How to load FL Studio projects made with older KK software?

Schabbes Member Posts: 9 Member

Hi there!

I am having a very unpleasant problem right now:
If I try to load projects in FL Studio using Komplete Kontrol (KK), created some time between 2020 and 2023, KK loads completely empty, not even showing what plugin it was supposed to contain, or any error message, just empty.

Did I just loose everything I made during that time using KK? :(

Best Answer


  • Schabbes
    Schabbes Member Posts: 9 Member

    Oh and.. it seems the same thing is happening with Reaktor, too.

    Can I do something to save them? Is it possible to re-install older versions of Komplete Kontrol and Reaktor?

    Or can you backwards compatibility please?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    Here are some installers for kk but reaktor should work, maybe those projects used reaktor 5 so you would have to install that:

  • Schabbes
    Schabbes Member Posts: 9 Member

    I don't think some ancient 32 bit version is what I need here, and it probably wouldn't even load as the same plugin… I would need a Win 10 64 bit version of somewhere between 2020-2023.

    But I see there's 2.9.6, labelled "last Komplete Kontrol version that supports VST2" - so that's probably the problem…

    Why, NI? Why disable VST2 support after having only supported VST2 for years and only most recently added VST3?


    So now I need to juggle between at least two version of Komplete Kontrol until I get it out of the system and can finally never use it again? That's just great!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    Yeah unfortunately native was very late on vst3, steinberg released it way back and announced dropping vst2, of course it still works. Maybe just try to replace vst2 with vst3 if possible, now you know what instruments you had loaded.

  • Schabbes
    Schabbes Member Posts: 9 Member

    Just to clearly state the problem again, because it seems to be prone to misunderstanding:

    - I load up an old project in FL Studio, the project contains tracks with KK (Komplete Kontrol).

    - The project loads, the tracks load, KK loads, BUT: KK is empty, no error messages, just empty, fresh KK - no trace of the plugin it contained when the project was saved or it's settings.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,999 mod
    edited January 3 Answer ✓

    If you have used the VST2 version of KK then you might indeed want to have the KK 2.9.6, labelled "last Komplete Kontrol version that supports VST2" on your computer if you need to recall projects using that :

    Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6 - Last VST2 supported version

    How to Keep Komplete Kontrol 2.9 and Komplete Kontrol 3 on Your System –Native Instruments

    Also as a general observation then for stuff to work you usually have to run KK as standalone at least on time after installation.

    As for the DAW problem in general then I am sorry but I myself do not know enough about DAW problems I only know that people in the past have had problems getting their stuff to work after updating to KK 3.x.x by mistake. I can link you to a discussion though I do not know how relevant it is or how much it will help you :

    There is a very informative thread over here (lead by Jester Mgee) !

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    Exactly that's what I meant, install latest vst2 - open the projects - replace with vst3

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