Cannot select browser mode in Komplete Kontrol - browser button not working

pkzande Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi all, I installed my new Komplete Kontrol M32 this week after good experiences with my S61. However, I can't seem to get the browser button to work in overlay mode. So when I am working directly in the Komplete Kontrol software itself, or a Komplete Kontrol instance on a track in Logic Pro X, the instrument instance does NOT popup on screen.

After some digging I found out that there is supposed to be a way to switch between "hardware". and " screen overlay" mode in the KK preferences under the " keyboard". tab. However, I do not see such tab in my preferences tab. So cannot change this setting to see if it solves my problem.

When I hit the browser button on my M32, I can see in the little M32 screen that I CAN actually browse through instruments and load them. But I'd like to see it on my laptop screen too. Does anyone know how I can get the on-screen overlay to work so that the instrument instance pops up for browsing?

Best Answers

  • pkzande
    pkzande Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Hi Jeremy,

    Well, that is quite embarrassing. I had not read the Quickstart guide yet (assuming I could rely on my S61 experience). So I went through it just now and all my questions were answered and everything works as it should!!

    Thanks so much for this simple, yet very effective, tip!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod
    Answer ✓

    As I said if you are referring to the library icon in Komplete Kontrol software on the computer it won't, the browser button is for switching between browser and plugin mode on the keyboard display. When it was built there were not even separate views for plugin and browser in Komplete Kontrol software, that only came with KK3.



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Hey @pkzande I assume that you had an S61 MK1. On M32, A series or S series MK2 keyboards, there is no more screen overlay or pop-up window. You can still see on the screen the instruments you are browsing.

  • pkzande
    pkzande Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Thanks Jeremy for your quick response!

    Indeed, I think you are right, it looks like a difference in behavior between my S61 (MK1) and the M32. But what I notice is that I now (with M32) need to use my mouse to open the instrument on a Komplete Kontrol track. When I press the browser button on my S61 it opens the actual browser window on my computer. I can't seem to make that happen with the M32.

    But even ignoring that difference, when I manually open the browser window om my Mac with my mouse, the M32 cannot start browsing at the top level (by selecting a specific library, then zooming in to the next level etc). I have to select a library manually with my mouse and WITHIN the library I can indeed start using the M32 for browsing. Is that normal behavior? Is it possible to use the M32 to start browsing from the library (top) level and then go deeper from there? This is what I find very helpful in the S61 but can't seem to do on M32.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Well, you shouldn't need the mouse at all, even with the M32, once you press Browse, you can navigate between File Types (Instruments, loops, one shots), then Products, types, characters and then results. Did you check the Quickstart guide ? Is it behaving differently on your system ?

  • pkzande
    pkzande Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Hi Jeremy,

    Well, that is quite embarrassing. I had not read the Quickstart guide yet (assuming I could rely on my S61 experience). So I went through it just now and all my questions were answered and everything works as it should!!

    Thanks so much for this simple, yet very effective, tip!

  • Chilled
    Chilled Member Posts: 41 Member

    So the A Series has no more popup screen overlay? Your forced to view the tiny lcd screen on the A Series board?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Yeah, we lost some nice features after the MK1, seems the trends now is to cripple versions rather than enhance them, I sometimes would prefer an OSD even using the MK2 since it's sometimes easier to keep a focus on the screen than to look down to the keyboard, reason I just use the mouse for browsing mostly.

  • Chilled
    Chilled Member Posts: 41 Member

    Thats really unfortunate as I suffer from diminished eye sight (completely blind now in my left eye) and my depth perception is dramatically impaired. I also have Carpal issues in both hands which acts up if I have to use the mouse to often since I worked in Computer Tech for 25 years which left my hands vulnerable. Thank you so much for explaining the situation JesterMgee. All of my VST's are NKS Native or your Freelance Soundlabs NKS libraries (Omnisphere, Falcon, Cherry Audio, etc) so this is actually a big issue for me. I also use Ableton Live 11 and Logic Pro X almost exclusively. I work best when all my gear is right in front of me due to my eye sight constraints. I do have a Machine MK3 (3 years old now, and several rotaries have loosened what up now) and may pair that with a small Novation Launchkey 25 mini mk3, LK25 mk3 or LK37 mk3 so that everything works for my 46" length wooden desktop. Which also has a mouse pad so usable desk width is really about 36" or so which is still a bit of a strain since I have to turn my head to the left so often due to blindness in my left eye (I am right handed). It has become a really dilemma after my full retina detachment and hand issues. I suppose if NI made a KK S37/32 MK3 with the same keyed as the S1 had (which I think was better as well as general overall build quality) I would strong consider it as I do like the Screens on my Maschine MK3, though I do feel they could have employed a lot more graphics like the Push 2. I quite like my Push 2 but its browsing mode leaves a lot to be desired and pairing it with the Maschine MK3 works but I miss the added expressive nuances I get from playing a good keybed. Though the Novation LK series keypads are not even close to the Fatar key beds or good Roland key beds.

    Your comments are very much welcomed as any suitable suggestions I may not have considered.

    Thank you.

  • sevesp
    sevesp Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


    I have a Komplete Kontrol A61 and, for reasons I don't know, sometimes I have the option to press the browse on the KK controller, but once I go to Track Instance then the Browse button is not lighting (and working) and longer.

    Another annoying thing is that the keyboard functions (Play, Stop, etc.) Do not work and produce just a sound, corresponding to a note. I try to go to the controls surfaces, preferences, etc. but nothing, then at some point I get a popup screen telling me that Logic wants to connect the keyboard then it does work, but I do not really know why the function bottoms are not working straight away, specially after having worked the previous time I used my Macbook Pro ...

    Any ideas?

    A bit disappointed with the KK controller, as I though that once configured it would work every time.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @sevesp Have you given full disk access to Komplete Kontrol and Logic? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS What's your operating system?

  • sevesp
    sevesp Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


    I am on a MacBook Pro M1 with Sonoma, yes Sonoma, which has been in the market now for a good while ....

    I have been running Logic Pro on rosetta mode, I have also try to run the other software on Roseta. The thing is that sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't. I do not do anything specific for it to work or not to work. Sometimes I have tried running Komplete Kontrol before Logic Pro, other times both a the same time. To be honest, for the moment is a total hassle. I though than NI product would be working seamlessly from day 1. It hasn't. There are lots of freebies at NI, but I would rather prefer that there were less freebies and NI dedicated more attention to their products. Considering what I have been reading on the net, there are problems with NI products ....

    I have tried also the firmware update on an old Mac, same result. The Firmware updater does not work. I got another software updater, sent to me on an e-mail link. Nothing, nada.

    I will wait for a couple more of days, to see if anyone at NI gets me to a solution, otherwise the keyboard is going back to where I bought it. They offered already to refund the product, but I am waiting ....

    We are talking about just a midi controller which costs around £ 170, so not precisely the cheapest ....

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    edited March 2024

    @sevesp I've seen your other comments and already answered to one of them. You're already in contact with our support.

  • Jeffy G
    Jeffy G Member Posts: 26 Member

    If I understand this thread, the Kontrol M32 Browser button no longer brings up the presets for browsing in Komplete Kontrol? That’s been my experience - it does nothing. How unfortunate, as it was very useful. Just want to verify there is no setting or config that DOES enable the Browser button to browse presets?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @Jeffy G No there's no setting for that, if it doesn't work, there's a problem on your system. More info would be necessary then, like what's your operating system, if this is happening in Komplete Kontrol in standalone, in a DAW, both? What DAW, etc...?

  • Jeffy G
    Jeffy G Member Posts: 26 Member

    Sonoma 14.1 Logic 10.8.1.

    Jermey - can't thank you enough for monitoring this forum and all the help you continue to provide. I left the Kontrol M32 at a remote location, but will pick it up on Wednesday and try standalone mode. Maybe I'm reading too much into your response, but are you suggesting the 'Browser' button of the M32 SHOULD bring up the Kontakt 7 browser? As far as I know, it hasn't worked since Kontakt 7 came out. Used to work fine on the old version of Kontakt.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @Jeffy G Ah there might be some confusion here. The integration with Kontakt 7 is only availabke for the Kontrol Mk3 keyboards. With the M32, A series, S series MK1 and MK2, the integration only happens with the Komplete Kontrol plug-in and standalone application.

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