Traktor Pro 4 Random Crash - All changes made in collection are lost

Elandiel Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

I've used Traktor Pro 3 for years without ANY problem and now Traktor Pro 4 came out.
Can't believe I've paid for Traktor Pro 4 only to have it crash on me after some hours working on my music collection. All changes made to tracks, cuepoints, beatgrids etc. hours of work LOST!! I'm in the middle of a mix and without any prompt the program just ends and shuts itself of without saving ANY data.

Reopening the program results in everything being reverted back to the state when I opened it the first time before I started working on collection and mixes.

This is the second time in a couple of weeks and it's a disgrace to be honest.
As a professional I can't work with software that cannot be trusted.

Anyone else having the same issue?


  • Elandiel
    Elandiel Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Following up on my post above I really wonder why there is no track collection AutoSave function built in this software.
    It's a frigging disaster to have to redo cuepoints, beatgrinds, loops etc. for 200 tracks after a crash.


  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 227 Pro
    edited February 2

    You can restore your library from Traktor's backup folder. Use the last date before the crash and everything will be back.

    Of course there is an "autosave" function. Every time you close Traktor the library is saved in the backup folder.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    I think he made a bunch of changes without closing traktor, in which case there is no backup :(

    Gotta manually save once in a while when working on it for long time.

  • PhynomMusic
    PhynomMusic Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I had something similar happen, although it wasn't nearly as detrimental and didn't involve collections but rather playlists and frustrating enough for me to notice. I simply dragged a few albums into a playlist. I some time, I notice that the software was not loading and playing tracks. So, I closed it to restart it, and the software hung. I used End Task in Windows Task Manager. When I restarted the software, the albums I had drug into the Traktor Pro 4 were not in the playlist. And if I am being completely honest, when I initially created the playlist, the same thing happened. When I opened the software, no playlist. This happened like 2 or 3 times, which why I stated to notice it. It totally makes me lose confidence in this software. As a user of Adobe Lightroom, which has collections, and imports, etc., this really makes not want to waste the time using it to try and organize my music.

  • Dyltron9000
    Dyltron9000 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same thing just happened to me… how do you restore the last backup? I need a step by step, can’t seem to find the folder used for backups from the settings menu, which is where I thought it would be.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    Can't help with a step by step, but the backups are around ~/Documents/Native Instruments/Traktor x.x.x/backup/collection.

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    edited March 7
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