How can I have a track playing and manipulate pan left to right from super fast to slow etc.

JorgeSEDJs Member Posts: 9 Member

Is there a setting that I can control the pan left/right? Would like to manipulate the speed of track to go left/right. Thank you!


Best Answer

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro
    Answer ✓

    @JorgeSEDJs, you can simply map this function to your keyboard.

    Here is how to map a slow pan and a fast pan for one deck. First, the fast one.

    Go into preferences to "Controller Manager":

    On top, search the generic keyboard mapping in "Device".

    Then, under the "Assignment Table" press "Add In.."

    In the drop down menu, look into "Mixer" and choose "Balance Adjust".

    In "Device Mapping" click on "Learn" then press a button on your keyboard, let´s say the letter "C". Now, you see the "C" next to "Learn". Click on "Learn" again, to deactivate it.

    In "Mapping Details" choose "Type of Controller" = Button, "Interaction Mode" = Direct and "Assignment" = DeckA.

    In "Button Options" set value to -1.000

    Now, your "C" button on your keyboard sets Pan to the left! Next step is to make the button next to it, set Pan to the right. You are still highlighting the "Balance Adjust" entry. Under the "Assignment Table" on the right side, press "Duplicate".

    Now, you copied the former entry, follow the "Learn" steps and set button "V" to trigger the new action. Leave the same "Mapping Details" and only set "Button Options" to value 1.000. Now "V" sets your Pan to the right and you can wiggle the balance pretty fast. You will need to map another action to a third button, which resets the pan. Follow the duplication process again, choose a button to reset Pan and set "Button Options" to value = 0.

    There slow Pan can be mapped with only two buttons.

    Follow the steps to "Add In" "Balance Adjust" and "Learn" to a new button (D).

    Under "Mapping Details" choose "Type of Controller" = Button, "Interaction Mode" = dec and "Assignment" = DeckA. Leave in "Button Options" everything unticked. Now, "D" slowly decreases the Pan value. To assign a reset command, duplicate this entry.

    "Learn" this to the same button on your keyboard, but this time in "Mapping Details" set "Interaction Mode" to "reset" and in "Button Options" check "Invert". Now, the Pan resets when you lift your finger from the button.

    Of course, you have to follow the last steps again, to map the 2 actions for turning Pan slowly to the right.

    Hope this helps you, to program Traktor to your workflow.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,245 mod


    for that kind of stuff I use melda mautopan, it's an LFO and self made shape driven planner. And of course you can control the speed. It's part of the melda free FX bundle and i highly recommend it, alone the compressor with free in/out curve is soo amazing.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,245 mod

    Ahh sorry I was too fast and did not see that this question was about traktor.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 688 Guru

    I thought maybe you had some cool VST trick going on.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 688 Guru

    To use the panning you will need to map it.

    Unless you understand mapping pretty well it could be kind of hard to set up properly.

    I set up a separate controller to use the pan. But I rarely remember to use it while Djing.

    If used improperly or forgetting to center, panning could go really bad. That is my guess for most hardware not having the pan knobs.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,245 mod

    It could be possible with the good old equalizer apo, but you then have to use a non asio driver. Voice meter banana could also be a solution.

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro
    Answer ✓

    @JorgeSEDJs, you can simply map this function to your keyboard.

    Here is how to map a slow pan and a fast pan for one deck. First, the fast one.

    Go into preferences to "Controller Manager":

    On top, search the generic keyboard mapping in "Device".

    Then, under the "Assignment Table" press "Add In.."

    In the drop down menu, look into "Mixer" and choose "Balance Adjust".

    In "Device Mapping" click on "Learn" then press a button on your keyboard, let´s say the letter "C". Now, you see the "C" next to "Learn". Click on "Learn" again, to deactivate it.

    In "Mapping Details" choose "Type of Controller" = Button, "Interaction Mode" = Direct and "Assignment" = DeckA.

    In "Button Options" set value to -1.000

    Now, your "C" button on your keyboard sets Pan to the left! Next step is to make the button next to it, set Pan to the right. You are still highlighting the "Balance Adjust" entry. Under the "Assignment Table" on the right side, press "Duplicate".

    Now, you copied the former entry, follow the "Learn" steps and set button "V" to trigger the new action. Leave the same "Mapping Details" and only set "Button Options" to value 1.000. Now "V" sets your Pan to the right and you can wiggle the balance pretty fast. You will need to map another action to a third button, which resets the pan. Follow the duplication process again, choose a button to reset Pan and set "Button Options" to value = 0.

    There slow Pan can be mapped with only two buttons.

    Follow the steps to "Add In" "Balance Adjust" and "Learn" to a new button (D).

    Under "Mapping Details" choose "Type of Controller" = Button, "Interaction Mode" = dec and "Assignment" = DeckA. Leave in "Button Options" everything unticked. Now, "D" slowly decreases the Pan value. To assign a reset command, duplicate this entry.

    "Learn" this to the same button on your keyboard, but this time in "Mapping Details" set "Interaction Mode" to "reset" and in "Button Options" check "Invert". Now, the Pan resets when you lift your finger from the button.

    Of course, you have to follow the last steps again, to map the 2 actions for turning Pan slowly to the right.

    Hope this helps you, to program Traktor to your workflow.

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