The Usual Suspects NKS



  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 208 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    Here is performance bank 3. So close, but no Performance Bank 1 and 2:

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Amazing work. I had a little search for those missing perf banks you mentioned and am unable to find much info related to them. I tried looking through my libraries also, but don't see them in there. I do have a folder of 12 unsorted factory banks it seems, all in .ngf format (which I am not familiar with). Not exactly sure if these contain performances as the folders are numbered but the presets all have names. They seem like factory sounds at least as some are in the inventory already I can see. If you want them I can send them over. Whether it will shed any light on things I dunnoโ€ฆ

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,408 mod
    edited December 2024

    OK, here is the complete Nord Lead banks and presets collection. Not just the Factory ones but (almost) everything available (and free). It includes Nord Lead 1, Nord Lead 2 and Nord Lead 2x.

    Everything is sorted by Synth, Library, Bank, Preset, each one in its own folder. Most of them appear by name, when it was possible, but there are also full name lists for the rest (on a separate archive). Many duplicates has been removed (not all, since some "duplicates" have a slightly different sound, and some others are still available as numbers and its a lot of work to rename and export them one by one).

    I kept the default Nord format (.ngf) wherever was possible, instead of .mid or .syx. I also kept one file format for banks and libraries, either .syx, either .mid, but never both! Simply because they will give you tons of duplicates. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Some 3rd party Nord Lead presets (Puppet Nation) has been renamed because of their weird syntax which crashed Nodal (and Maschine) instantly while scanning.

    Few 3rd party Nord Lead 2x banks by synesthetica are included. They are free but the creator appreciate and accept donations. If you wish, use the above link and support him.

    The lists are in .html and .doc formats. I advice you to keep them separately and not put them in the Nodal scan folder.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Pretty much everything I have too in some rather more disorderly fashion. Don't think I have the Martian expansion though, or maybe haven't seen it. Not sure I will be able to categorise all of that, but I will give the initial ones we have a shot if I can. Kinda caught up until mid week, but would be nice to have the option to choose instrument categories.

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 208 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    This is NodalRed2x NKS. All that I have, tagged and with previews.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Badass! That saves me a lot of headache. Thank you. Happy Holidays!

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    No category tags for Pads it seems though.

    NodalRed2x NKS. Resaved with Pads category. ;)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,408 mod

    Thanks a lot :-)

    Also thanks a lot :-)

    I also tagged them yesterday, made a full NKS2 resources, separation by banks and sub banks (assuming that we will continue with NL 1 and 2) and a more complex template (Diam, you didn't add any "sensitivity" values its the red dot behind every parameter!) but still, i wasn't satisfied enough so i wanted to re-check today (off-topic: however, its my birthday today and probably i will not do anything ๐Ÿ˜›)

    so, you both beat me on that! i will check both your archives and will upload mine only if something is missing (or if ave more tagging etc etc)

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Excellent man. Admittedly, I did create my template rather early in the beta phases of this thing and posted it as a beta template so to speak, as you note missing some parameters. I would like to have the presets with your revised template though, if that's what you've created or was implied in your post of course.

    Happy Birthday Dude!

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    Thought this was a mistake, then remembered this controls parameters for both oscillators. Reason I separated them.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    Here are 3 Nodal Red 909 presets I resaved as they were not loading the correct preset, rather they were all assigned to a synth lead preset. I have also tagged them in the Drums category. Please see below for where the correct bank location to place them in


  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor

    Another 3 from Bank 8 that needed resaving (same issue again). If I find anymore I will just fix and then upload when I have sifted through everything.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 321 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    So there were a good few presets in Nodal Red bank 8 that were not loading the correct presets for me. I have gone through the bank and resaved them. Hopefully these work for you too if you experienced the same issue. It appears a few of the presets have been assigned the wrong preview. The ones listed below are the ones I could identify to have inconsistent preview files. If anybody can possibly let me know if this works for them would be good. Think I fixed most of them (over 30 presets needed resaving), though there may have been one I couldn't find, which has slipped my mind now. Not sure if this is affecting the other banks either.

    So, I think Bank 8 loads correctly for me now. In addition to the presets listed above for Bank 8, the following 2 presets also have the wrong preview assigned from what I can see (or hear should I say).

    • Strike&Wait
    • Tea five
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,325 mod
    edited December 2024

    Sorry I'm late to this party but I have some time off now so am going to try this, but where are the EPRoms for the Nord 2x? I found some for the 2 but I assume that is a different product? (I'm only familiar with the G2 Modular, as I have the hardware of that)

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