I am a novice on this and can't load/install anything but Rx11 from the 7 suite product



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,975 mod
    edited February 6


    Besides using the 64 bit Audacity version to be able to use 64 bit plugins then you also need to download and install the 64 bit FFMpeg for Audacity.

    Also on my rather fast PC then Audacity automatically did a scan but took around 13 minutes to scan all my plugins. There were a lot of plugins that it said were not compatible but Qzone were not one of these. In fact then I include a screenshot of Ozone open in Audacity.

    However please understand that Audacity will have limited compatibility and might crash in some situations including if you open too many plugins. But it is a free product so it should cost you nothing other than the bother to test.

    Otherwise then for the use of Audacity then please refer to the Audacity manual and the Audacity forum.

  • RobBurley
    RobBurley Member Posts: 12 Member

    so kind and helpful- thank you!

  • RobBurley
    RobBurley Member Posts: 12 Member

    thank you so much. I really appreciate your kindness and answering the question now all the things you just said as far as I’m able to understand them!

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,975 mod

    You are very welcome , it was a pleasure to be able to assist you this much at least and thank you very much for the kind words of appreciation. I hope that you can get things to work with Audacity without too many problems , otherwise then there are a number of DAWs out there that possibly could work. However should you want to do a lot of sound editing or music making in the future then at some point you might get the need to get a better program e.g. like a DAW that is on the supported (list). Some DAWs have light versions that comes with hardware. Also in case that that matters to you then not all DAWs integrate equally well with N.I. keyboards though some such as Bitwig and Reaper can be used using Moss extension. With respect to DAWs and DAW use then I know far too little to be a very good advisor on that but a free trail is always a very good place to start if one is available.

  • RobBurley
    RobBurley Member Posts: 12 Member

    I want one that’s intuitive

  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 270 Pro

    I know I'm a bit late to the party but I can also highly recommend Wavosaur. This is a free audio editor with VST and ASIO support and that can easily be a lifesaver at times.

  • RobBurley
    RobBurley Member Posts: 12 Member

    thank you - will seek it out!

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    If you don't mind buying Wavelab Elements at about £85 there's a bunch of tutorials on the Steinberg/Wavelab YouTube channel here - https://www.youtube.com/%40Wavelab . The problem with asking for help here is that it's difficult to describe some of the processes involved in restoring and mastering in a text only forum.

    The WaveLab trial is 60 days which is enough to play around and decide if you like it. That timeframe might even slide you into the next Steinberg sale. But as others have suggested, there are free alternatives.

  • RobBurley
    RobBurley Member Posts: 12 Member

    I made a slightly mad late night decision and bought Ableton Live last night!

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,975 mod

    Great decision IMO , also while e.g. Wavelab Elements might sound as a deal at about £85 then IMO it's too much to spend still not getting a full blown DAW , then far better spending that amount on getting a DAW such as Ableton Live. Also Ableton Live is probably rather intuitive to use as you wanted. So you are probably going to be satisfied with your purchase 🙂

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    Wavelab can't be compared to a DAW, it has a completely different use case. It's designed for mastering, not as a DAW and the workflow and included tools reflect that.

  • RobBurley
    RobBurley Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thanks so much all, really helpful

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,220 mod

    When you start using Live be sure to turn on the "Use VST3 Plug-in System Folders" option in the Plugins section of Preferences. If you don't do that the RX plugins won't appear in the Ableton plugin list.

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