Ableton live to DECK D on S4 mk3 - best way?

dr.Tom Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

So, I'm using S4 mk3 with Traktor pro3 - DECK A,B and C is for mixing songs etc (standard DJ jobs), but DECK D I'm using for Ableton Live input. How?

I connect headphones out on my laptop to line in on DECK D, switch signal to EXT and all works great! And I'm using ableton and traktor on same laptop, Ableton uses integrated laptop soundcard and ASIO drivers.

But - because of latency and some glitches, I want to use external soundcard for ableton.

1.) My goal is to buy entry level audio interface like Komplete Audio 1, and use that interface for soundcard for Ableton. Same way I will connect OUT from Komplete Audio to IN on S4 mk3.

Will this give me better and more stable audio signal to S4 mixer? Sometimes headhone output "crash" audio signal, it gets weird, then I need to restart audio driver inside in Ableton.

2.) Does S4 mk3 have ability to use lets say DECK D channel for Ableton soundcard (asio)?

Let say that I want to use DECK D for Ableton driver (multi asio client), without cable.

In Ableton, can I select Traktor S4 mk3 for "asio soundcard", and then use DECK D just for Ableton?

I didnt try this solution, I cant try it till weekend, but my friend wants to sell my cheap Audio 1 interface (about 30 dollars).

Maybe just to buy audio interface?


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod


    i guess you use windows? On Mac you could use a virtual audio cable and a aggregate device. But with windows you have to use two audio interfaces each with its own asio drivers. Can test it later today to be totally sure.

  • dr.Tom
    dr.Tom Member Posts: 13 Member

    Yes, I use windows.

    Maybe best way to buy audio interface and use it on right way...

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod
    edited October 2022

    But if you mean what i described - them yes, you then would need also a cable from the new interface out to S4 line in.

    P S.i tried with my focusrite interface, sended maschine through it, and with my old reloop controller/interface for traktor and it works.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,859 Expert

    You can also go the software route on Windows. It's more effort and requires 3rd party apps.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    yes, with virtual audio cable and asio4all you can do it, also with voice meter banana it should be possible. But i don´t know how stable it is

  • dr.Tom
    dr.Tom Member Posts: 13 Member

    I dont want third party apps, I want to connect it with cable and sound from interface. :D

    Wait a minute - "live in" in traktor pro 3 - it doesnt work with software route, I mean - how I can select "software" to be routed to "live in"?

    As far I know, this is not possible in Traktor.

    I'm using only LoopBe to send midi and tempo from Traktor to Ableton.

    But tomorrow I'm buying some cheap audio interface, like Komplete 1 or Focusrite.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,859 Expert

    Wait a minute - "live in" in traktor pro 3 - it doesnt work with software route, I mean - how I can select "software" to be routed to "live in"?

    With a virtual / software soundcard like voicemeeter banana.

    You can't without 3rd party on Windows.

  • dr.Tom
    dr.Tom Member Posts: 13 Member

    I didnt try voicemeeter banana, I tried few other softwares but no luck for "virtual live in" in Traktor.

    But audio interface will be my choice, thanks to everyone!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    why don´t you use ableton link for syncing both programs?

  • dr.Tom
    dr.Tom Member Posts: 13 Member

    Because I'm still learning this, 90% of time I'm producing music, and only 10% to live performance/DJ.

    I am using Ableton link and Traktor link - but LoopBe is still activated in Tractor and Ableton, I dont know does Ableton link and Traktor link works without LoopBe. I will try.

    And now I'm maybe stupid - for analog mixer I'm using Behringer Q1002usb. This mixer have usb interface, so I can use this interface with Ableton.

    Problem is because sound from usb interface is direct on main out, I dont want this because it doesnt have any physical knob/fader on mixer to control volume. Only via Ableton master or audio control in windows.

    Tonight I will test 2-track output from mixer, I think that this out is just for usb, so in theory I can reroute 2-track from mixer to line in (with knob) to mixer, or maybe 2-track from mixer to DECK D on S4mk3 LINE-IN.

    In next few months I will have full equipment - drum machine and bass machine.

    Maybe to pass cheap audio interface, and save money for this mixer?

    • Ableton
    • Traktor
    • Drum machine
    • Bass machine

    Roland can be good way to controll all this intruments.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod
    edited October 2022

    But you would go out of the 2 track from the behringer mixer and this is parallel to the main out - cause i though you want to route ableton (through the behringer mixer) into the line in of the S4 from there - master out to the speakers - what you mean is the 2track input, that is directly on the master bus, but also dependend on the master fader, but like i said not relevant cause you want to use 2track output

    I would buy an ableton controller if you plan to use ableton like the akai APC 40 mk2 or something like that. But of course that Roland MX1 surely can also be fun to use as live mixer with FX and even ableton controller but i don't know much about that device. It all depends where you later want to go to and many things.

  • dr.Tom
    dr.Tom Member Posts: 13 Member

    Yesterday I tested it out, and it works.

    2-track out is wired parallel to main out, but also and phones and ctrol room out.

    But if I press "usb to phones/ctrl room" - then this button separates phones/ctrl from main mix, and only plays audio interface from usb od phones/ctrl.

    So I just wired 3.5mm phone jack from mixer to line in on S4 controller, and it works like charm!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    Then, hopefully, you have a lot of fun, and you can work on organizing noise again.

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