Session Guitarist - Electric Storm Deluxe: Losing the sound all the time

Ruediger Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

Hi everybody,

I'm facing an odd problem with Session Guitarist - Electric Storm Deluxe

I try to play midi files (originally programmed in Guitar Pro 5, then exported as midi and importat into my DAW Cubase Artist 14) with the Electric Storm VST. When I use the "Melody Instrument" I initially have sound and I am also able to play my midi files in the DAW with the sound of Electric Storm. BUT once I stop playing, there is no more sound within Kontakt 8 (full version) when I press any note on the animated keyboard of Electric Storm. And also when I press play in my DAW there is also no more sound. Though on the animated keyboard there are visible movements. I then have to reload the "Melody Instrument" and I have sound again but as soon as I played in the DAW and pressed "stop" it's the same thing all over again…

Anyone any idea what the problem is?!? First time I experience this kind of sound loss of a Kontakt instrument.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,324 mod


    have you checked that there is no automation in your midi file, also have a look at the vertical volume slider of kontakt.

  • Ruediger
    Ruediger Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Hi Uwe,

    Many thanks for your reply! Have checked the vertical volume slider and it does not change before/after I play something. I also did not find an automation in the midi files. All the other midi files from the same source are triggered (bass, drums and keys - all also via Kontakt). It's only the guitar parts. When I use them with other plugins they are played. It's now with Electric Storm that I have these problems for the first time🤷‍♂️

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