MIDIDevice: Unable to unlock BMIDI DLL/driver

Anyone had any experience of the error 'MIDIDevice: Unable to unlock BMIDI DLL/driver' and have silver bullter for it. Often causes a complete freeze of Traktor and the host computer has to rebooted to be able to restart


Best Answer

  • Mister Hayman
    Mister Hayman Member Posts: 60 Member
    Answer ✓

    I've since bought a new machine and although the fatal hang→ crash has happened once, there wasn't the coinciding 'MIDIDevice: Unable to unlock BMIDI DLL/driver' Event Viewer Error.

    I have case open with NI about the crash. But I wont be looking for a silver bullet to the 'MIDIDevice: Unable to unlock BMIDI DLL/driver' issue as its gone away as far as I'm concerned.

    I've since patched Traktor to 4.0.2 .. so who knows,,, maybe that made the problem go away.

    I had to move things fwd with the experimental new machine build because this problem had been hanging around for so long and t was getting majorly embarrassing at gigs :)



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,293 mod


    this seems to refer to the bomes midi driver that comes with the native harware agend for the keyboards daw midi port. You could try to install this sdk here:

    BMIDI Virtual MIDI SDK – Bome Software

    have you st some security stuff like UAC to max?

  • Mister Hayman
    Mister Hayman Member Posts: 60 Member

    cheers for the reply, so does this mean its nothing to do with Traktor?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,293 mod

    Not directly, I would say, do you use a native instruments traktor controller maybe? That error is definitely very strange and makes no sense to me with the info we have so far.

  • Mister Hayman
    Mister Hayman Member Posts: 60 Member

    yeh "..Often causes a complete freeze of Traktor .." :) Has been logged with NI for a few weeks, no resolution as such as of yet.

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 379 mod

    Any update? @Mister Hayman

  • Mister Hayman
    Mister Hayman Member Posts: 60 Member
    Answer ✓

    I've since bought a new machine and although the fatal hang→ crash has happened once, there wasn't the coinciding 'MIDIDevice: Unable to unlock BMIDI DLL/driver' Event Viewer Error.

    I have case open with NI about the crash. But I wont be looking for a silver bullet to the 'MIDIDevice: Unable to unlock BMIDI DLL/driver' issue as its gone away as far as I'm concerned.

    I've since patched Traktor to 4.0.2 .. so who knows,,, maybe that made the problem go away.

    I had to move things fwd with the experimental new machine build because this problem had been hanging around for so long and t was getting majorly embarrassing at gigs :)

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 379 mod

    Thanks for sharing! @Mister Hayman

  • Olisil
    Olisil Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Since August I have frequent freeze/crashes, often several a day. Going crazy about finding the reason. Logs and procedures to find out mostly result in something like "an unexpected shutdown happened". No ******!
    The latest suspect is NIHardwareService" which in the event viewer says "MIDIDevice: Unable to unlock BMIDI DLL/driver". It was years ago I even used any NI software or hardware. Really strange if a NI driver decides to make hell of my work days every day since august this year.

  • Colten
    Colten Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm having the exact same problem. I don't use any NI Hardware at the moment and have uninstalled the traktor drivers. At one point I did connect the traktor kontrol z2 to my computer but currently I'm not using it.

    My computer keeps crashing and I keep getting the "MIDIDevice: Unable to unlock BMIDI DLL/driver". error

    Anyone have a fix for this or any suggestions??

  • creal
    creal Member Posts: 38 Member
    edited February 8

    I had the same problem last week. The S4MK3 lights blinked, and the music stopped playing during a show. Two times! Now I really fear to use Traktor again for a live show.

    I noticed that the error 259 was logged into Windows. But from an external point of view, it was like a short lack of current happened. As if the controller was not detected. Because the music still played from Traktor but no sound went out of the controller. Very weird and unpleasant.

    Can you NI team do something for us, please? This is a serious problem.

    If you need further info, don't hesitate to tell me.

    EDIT: it seems like the Bome MIDI driver doesn't appear if I search it into the "installed program" in Windows 11

    gEORGE eXARCHOS Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    MIDIDevice: Unable to unlock BMIDI DLL/driver


    Notice from windows 11

    NI HardwareService is ocasionally freezing my cubase (since January) and I don't even have any NI hardware in my studio setup.

    I have the native access installed for Kontankt which I don't even use anymore (since I have to relocate the libraries every now and then plus it losing the setings from backup projects).

    So basically nothing from NI inside my projects what so ever and still something is causing problems in my system.

    Any NI representative here so I can have some assistance?

    Where should I address my problem?

    Thank you.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,422 mod
    edited March 5


    If you do not have any NI Hardware device at all, then you must uninstall the NI HardwareService, or at least disable it.

    Normally, NI Hardware Service is integrated with Maschine installer so you will not find a specific uninstaller for this in your Control Panel —> Programs & Features.

    So, you have to disable it. First, you need to go in Windows Services.

    Open Search and simply write Services.

    It will pop-up. Choose "Run as administrator".

    The Services panel will open. Now, scroll down until you find the "NI Hardware Service".

    Double-click it to open, then click the "Stop" button first and after, set it to "Disable".
    Like this:

    Click "Apply" and exit. It won't bother you any more. :-)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,422 mod

    But there is more!

    If you want a "complete" solution, either because you still have issues with the BMIDI DLL/driver, either because you are not using it anywhere else, you have to uninstall it too.

    Go to: C:\ProgramData\Bome Software\Bome Virtual MIDI

    Use the unins000.exe to completely remove the app.

    That's it. 😉

    gEORGE eXARCHOS Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    First of all thank you very much for your replies. I will try your solutions, although I fear that the problem is caused by my midi keyboard which is novation launchkey mk4. I'm not sure if they use BMIDI DLL/driver

    in their aplication or somehow related to NI, but after restading windows a couple of times, I disconected

    (by accident) and then reconected the midi device, and cubase started regularly.

    Maybe it was random (I tried a lot of things like uninstalling re-installing,logging in and out from centers and occasionaly the problem seemed to be fixed).

    Anyway thanks again for your help.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,422 mod
    edited March 5

    It is good that you mentioned this.

    Indeed, the Bome Virtual MIDI driver is used by many developers, so, it is very likely that your Novation use it too. So, unless you find out for sure (by asking Novation or any other hardware provider you may use), it is best to leave it installed.

    The NI Hardware Service however, is exclusively for Native Instruments hardware, so if you do not have any, it is safe to disable it.

    Καλή συνέχεια 😉

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