NAMM 2025: Introducing the NKS Hardware Partner Program



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,097 Expert

    ”Anger coming soon”

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,097 Expert
    edited January 22

    You can even have better: Kitmaker ports them automatically (and not only to MPCs).

    You pay the little price once and have ALL the expansions ported.

    That’s why I find that part of NI’s move odd… as was the “wav only expansion” move.

    But…you know…very little effort to try to sell something more

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 22

    Interesting… Is really open or does NI have some sort of vetting? Lets say I'm a part of a small indie company, with no previous history preparing to release our 1st open-source HW, can I get all the documentation details to add support to my product easily?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    Find and replace HW with SW and that's how the NKS program already works. So yes, ultimately, that's the goal here. But to start with, it's a high touch collaboration between a few key partners to get the message out. There will be a basic integration to start, and then we'll expand to Kontakt, and then it'll be an ongoing part of the NKS Developer program. The very first step required custom code, rather than say, an API, to be written. But this constraint goes away in the coming months.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,362 Expert

    Yeah, I've been using Kit Maker to supply my MPC with all the Maschine expansions (since Akai don't do heavily discounted bundles like NI) but it doesn't copy over the patterns, which is a shame.

    It's also a shame that Kit Maker doesn't convert the other way, and Maschine software still only imports the old Akai program formats, not the current ones.

    Maybe we'll see that happen now they're partners. 🤔

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,097 Expert

    Using premade patterns?

    Isn’t it a little bit like…let’s say… sampling someone’s else work? 😏

    (Sorry…I couldn’t keep it ☺️)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,097 Expert
    edited January 23

    @Matthew_NI since you are still here… can you at least answer if you are allowed to answer my question about M+ receiving same treatment as MPC regarding Play series or not?

    As I said, I think this would be an important information for this thread

  • Beatsandmore
    Beatsandmore Member Posts: 220 Advisor

    What about kontrol mk3 keyboards are they getting the much-needed update to komplete kontrol softeaand kontakt..

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    This is a better question for the Kontrol forum area. KSMK3 most recently got MIDI Templates, Play Assist on device and a basic Maschine integration. There are more features in beta right now that will ship soon, but I don't know what you're referring to. Perhaps you could ask it in the dedicated forum area?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod
  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod
    edited January 23

    Yeah - this is actually a Kontakt question in a way, so I can help out here.

    Maschine Plus can load Kontakt in controller mode, but not standalone, as you know. Running Kontakt standalone is too resource intensive at this time.

    The Akai content partnership takes Kontakt instruments and rebuilds a version of them in the Akai MPC Sampler.

    We've done a very similar thing with the new Maschine Central library.

    "We brought some of our favorite, heavy-hitters from Kontakt to Maschine’s sampler. Explore everything from bass to percussion to strings to pads, and beyond. Plus there’s keys from renowned instruments like Noire, Straylight, Session Strings, Choir: Omnia, and much more."

    This is significantly more content than the Akai partnership has yet announced - and includes most of our signature instruments, all available and playable in Maschine. And of course, on Maschine Plus in standalone mode as well. We announced Maschine Central last year, so my hope is that Maschine users don't feel left out here because a subset are also available elsewhere.

    Again - it's just about making sounds available to people who want them, wherever they want to use them.

  • FrankiePCastle
    FrankiePCastle Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I’m a MPCHead and a Komplete kontrol user.. We MPC user been using all of the NI Sounds and plugins.. it always been a partnership.. Sorry guys.. but Ni been 100 when it came to complete control.. with this latest move,. Thank you for at least staying true to your name that’s the very reason why I fell into your ecosystem in the first place.

  • darshie76
    darshie76 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Honestly I like the idea of extending to other hardware the ability of using NKS.

    And I don't care about having packs be available on other devices like th MPC as I can convert packs already since you buy wav files in the end, so there is nothing stopping me from making my own kits if I want to, but I appreciate the gesture even if I don't have a MPC.

    What I find confusing is that instead of focusing on a way to support hardware in general, it is focused on specifc partners.

    For example: if you have a keyboard that is not supported, tough love.. It is not NI's fault as the format has to be implemented by the 3rd party company. Why instead don't make a format that we users can implement? I have synths that I want to use with my computer and plugins and I can't, because every company need to make their own sysex and custom language; so I need to deal with having multiple keyboards and also midi controllers that support and integrate with this or that DAW or family of plugins, just because nobody can use a single standard. Make NKS that standard, we write the layer to adapt it to every hardware (midi keyboard, synths and so on) and problem solved.

    I don't need your S keyboards, sorry, already got a ton of junk; and also the only thing I need is a Maschine hardware update, but instead it seems you just ditched Maschine entirely, and maybe just care about the plus, if even you care about that dinosaur at this point; as there is more profit to be made on the software in the end… Just focus on one thing; make a synth like Arturia and Akai did, with your VSTs on it; or stick with a hardware product like Akai did with their MPCs and carry on; instead of constantly hoping that other companies adopt a standard and then have us consumers get a bunch of stuff that is abandoned or don't work after few years.

    This is where you need to focus to be honest; is not that hard in the end, people just wants to make music, and not deal with complexity, plugins, software and all that is connected to it.

  • TimJ
    TimJ Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    As an Akai MPC One and Komplete 15 user, the announcement of this partnership is like Christmas in January! Thank You!! Having control of Komplete sounds on my MPC One is a gift I’ll gladly pay for. Thank You!

  • cl3an!
    cl3an! Member Posts: 18 Helper

    I think that this is fantastic news. Maybe some serious cross pollination can happen here that can benefit both platforms. I own both MPC and Maschine devices and is very excited about where this partnership can go.

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