Cut groups off at the end of a sequence

Willie Da Kid
Willie Da Kid Member Posts: 12 Newcomer

Hi guys

I’m fully aware of how to get sounds to cut eache other off, but when I e.g. got a sample spread out over several groups, and play them in the same sequence, the last pad of the last group in the sequence doesn’t seem to get cut off by the first pad in the sequence when it loops!
The polyphonies is all set to 1, same as with the choke groups…!?!?!

Best regards




  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Choke won't work across different Groups.

    A solution can be to use ADSR instead of One-Shot, this way you can define for how long the sample plays based on note lenght.

  • Willie Da Kid
    Willie Da Kid Member Posts: 12 Newcomer

    Thx for the answer, but that’s some ******!
    So far I’ve just chopped the last pad of the sequence short, so that it fits, but that’s not the optimal way to do it…they should’ve thought of a solution to such a common situation, at this point!🙄

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Perhaps universal mute groups could work, but I dont think that will ever be added, or approaches like MPC's of having 4 'banks'.

    There's other solutions, like modulating (what people often call automation) the output to zero, using the Audio Plug instead of sampler, etc… depends on the use case but ADSR will be the fastest, unless you actually need to just tap pads to have samples fully play for performance reasons.

  • Willie Da Kid
    Willie Da Kid Member Posts: 12 Newcomer

    But let’s say if you chop a sample and spread it out over 2 groups, and then put both Group A and Group B in Choke Group 1, they should naturally cut each other off at the end of a loop, right…!?!?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 14

    Within that specific context, the answer is Yes, it should… But more broadly no, it should not because Groups can and/or often may have completely unrelated things, a chopped break in one group, a melodic sample on another, and people would not want one interfering with the others… To work in both scenarios we would need an option to either tie Groups somehow or have an insane amount of choke choices instead of just 8 per group it would be 100 per project or something… I think.

    You can also slice to a Pad instead of a Group, which gives many, many chops that will cut each other out if polyphony is at 1, but then you have to use Keyboard Mode, pros and cons. Maschine isn't really designed for more than 16 chops in Pad Mode, so whatever solution you pick will never be perfect… You have to go for the least annoying workaround for your use case, unfortunately.

  • Willie Da Kid
    Willie Da Kid Member Posts: 12 Newcomer

    I always chop manually, there should just be an option to either let the last sample of a sequence play out or get cut off, as you so logically suggested…!

  • D!ce
    D!ce Member Posts: 13 Member

    D-One wrote; or approaches like MPC's of having 4 'banks'.

    This is something I really would like to see in the Maschine MK4. And it can be easily done too, NI just needs to double use the 4 buttons above the pads and turn the Pad Mode, Keyboard, Chords and Step functions into Shift functions.

    The current way of chopping samples on more than 16 pads is trash.

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