8 Hours and still 3.0 not showing in my native access



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,778 Expert
    edited January 8

    Unluckily, the fact that NI doesn’t seem to understand that all of this is NOT ACCEPTABLE, that it’s their duty to fix it, that it shouldn’t even be there (cmon…not getting ONE SINGLE release right…), that if people working there are not able to do their job they must be replaced (sorry…I know it’s not nice to say…but this is what it is…)…. all of this means that more and more users will stop being “civil” and use foul language.

    With problems that are there since YEARS (not months, not one year, not 2 years…YEARS) and NI thinking that, instead of fixing them, is ok to continue to give workarounds (cancel this database, reinstall that thing, wait for the program to be added, …), users will start to call NI by names (well…they are already doing it…).

    Having to address people with issues to support articles about workarounds that are from 8 YEARS AGO is quite frustrating…what have you been doing in these 8 years? Well…surely not taking care of what is your duties…

    And one day you’ll have to start thinking “if someone says NI is s***… well…we deserve it”…

    Sorry…but this is my way to express frustration, since I don’t use foul language…

  • Derick
    Derick Member Posts: 5 Member

    I do apologise, it was a very frustrating couple of days, but they need to understand that they are in an industry of live performances, deadlines, shows, and all that good stuff that you need to be able to get support on your products/software quicker than this if you run into a problem.

    I couldnt imagine having to rely on NI products for a live performance or deadline work. Imagine running into a problem and going through the article loops that ask you if your laptop is updated just to have a live chat "agent" have you open a ticket.

    As supposedly one of the leading companys in this industry im suprised they cant even offer basic customer support services. Maybe they should stop buying 3rd party companies and invest in a live support team.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 359 Pro
    edited January 8

    I'm in total agreement with your feelings that sum up mine with this shoddy level of customer satisfaction.

    From day 1 of my first purchases of NI products I've experienced 1 problem after another with various levels of issues using different NI applications. Some were fixed eventually, others have never been fixed. I won't go into them all now as it would take far too long to list them all and they've all been well documented previously.

    I don't know just how NI manage to get it so wrong so often. I use many other major software applications and none of them come close to just how bad my time with NI has proved to be.

    I've shown my frustration by not investing in their products any further. If they want my money going forward they need to improve.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,227 Expert

    IMO though, if you are in the business of live performances, shows and deadlines, then it's YOUR responsibility to ensure that everything you require is prepared and ready before the event, and that you have backups in place should anything unexpected occur.

    Over the years I've seen many posts from people in this line of work, complaining that e.g. an update didn't work and they've got a gig in a few hours - well why update when you know you have a gig, and where's your backup? I guess it's easier to blame a third party than to admit your own failings. 🤔

  • Derick
    Derick Member Posts: 5 Member

    If youve used technology long enough, you know anything can happen. Hell all I did was download an update and Ive been without a working product going on 4 days now. Even if my performance had been 2 days later, this would still not be fixed. Sometimes we can only defend a company so much before they have to admit to being poorly managed and ran.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,778 Expert
    edited January 8

    Almost everything you wrote is correct.

    But that doesn’t mean NI is not to blame for not providing what users pay for: working programs. Contracts are always a two way thing: consumer must pay, company must work correctly.

    Users must take responsibility…yes… but because the company works poorly

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,227 Expert

    I'm not denying there's been an issue with the availability of the Maschine software for many people. What I'm saying is that it's wrong to use that as an excuse for not being organised when you're doing live perfromances, working to deadlines etc.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,778 Expert

    Not being organized has nothing to do with trusting they will deliver

    Me and you play it safe because we don’t trust. WE are wrong (maybe smart, but wrong), NOT people thinking they should get what they paid for.

    If NI would have a payment system that doesn’t allow them to know if an user pays with real money or not, who would be the one on the wrong side: them or the user paying with fake money?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,389 mod

    As I said earlier, not a problem, frustration is understandable.

    I'd like to point out that our normal reply times are usually less than 24 hours, however after the sales special and the holidays, we do have a back log and our teams are working hard to get rid of it.

    We know there is definitely room for improvement for the whole support journey and some improvements are planned for Q1/Q2 and we also use your comments as feedback to escalate these issues.

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