The Kontakt 8 Device List in Options > Audio is missing an entry for Realtek Devices

JeffK Member Posts: 5 Member

My PC's motherboard has both an analog (speaker) and digital (SPDIF) output. It uses a Realtek audio chip. The audio apps I use (Audacity, Analog Lab Pro) allow me to choose between these two devices for the output device: Speakers (Realtek(R) Audio) or
Realtek Digital Audio (Realtek (R) Audio)

However, Kontakt 8 only has one item listed: Realtek ( R ) Audio. It doesn't specify whether it is the Speaker or the Digital Audio. As it turns out it is the Digital Audio, because no sound is generated through the speaker output and an optical signal is generated from the Digital Audio port.

I was wondering why the analog Speaker is not listed as an option in Kontakt but is an option in other audio apps. I also noticed that the "Device driver configuration" entry (located just below "Device") is blank. It seems that would be the entry where we could specify 'speakers' or 'digital'.

I have workarounds, like using a DAC to get the optical output to my amp, but it would be much nicer to be able to choose either speakers or the digital output. Thanks.

PS: I noticed a post from January 2022 by Ant G. who pointed out the same problem but his solution was to select the ASIO driver. If I try to select the ASIO driver, it just goes back to selecting WASAPI (shared mode). But then, my other apps use WASAPI (shared mode) too and they show the two Realtek devices, so ASIO doesn't seem to be necessary.

Best Answers


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited January 21 Answer ✓

    A Realtek device is a 20$ basic onboard computer sound chip that is really not designed for pro level app like Kontakt.

    It deserves better.

    Gentle suggestion to consider a true ASIO based audio interface like even a very reasonably priced Ni interface and watch your issues disappear.

    Pro tip: if you do consider a proper audio interface - consider disabling onboard audio completely in your computer BIOS and let your new interface handle all your audio needs.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    edited January 21 Answer ✓

    Kontakt 8 only has one item listed: Realtek ( R ) Audio. It doesn't specify whether it is the Speaker or the Digital Audio.

    It is the same on my PC

    I was wondering why the analog Speaker is not listed as an option in Kontakt but is an option in other audio apps.

    That's a very good question that I alas am unable to answer , all I can do is to suggest that you ask N.I. Kontakt Support .

    If I try to select the ASIO driver, it just goes back to selecting WASAPI (shared mode). But then, my other apps use WASAPI (shared mode) too and they show the two Realtek devices, so ASIO doesn't seem to be necessary.

    Please notice that I have no idea of the latency caused by the following configuration , but what I have done myself is to use the Steinberg built-in ASIO Driver for all N.I. programs and more other , I also have turned off the allow a device to take exclusive control in Windows sound settings (see screenshot below here) though I did that before starting to use the Steinberg driver so I don't know if that applies here, but it works fine for me.

    In case that you need guidance contacting support : How to contact NI Support and How to get in touch with our Customer Care

  • JeffK
    JeffK Member Posts: 5 Member

    @Vocalpoint Thanks for the info about Realtek vs better audio devices. Could you suggest a few for me to look into? I'd appreciate it greatly.

    @PoorFellow Wow. Thanks for that incredibly detailed response. I downloaded the Steinberg built-in ASIO driver (thanks again for providing the link) and installed it. I then followed your directions on using the Control Panel > Sound dialog to remove the exclusive mode from the speakers. I opened Kontakt 8 and voila! I could now set ASIO as the audio device and specify the Steinberg ASIO driver in the device configuration. And I now have sound from my speakers without having to do any workarounds or purchasing new equipment! I am a total newbie to the Native-Instruments world and I'm impressed how quickly I got a response to my question. Thanks again for the time and effort you put into your answer! It was much appreciated. PS: this change did not break Analog Lab; I configured it to use the Steinberg ASIO driver and it worked without a hitch.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
    Answer ✓

    And thank you very much for providing feedback and for confirming the solution 🙂

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    Answer ✓


    "@Vocalpoint Thanks for the info about Realtek vs better audio devices. Could you suggest a few for me to look into? I'd appreciate it greatly"

    Tons of great (Affordable) options out there ranging from of course - NI devices:

    Komplete Audio 1 / Audio 2 : Audio Interfaces | Komplete

    To the Focusrite Scarlett series. To Presonus ES2 and ES4 and many more. All very well priced for the pocketbook. At the higher end - you can look into Universal Audio or my choice - RME.

    Plenty to read about here:

    Best audio interface 2025: For home recording and more | MusicRadar

    Glad you got your existing kit working. Good luck!


  • JeffK
    JeffK Member Posts: 5 Member

    @Vocalpoint Thanks for all those choices! That's just what I had in mind. Because I'm a newbie to digital music this information will give me a starting point to increase my understanding of what's involved. Also thanks for responding so quickly!

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