Is it possible to import user library data from Maschine 2 to Maschine 3 without adding manually?

Brad K
Brad K Member Posts: 2 Newcomer


I finally have Maschine 3 installed (after huge workaround for the failing plugin scan at launch) alongside Maschine 2. My Maschine 2 install has a lot of items in my user library… lots of paths, and projects, groups etc that I have tagged with custom types so they're quick to browse.

Is there a way to import all those paths and tagged data into Maschine 3 from Maschine 2?

It would save me many hours of setting all that up again from scratch.





  • Brad K
    Brad K Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Not sure what you mean…. which folder? Where does Machine store the list of paths in a file?

    For instance… in the image you can see I know how to add something to the user library in Machine 2…. I have many paths in there that point to content from Noiiz/Samplephoncs, Twisted Tools, Tonebuilder, 8DIO, Sound Dust, Samples From mars etc etc… the way Maschine library works I have to add each location individually, as it wont find the content buried in deep folder structures.

    So I'm hoping there is a way to import all that info that is stored in the Maschine 2 library into Maschine 3… without having to manually add all of those locations again, and all of the aliases/types/tags that I have setup so the content can be browsed quickly from the controller.

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 305 Pro

    ok , i thought you meant the maschine or ni user folder for maschine 2 , not a load of user sample libraries in different locations , not sure how you’d handle that

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,930 Expert

    Fortunately, Maschine 3 uses its own new set of preferences. Unfortunately, it doesn’t import the settings from Maschine 2. You have to do that manually.

  • trj
    trj Member Posts: 4 Member

    Anyone figure out a way to share user artwork for user libraries (visible in maschine 2) in Maschine 3 yet?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,930 Expert
    edited January 11

    Does it not show up in M3 for you? I‘ve got a couple of third party libraries for which I made custom artwork, and it shows as it did in M2.

    Edit: Not entirely sure anymore, as I also observed a bug mentioned in another thread: M3 doesn’t honor the vendor tag anymore (a problem that started the M+ already mid 2023) and shows all non-NI libraries under Other. However, I vaguely remember the thumbnail images being shown.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,930 Expert

    @trj indeed the custom artwork is not shown in M3. Today, I tried to import a couple of custom libraries and found a couple of quirks with the M3 browser. It seems pretty broken when it comes to User content.

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