switch is fine, just don't switch the plugin, use the plugin path to recall plugin. KK has other issues like you can not save a patch with FX chain? having FX are pointless if you can not recall them with the instrument patch you are trying to sound design with. I don't get it, and what's with the inconsistent implementation of key switches, every time you turn on scale edit it effects the key switches. I don't know what's going on with Komplete Kontrol development team, are they not getting the feedback from the forums? or support teams? WTH!    

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Not sure they have the same ID and it must be an issue with either Cubase or your end because on further testing the plugin option in the KK prefs "Use Latest Version" seems to actually work for me, deselecting that option now has things load in older versions of KK, tho it means some stuff loads in Kontakt 5 since I also have that installed but I don't care what version it is, as long as it works and does not crash Live when I load a project.

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