DevineWavetable Synth and DevineAcid for Reaktor Blocks?



  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    Those who had full Reaktor 6 licenses when Devine made this can apparently still run it, those who got it recently, cannot. It seems to depend on changes that have definitely ocurred within component Blocks over time, and/or possibly changes in how they are authorized by NI.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod
    edited January 6

    As i wrote in the comment below, Euro Reakt is free since its last update in 2017 (link here):

    The download page that you link to says : "A separate edition that supports Reaktor 6.3

    So maybe a stupid question but : does that mean that the free Euro Reakt version 4.3 that you link to does not fully support latest version of Reaktor 6 then ?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,441 mod
  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 4

    I now have Devine Wavetable Synth working! I started this thread when my purchase new of Reaktor 6 for it failed to load it working, and had returned Reaktor 6 during the later part of the above discussion. I later bought an old Komplete 8 to get Absynth, and that came with Reaktor 5; as noted earlier in this thread I tried the Devine synth on that with the same fail results [a couple greyed out modules and a notice of Demo mode due to supposedly not owning needed Blocks, no sound].

    Since then I've become increasingly interested in NI, both Reaktor and Kontakt are interesting, so today I bought a Komplete 11 Update to get proper Reaktor 6, also Spotlight India… and the Devine Wavetable Synth is playing as I write this! It worked neither with Reaktor 5 nor 6 - but works now that I have both! Go figure!

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