Kontakt 7 Factory Library "the instrument belongs to a library that not installed" error message



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,787 mod

    And to all affected users that did not find a solution, please get in touch here: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_install

    It took a while to identify the source of the issue but it seems we are finally making progress. Our sincere apologies for all the trouble this has been causing.

  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor
    edited January 2023


    For my part I managed to circumvent this installation problem by manually launching the installation file which is in the archive of the downloaded library.

    Everything works now and I no longer have this error message.

  • uche_eke
    uche_eke Member Posts: 2 Member

    Registry change suggested on this thread by @StianDH and @skingswell worked for me. Thank you both! 😀

  • Syncopator
    Syncopator Member Posts: 27 Member
    edited January 2023

    Hello, @StianDH, you wrote:

    "On my system it was enough to double-click it and after I agreed to the pop up informing me about the Registry getting edited, they got updated."

    When you double-clicked the file, on what application did it open? (On my system, it's defaulting to open in the Universal Audio Meter and Control Panel, which is unrelated to Native Instruments. I need to direct the file to open in another application, which is why I'm asking which application opened the file for you.)

    Thanks in advance.

    (UPDATE: The .reg file appears to be a Windows file, and as such, this is a Windows solution only and doesn't apply to me. Thanks again.)

  • StianDH
    StianDH Member Posts: 7 Member

    I didn't doubleclick anything, that was the answer from NI Support. The support person did that.

    I went to the regedit and changed the registry value:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Native Instruments\Kontakt Factory Library 2]




    Those values should look like this:



    I use windows, so it might only be for windows. I don't know.

  • Syncopator
    Syncopator Member Posts: 27 Member

    Yes. I realized after originally posting that it's only for Windows. Thank you.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,787 mod
    edited January 2023 Answer ✓

    Hey all, the issue is finally fixed. For new users the Kontakt Factory Library 2 will insttall and work as expected in Kontakt. For the affected users I will sum up everything that needs to be done here, as it seems that reinstalling in Native Access will not fix the issue, unfortunately.

    For Mac users:

    Solution 1:

    • Delete this file: Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences > com.native-instruments.Kontakt Factory Library 2.plist
    • Restart your computer
    • Reinstall with Native Access

    Solution 2:

    • Please download the attached zip folder, unzip it and move the plist file to the following location: 
    • Macintosh HD > Library > Preference


    To navigate to the correct Preferences folder please follow these steps:

     Open the "Go" dropdown menu of the Finder and select "Computer"

    • Navigate to Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences , right-click the "Preferences" folder and paste the downloaded Kontakt Factory Library 2 plist file into it.
    • Alternatively you could also drag and drop the plist file into that Preferences folder
    • If prompted, select "replace". 
    • Restart your computer
    • Open Native Access
    • Press the "Repair" button next to "Kontakt Factory Library 2"
    • Browse to and select your "Kontakt Factory Library 2" folder

    For Windows users:

    The problem seems to be caused by a faulty Registry entry of the Kontakt Factory Library 2:

     [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Native Instruments\Kontakt Factory Library 2]



     Those values should look like this:




    We have created this little attached file which will replace the faulty values with the correct ones when carried out.


    Simply download and unzip it first.

    On our system it was enough to double-click it and after I agreed to the pop up informing me about the Registry getting edited, they got updated.

     Alternatively, if you are familiar with the Registry you could also replace the faulty HU and JDX values manually.

    If the issue persists,

    Please get in touch here and our support agants will help you out fixing the issue: http://bit.ly/NIsupport_install

    We'd like to apologize once again, sorry it took so long to get this fixed.

  • Gyorgy
    Gyorgy Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thank You so much , it works for me !!!

  • Ak1Music
    Ak1Music Member Posts: 2 Member

    Problem solved thanks !!

  • tonstudios
    tonstudios Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hi all!

    isti@ni gave me now the solution:

    The problem seems to be caused by a faulty Registry entry of the Kontakt Factory Library 2:


    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Native Instruments\Kontakt Factory Library 2]




    Those values should look like this:



    this worked for me immediately

  • afros
    afros Member Posts: 12 Member
    I am having same kind of problems with Reaktor 5 and Guitar Rig 5. As you will see in the attached screen shots an imposible message appears because according to NA EVERYTHING on my Komplete 13 is perfectly authorized.
  • afros
    afros Member Posts: 12 Member
    Guitar Rig 5 and Reaktor 5 cannot run as authorized software in Komplete 13. Do not know what happened but you'll see the message I get from a screen shot.
    Also, I still don't get the reason for having different versions of the same product (Kontakt, Reaktor and Guitar Rig). Thanks!
  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,228 Expert
    edited February 2024

    Would be better to see a screenshot of what version of Native Access you are running, what version of Mac OS and what the status is of GR5 and R5 shows IN Native Access.

    And why are you installing v5 of anything if you have Komplete 13 - which I believe have GR6 and R6 as standard?


  • portthames
    portthames Member Posts: 49 Member
    edited March 2024

    Hi, I am having the same issue as many others here— I now randomly have multiple missing libraries.

    Some libraries are not showing up at all, and others weirdly are displayed in demo version. Please can someone help, it's a real blocker.

    Windows 11

    I have tried the fixes to correct the faulty values, without success so far.


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