M32 and Komplete Kontrol in Logic Pro X

NIZAMIXIII Member Posts: 10 Member

PLATFORM: Apple MBP M1 Pro/Sequoia 15.1.1 Logic Pro X 11.1


Komplete Standard 15

After years of drooling over the ads, I took the plunge and bought Komplete 15 and an M32 keyboard. Having had an Arturia Minilab Mk 1, which took a PhD to set up in Logic, I was hoping the M32 would be plug and play—at least with NI s/w instruments but nope.

The knobs on the h/w keyboard work for some instruments in KK standalone app.

But not in Logic.

I have performed every step I can find, including setting Logic Pro X to run in Rosetta, but cannot get Logic to recognise the M32 as anything apart from an A-Series keyboard.

And the knobs don't work in Logic. The first alters the track volume, the others don't do anything, same as the ancient Arturia Minilab Mk 1.

Having the knobs work the instruments as advertised and within the DAW, was precisely the feature I was looking for in switching to NI. I can't believe I'm caught in the same trap!

Any help greatly appreciated!


Best Answer


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,222 mod

    It’s probably due to Sequoia - it has a new security feature that blocks the hardware connection service that integrates DAWs like Logic with the keyboard but luckily there is a solution

    NIZAMIXIII Member Posts: 10 Member

    Thanks @Kymeia yes I saw that and have tried. Am I right in thinking only way for M32 to control NI instruments is via Komplete Kontrol (inside Logic)? I had two, each on separate tracks, and things got a bit crashy, noticed very high CPU load also. It's clear that NI do not support M32/Logic. The DAW keeps picking it up as an S-series kb.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,222 mod

    Technically it is an S Series keyboard - M32 is the same generation of keyboards as the S Series MkII so as far as a DAW is concerned it should work as such

    NIZAMIXIII Member Posts: 10 Member

    Maybe…ppl over on the Logic Pro Help forum think otherwise…Would be good to know from @NativeInstruments themselves whether their product is properly supported—i.e. maps to Logic Pro—or not, and if not, why not.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    Sequoia is not officially supported on Sequoia but there were no major issues reported. Some new steps were added by Apple and @Kymeia already shared it.

    Do Komplete Kontrol and Logic all have full disk access? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    Is everything functional in Komplete Kontrol in standalone? Can you load, play and control all your presets?

    NIZAMIXIII Member Posts: 10 Member

    Hi Jeremy, thanks for the message.

    Things went from bad to worse…last week I had key but not knob functionality in Komplete Kontrol. Seems there was a Sequoia thing. Today it asked if I wanted to allow an NI agent access…I hit yes, even though I had already done that. Now everything works in Komplete Kontrol 3.3.4.

    As for KO as VST inside Logic Pro X…it almost works…unless my expectations are off?

    The keys and knobs work the same as with standalone KO app…except for recording knob movements.

    1. Recording with KO track in Logic selected and in M32 kb in Plugin Mode:
      Knobs work the KO preset parameters
      Recording knob movements causes a red flicker on the midi region.
      As soon as recording is over, there is no information recorded.
    2. Recording with KO track in Logic selected and in M32 kb in Track Instance Mode:
      1st knob controls DAW track volume
      4th knob controls DAW master volume.
      Recording knob movements is the same as 1.
    3. KO knobs DO respond to automation curve tracks in the DAW…here though only a few have identifiable handles in the automation track menu…most parameters are just numbers.

    Question: Is this how M32 + KO is supposed to function inside Logic Pro X?

    It would be awesome to be able to record knob movements :-)

    I'm still concerned that the M32 isn't recognised by Logic properly.

    KO picks it up fine as M32. Logic thinks it's a "KOMPLETE KONTROL A-SERIES." Could that be the problem?

    Look forwards to your expert help!

    Screenshot attached of controller setup in Logic.

    NIZAMIXIII Member Posts: 10 Member

    I wrote S-series in an earlier comment—that was also true—I deleted the "S-Series" keyboard from the controller setup environment and on next load it came up as an A Series. If there is no "M32" that can pop up in Logic, am I then better with the M32 listed as an S-Series?

    NIZAMIXIII Member Posts: 10 Member

    Ok so I deleted the A-series, unplugged the M32, rebooted Logic…and I'm back to where I was last week. The M32 is dumb. It only works at all if KO is loaded as a plugin in Logic.

    Most worrying of all—even with the functionality described above—I'm getting a lot of crashes… :-(

    What's going on?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod
    Answer ✓

    The M32 and the A series have the same architecture. Simply let Logic choose the correct one or seletc the A series.

    To record automation you need to click on Plug-in on the M32 (to activate the control of the plug-in versus Logic host integration features. Then press SHIFT + AUTO to enanble Touch automation in Logic, record your automation and press SHIFT + AUTO again to read the automation (this is not specific to the M32, this is how automation works in Logic).

    Please read the following:




    NIZAMIXIII Member Posts: 10 Member

    Belatedly…thanks @Jeremy_NI :-) Total Control does take a bit of getting used to…occasional crashes…maybe CPU overload if e.g. firing up during playback, which one would expect. Seems reasonably solid otherwise.

  • Zuuti
    Zuuti Member Posts: 11 Member

    I have encountered this same issue with my m32 keyboard. I also have an s49 mk2 and I got that one to work by following thiS

    My m32 however is not being recognised automatically by logic despite all the steps I took. @Jeremy_NI

  • Zuuti
    Zuuti Member Posts: 11 Member

    My m32 isn't new, either. I had it fully working with logic before Sequoia

  • Zuuti
    Zuuti Member Posts: 11 Member

    After using my s49 for a little bit I have also noticed the Quantize and undo buttons Are not working.

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