2025 Outlook: Maschine, Kontrol, and NKS Hardware Partnerships



    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro
    edited February 2

    I’m looking into push 3 controller , I like that I could add standalone at a later date , I didn’t really get into ableton last time i tried , but I’d imagine it’s easier with the controller

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    Hi @BIF

    Please see my other post about whats next for KK (after the NKS HW integration) and how we plan work before the development work starts. What is posted here is official (confident to deliver), however we have lists of improvements looking into the future that myself and the Hardware Systems leadership team are constantly discussing and prioritise before bringing it to the community. The confidence comes from all of the additional development preparation work mentioned in the other post, so this constraint only allows us to share 1 quarter into the future to the community.

    I still think that's a bit light on the information-sharing, but I can accept your answer.

    For the Kontrol S-Series MK3 update, can you elaborate, or other power users reading this, please fill in your top 3 requests?

    We've already had dozens of forum conversations over the last 18-24 months about all the stuff missing from KK MK3. This is probably one of the WORST things we have to deal with…the re-explaining of things that have already been talked to death.

    I'm convinced that "corporate amnesia" is a thing. It's very frustrating for us to have to go through this every time there's a personnel change for Komplete Kontrol.

    1. @Matthew_NI can you share some of this with Chris? I know you've been in these related forum threads, so I know you probably have the list somewhere.
    2. Can somebody find the link to any of our prior conversations with @JesterMgee on missing features? I know there were at least a couple of active threads on all that, right here in the forum. Maybe they were had 8-10 months ago…or a year ago?
    3. Please see @Kymeia's post earlier in this thread. Copied here for your convenience, Chris.

    …there may be other inputs, but items 1-3 above would be a great start for you, Chris.

    I'm not preparing you for more radio silence, quite the opposite. I'm saying this to bring awareness to the silence since i took over from Matt in October 2024 (who was great at communication with the community), and i was onboarding onto new responsibilities which needed my full attention.

    I'll give you some slack on that because Matt actually picked up a lot of that slack for all of us…from October until the holidays at the end of the year, so it felt (at least to me) that "lack of information" had not yet made itself obvious at least until Christmas.

    Going forward, I will be much more present on the community space, answering as many questions as i can providing quarter updates like this.

    Very good, I won't be alone when I say that I look forward to this.

    Thanks for listening…and please don't let those lost features be forgotten. Because we won't.

  • RHM
    RHM Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Thanks for the update.

    When will easy integration with Cubase be addressed?

  • Skijumptoes
    Skijumptoes Member Posts: 110 Advisor

    You need to be clear on what you're asking here, easy integration between what and Cubase?

    The Kontrol Mk3 hardware? Maschine hardware?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,457 mod

    …we are just expressing thoughts and opinions… and tastes… that's all. :-)

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,379 mod
  • angeldelight
    angeldelight Member Posts: 10 Member

    please can you confirm that Kontrol Mk 3 and Komplete Kontrol now work with OS 15 Sequoia.

    I work with video and music and have to update my Mac to OS 15 for FCP.

  • mittykeys
    mittykeys Member Posts: 1 Member

    Great to see the support for 3rd party controllers. As a newbie I would love to see the ability to either number the encoders in KK or be able to colour code them, then match those numbers/colours on the hardware controller. I'm always losing coordination between the two and having to count from left to right for the correct encoder - is it No. 5 or 6? or No. 7? !! esp when there's a gap between them on some banks.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    I'm using both with Sequoia here and haven't had any problems. I should add that they're not officially supported according to the Sequoia support page, but my personal experience is that they work fine.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 403 Guru

    Which took them 6-8 years to develop, test and release to the public.

    A nice, no-marketing behind the scenes of product development, including some hints for a ‘soon’ future:

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,016 mod

    It would also be nice with a specific section of the community strictly for support questions, the rest of the community is drowned with these posts and then the other conversations get lost in the noise.

    This is already being being considered and is depending on the results of an evaluation.

  • synchronizerman
    synchronizerman Member Posts: 14 Member

    When can we expect macOS Sequoia (15) support for Komplete Kontrol (s mkII) and Maschine mikro? The support notes don't mention them at all.

  • Prokat99
    Prokat99 Member Posts: 40 Member


    Can you give a timeline on NRPN lsb/msb capabilities in Kontrol keyboards? Sorely missing these

    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro
    edited February 3

    No mess with routing helps - and it is a full DAW. Downside with standalone mode is no third party support yet. Fingers crossed NI could port some Kontakt instruments to Push 3 Standalone and Arturia some synths and Analog Labs.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,379 mod
This discussion has been closed.
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