Is there a limit to how many tsi mapping files/commands can be used for a controller?

Toltemic Member Posts: 50 Helper

I'm currently mapping the rane a trak, and have manged to use all available modifiers for a single deck side (deck A) with about ~3500 lines I still have quite a bit more to add that I'm putting in another file plus also more tsi files for removing bugs/ QoL features

so I'm looking at most 7 mapping files x2 for deck a and b

But before I steamroll ahead with this I would like to know if there's limit and/or bugs that I might come across if I'm going to have quite a few tsi files ported to one device



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,220 mod

    Sooner or later you will find that opening or closing the preferences page will take longer and longer. This may lead to drop outs or a track running out and you being unable to start a new one in time. You can test this limit by loading the same mapping with hundreds of lines 20 times into controller manager and see.

  • Toltemic
    Toltemic Member Posts: 50 Helper

    Cheers, considering the big one will only be 2 tsi's and the rest will be way smaller hopefully I should be alright? (I have just imported the same big mapping 14 times, I'm not having a hit on performance). I have noticed when learning a new button there's now quite a bit of latency but I think thats more traktor also at the same time checking an highlighting related buttons

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