Absurd GUI issue in Reaktor : can't access the output volume !

Calagan Member Posts: 188 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

Hi there !

Am I the only one in finding absurd you can't access the output volume of the Reaktor plugin.

I mean, you can raise it or lower it, but you can't access a numerical value of it so you know perfectly where you are and can set a similar level in another instance. Right now, you just click by hazard on a very small and non responsive triangle, in hope you'll find the correct output level, without any numerical indication like in the GUI of Kontakt.

I always found it absurd but I never had much troubles with it... Recently I needed to replace a lot of VST instances of Reaktor by equivalent AU instances (because I've got a M1 pro laptop and I want to run Live in native mode), and it took me an insane amount of time just to set my AU instances to the same level as my VST ones (using the presets I saved previously).

Only because I was a fool and sometimes I changed the level of my presets in the Reaktor GUI (instead of changing it in the synth GUI itself) !!!

I think it should be part of the next update (if we see it one day).

Or maybe I'm missing an hidden feature, and I'm just more stupid than I thought...


  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 142 Advisor

    If you double click on the slider it defaults to 0db,i always leave it at that.

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 188 Advisor

    Yep I know. But what are you doing when you need to match an audio unit instance with a vst one, and the slider is just « somewhere » ?

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    Every knob can receive MIDI CC values. Click MIDI In to On and choice your CC number at the knob.

  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 142 Advisor

    I am not sure i understand well the issue but if you double click the volume on both instances to make them at 0db they will then be the same volume no?

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 188 Advisor
    edited June 2022

    ok, let's replace the issue in context.

    Imagine you've got a very well working mix, but you need to replace all the VST instances of Reaktor with AU instances of Reaktor because NI is not able to update its plugins so they work without issue with your brand new computer.

    So you save the presets for each VST instance, get rid of it, replace it with an AU instance and load the preset you need.

    It sounds the same, but it's not the same level because of this stupid slider, and your whole mix fall apart ! My issue is about recalling the exact same sound - and this is the difference between using hardware or software... So of course there is always a way to do it, for exemple compare the levels and match them, but it takes a ridiculous amount of time where it should be super simple.

    Specially that the issue comes from the fact NI is not able to update their plugins even if the first Apple Silicon mac was released more than 2 years ago, so I need to replace vst by AU in my critical sessions in order to use Live native !

    Even outside of the context of my issue, EVERY plugin I know shows the values of its parameters, and most of them let you set them with a number, when clicking right, double clicking or cmd+click (depending on the plugin).

    Why Reaktor is the only one I know where it's absolutely impossible to know what level you set ?

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 188 Advisor

    Did you try this on the output level slider of Reaktor ?

    It just simply doesn't work...

  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 142 Advisor

    Ok i see,you want to preserve your mix.

    I am not familiar with AU though,but instead of saving presets and reloading them in the AU version you could save as an ensemble .ens and reload as an ensemble in the AU version,the ens will save the output level as well if i remember correctly.You might have to save a few different ensembles for each of your track using Reaktor but at least your level will be the same,no need to match it.

  • Moonbot7000
    Moonbot7000 Member Posts: 64 Member

    Maybe I'm not understanding the issue, but there is a system level macro in primary that will control the overall level (the little triangle)

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 188 Advisor
    edited June 2022

    This is what I did first, but then I need to keep the .ens files somewhere for recall. And I don't want to be forced to keep plenty of files everywhere just so I can keep my levels in one Live set.

    There is always a way to reach a goal, but my point was that it could be MUCH MORE SIMPLE to just have an output level slider where you can see the output volume (like in Kontakt) and that you can set with a numerical value (like in most plugins).

    Anyway, maybe most people here never had any problem with the output slider. I just wanted to tell how much absurd it was to me... and how simple the solution could be if NI would just adopt the ergonomics of most other plugin devs... I guess there's no need to discuss that during ages. I just ask myself if it's worthy to send NI a feature request while they are drown in the AS update project...

  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 142 Advisor
    edited June 2022

    I understand,that's why i keep this slider at 0db always hehe.

    I checked Moonbot suggestions and he is right actually...look in Auxiliary menu : Master Tune/Level and hook a numeric module to the level output and you will have a read out of the output slider.

    You can also use a knob at the input Lvl and type in the exact value from there.

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 188 Advisor

    I didn't know that... thanks to you and @Moonbot7000 for the trick...

    But anyway, it would be much easier to just be able to do that directly in Reaktor...

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    Connect a knob or fader on Lvl (Level) input. If you move it you can see the white triangle walk the line.

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